4) Relics

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Luna was with Liam, Corey, Scott, and Mason looking at the ceiling figuring out how the ghost riders got in. "That's how he got in" Corey said. "What is it" Liam asked.

"It's a point of impact from a lightning strike usually you'd find charred spots like that on the ground after a violent thunderstorm" Mason said.

"That's how the ghost rider got in he rode lightening" Scott said. "If they can use lightning to get past the mountain ash" Liam said.

"No place is safe" Luna said. "What about the others it's my fault they're marked" Corey said.

"We'll find a way to protect them" Mason said. "All of them" Scott said.


Luna was in her classroom when she saw Scott come in. "Hey Scott" Luna said and Scott went to her.

"Hey" Scott said and saw she was grading papers. "I can come back" Scott said.

"No, I'm almost done" Luna said. "Something on your mind" Luna asked.

"Just been doing a lot of thinking" Scott said. "What about" Luna asked.

"How you're always sacrificing yourself for everyone even when you shouldn't for Lydia, Derek, me, everyone" Scott said.

"It's what I do" Luna said. "You know if you ever wanted to leave town you could Lydia would understand we all would you deserve a break from all of this" Scott said and Luna smiled.

"Thanks Scott I appreciate that but it's not time for me to leave at least not yet plus this is my home I grew up here I'm not ready to say goodbye to it just yet" Luna said.

"Well when you are now, we will have your back and we understand okay you shouldn't have to sacrifice yourself all the time for us" Scott said. "It's who I am" Luna said.


Everyone who was at the party was all underground as Liam led them to the bunker. "Why are we underground" Jayden asked.

"This is the way to the bunker" Hayden said. "You guys have a bunker who are you people" Nathan asked.

"We're the people who know things about things that most people don't know about" Liam said.

"What" Nathan said. "Just keep moving" Hayden said and they did. "Liam where's Gwen" Hayden asked.


They all made it to the bunker when Nathan picked up a device. "I wouldn't touch that" Argent said and he touched it when electricity started buzzing and Argent took it away from him setting it down.

"He did tell you not to touch it" Luna said going to Argent. What's all this for" Nathan asked.

"Your protection" Argent said. Liam closed the door as he and Luna was with Scott, Mason, and Corey.

"Hey, we're missing three plus Gwen" Liam said. "They're all lacrosse players" Scott said. "They were at the party, so they know what's coming" Corey said.

"People see what they want to see" Argent said. "Guys we're running out of time" Mason said.

"Scott, we have to get them" Liam said. "I'll go the rest of you stay here" Scott said.

"Last I checked I'm an adult and I don't let some kid tell me what to do" Luna said. "Luna" Scott said.

"Reminder I'm a witch I could easily kill you without even trying" Luna said.

"We couldn't fight off one ghost rider who knows how many are gonna be there tonight we're going with you" Liam said. "You're marked" Scott said.

"So am I" Mason said. "Yeah, me too but at least I can see them coming" Corey said. "Looks like we're all going rather you like it or not" Luna said.

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