11) hospitals

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Luna and Stiles were at the hospital after bringing Noah to the hospital once they saw he was hurt. "Thanks for coming Luna" Stiles said.

"Hey of course" Luna said and hugged Stiles. "He's going to be okay he'll get through this" Luna said and pulled away from the hug.

"Stilinski right you said his insurance was with the county he's a deputy" the nurse asked.

"No, he's the sheriff he's the county sheriff okay he's covered I mean he should be covered" Stiles said and Melissa came over.

"I'll take care of it" Melissa said and took the chart. "I texted Scott he's coming as soon as he can I can call Malia" Melissa said.

"No, no, no don't, don't call anyone Luna's all I need right now" Stiles said.

"Is there anyone else we need to notify a next of kin" the nurse at the desk asked. "No, it's me it's just me" Stiles said.


Luna saw Stiles sitting alone and went to him sitting next to him. She slowly put her hand on his knee causing him to look at her.

"Everything will be okay I promise he's not going to die he's Noah Stilinski he's stronger than anyone I know" Luna said.

Stiles nodded at her and smiled. "Thanks for being here" Stiles said. "You don't need to thank me I'm always going to look out for you" Luna said.


After Luna let Stiles sleep for a moment Melissa came over and Luna carefully shook him awake.

"Hey, he's okay Dr Geyer is stitching him up right now" Melissa told Stiles. "Okay I wanna see him" Stiles said. "Okay the anesthesia needs to wear off it's gonna be at least two hours" Melissa said.

"Okay yeah but everything's gonna be okay though I mean he's okay" Stiles asked.

"He's gonna be just fine" Melissa said. "Oh, thank god" Stiles said and hugged Luna. "I told you he would be okay" Luna said.


"What do you mean you don't know" Stiles asked the Dr. "Two hours ago, he was fine now it looks like somebody took a baseball bat to his neck" Stiles said.

"There could've been some minor internal" Dr Geyer said. "Did you say minor internal since when is anything internal minor" Stiles asked.

"Stiles" Melissa said. "I need to know what's going on with him okay Dr Geyer somebody needs to tell me what's happening somebody needs to tell what's happening to him" Stiles said yelling the last part.

"We don't know" Melissa said. Luna noticed Stiles saw Scott.

"Stiles, Stiles, Stiles don't" Luna said but Stiles already made his way to Scott pinning him to the ground.

"Where were you, you trusted him, you believed him" Stiles said and Luna pulled Stiles off of Scott.

Melissa and Dr Geyer came and pulled Stiles away helping Luna keep him away from Scott. "Okay alright, alright" Stiles said.

"Your dad's not the only one who got hurt" Scott said. "Oh, you'll heal" Stiles said. "I'm not talking about me" Scott said. "What are you talking about" Luna asked Scott.


Luna ran to Lydia's room and ran in the room in tears seeing Lydia.

Natalie looked and saw Luna and saw she noticed Lydia.

"It's okay" Natalie said pulling Luna in for a hug. "It's going to be okay" Natalie said rubbing her back. "She's going to be fine I promise" Natalie said.


"It could be a side effect of shock" Parrish said. "She's catatonic it was Theo digging his way through her mind" Stiles said.

"Why would he do that what is he looking for" Melissa asked.

"The same thing he's always looking for an advantage" Scott said. "So, what did he gain by trying to kill Stilinski" Parrish said.

"It left me alone with Liam, Theo wanted to make sure no one would be there to stop him from killing me" Scott said. "And he knew Stiles would be too worried about his dad to realize what was happening with Scott" Luna said.

"Okay so he gutted my dad as a distraction" Stiles said. "We need to find this kid" Parrish said.

"Isn't that a little dangerous especially since he almost killed my kid" Melissa said. "Yeah, but he said he didn't want my dad to die" Stiles said.

"And you believe him" Parrish asked. "He told me where to find him so maybe he also knows how to save him" Stiles said. "What do you want to do talk to him" Melissa asked.

"If it saves my dad then yeah" Stiles said. "I'll come with you he doesn't know that I'm alive maybe that gives us an advantage" Scott said.

"He'll know your there I just need to talk to him not fight him" Stiles said. "You still shouldn't go alone" Luna said.

"Does anyone even know how to find him" Parrish asked.

"We don't have to find him he'll come to me" Stiles said. "If you need my help, call me" Luna said and Stiles nodded. "You have your jeep right" Luna asked.

"Yeah" Stiles told her. "Okay good" Luna said and left.


Luna was at home eating some leftovers when she heard a knock on her door. Luna put the leftover food down and opened the door. "Scott what are you doing here" Luna asked.

"I came to apologize" Scott told her. "Theo tricked me I'm sorry I want to make things right" Scott said. 

"Scott you shouldn't have believed Theo in the first place you knew Stiles longer than him not even that you wouldn't let Stiles tell his side of the story" Luna said.

"I know" Scott said looking down. "You want to make things right then start with your best friend" Luna said.

"Okay" Scott said. "Good night, Scott" Luna said and closed the door.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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