9) party guessed

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Luna was with Derek and Scott discussing how to catch Jackson after the plan didn't work out.

"I'm saying we need a new plan because next time one of us is gonna be to hurt to heal" Derek said. "Yeah, but what" Luna asked. "Nothing's worked" Luna said Derek shrugged.

"Ugh I get it we can't save Jackson" Scott said. "We can't seem to kill him either I've seen a lot of things Scott I've never seen anything like this every new moon's just gonna make him stronger" Derek said. "But how do we stop him" Scott asked.

"I don't know I don't even know if we can" Derek said. "Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it" Scott said.

"I'm the one who turned him it's my fault" Derek said. "Derek none of this is your fault you couldn't have known" Luna said and Derek smiled. "Thanks Luna" Derek said.

"But you didn't turn him into this I mean this happened because of something in his past right" Scott said.

"That's a legend in a book it's not that simple" Derek said. "What do you mean what are you not telling me" Scott asked.

"Why do you always think I'm always keeping something from you" Derek asked.

"Because you always are keeping something from me along with Luna" Scott said. "Maybe we do it to protect you" Derek said. "Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets" Scott asked.

"Be grateful with what you don't know" Luna said. "Okay why is it every time you two are together it's two against one" Scott asked and they both shrugged.

"Go home Scott sleep heal make sure your friends are safe cause the full moon's coming and with the way things are going I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one" Derek said.


Derek was on the ground and opened the chest that was on the ground. "What is that" Issac asked seeing the triskele right as Luna walked in.

"It's a triskele" Boyd said and everyone looked at him. "Spirals mean different things past present future mother father child" Boyd said. "You know what it means to me" Derek asked. "Alpha, beta, omega" Boyd said.

"That's right it's a spiral" Derek said and stood up from the ground.

"Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another, betas can become alphas, but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas" Derek said.

"Like Scott" Issac asked. "Scott's, with us" Derek said. "Really then where is he now" Issac asked.

"Looking for Jackson" Luna told Isaac. "Exactly and that's where Luna is heading to right now" Derek said. "Don't rush me" Luna said.

"Don't worry he's not gonna have it easy tonight either none of us will there's a price you pay for this kind of power you get the ability to heal but tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find" Derek said.

"Good thing I had my period last week then" Erica said. "Not exactly the same thing sweetheart" Luna said.

"Well, this one's for you" Derek said showing her a headband. "Well, I better get going then good luck" Luna said and left.


Luna made it to Lydia's party that night and made her way to Scott and Stiles. "What are you doing here" Stiles asked. "You do remember Lydia's my cousin right" Luna asked.

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"Besides figured you could use some help" Luna said. "You or Derek" Scott asked. "Does it matter" Luna asked.

"Have you seen Jackson anywhere" Stiles asked. "No, I literally just got here" Luna said. "No seen Allison" Scott asked. "No but we should probably tell her what we found" Scott said.

"I'm still kind of not sure what we found" Scott said. "I figured out it has something to do with water you know the fact that all the victims were on the swim team the way the Kanima reacted around the pool" Stiles said.

"So, whoever's controlling the Kanima really hates the swim team" Scott asked.

"Hated the swim team specifically the 2006 swim team so it could be another teacher maybe like a student back then" Stiles said.

"Why would they hate the swim team is it because they suck" Luna asked.

"I mean who are we missing though what haven't we thought of" Stiles asked. "No idea now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wish my cousin a happy birthday" Luna said and left.


Luna eventually found Lydia and walked over to her. "There's my beautiful little cousin" Luna said, and Lydia smiled.

"Happy birthday my sweet cousin" Luna said. Thanks Luna" Lydia said.

"You know it's kinda weird how I'm the only one here who's an adult kinda feel like Alaric from the vampire diaries at Elena's birthday party" Luna said.

"Oh, come on it's fine, enjoy the party and have some punch" Lydia said and gave Luna a cup. "Anything for you even if it is weird" Luna said and drank the punch.


Luna was looking for Scott and Stiles with any updates about Jackson when she saw Lydia.

"Lydia, have you seen" Luna asked before noticing the look on Lydia's face. "Lydia what is it what's wrong" Luna asked and then a sword was pushed through Lydia's stomach causing Lydia to fall to the ground.

"Lydia" Luna yelled running over to her pulling the sword out.

"Stay with me, stay with me you're gonna be okay" Luna said trying to put pressure on her wound. "It's gonna be okay" Luna said and then suddenly Luna snapped out of her trance.

Luna looked around seeing that Lydia was nowhere to be seen confusing Luna till she realized that Lydia knew about the supernatural. "No" Luna said rushing off to find Scott and Stiles.


Luna finally managed to find Scott and she ran up to him. "There you are" Luna said. "Where is my cousin have you seen her" Luna asked.

"No, I been looking for her" Scott said. "I think she knows about us" Luna said and Stiles came over. "Hey, I can't find her oh there you are Luna I was looking for you" Stiles said.

"Well, you found me" Luna said. "You guys anyone who drank that crap they're freaking out" Stiles said. "I can see that" Scott said. "What do we do" Stiles asked.

"I don't know but we gotta" Scott said but stopped hearing Matt. "I can't swim no, no, no, no stop guys I can't swim, I can't swim" Matt said before two guys dropped Matt in the pool when Luna Stiles and Scott were shocked once they figured out, he was the puppeteer controlling Jackson.

"I can't, I can't" Matt said before Jackson helped him out of the pool. "What are you looking at" Matt asked everyone before leaving.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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