11) date night

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Luna woke up that morning feeling Peter kiss her shoulder. "What are you doing" Luna asked.

"Trying to get you to wake up" Peter said. "Why are you trying to get me to wake up" Luna asked. "My alarm would've woken me up I work today" Luna said and sat up.

"I know but I couldn't wait" Peter said. "What's going on" Luna asked. "Just after the Deadpool I thought it be nice to take you out to dinner" Peter said.

"Sure, it sounds fun we haven't been on a date for a while" Luna said and Peter smiled. "Good I already made reservations" Peter said.

Luna smiled and kissed Peter's cheek. "That's all I get" Peter asked.

Luna rolled her eyes before quickly kissing him on the lips. "I gotta get ready for work I'll see you tonight" Luna said and got up getting ready for the day.


Scott went over to Derek's and gave him the bag of money he found a while back. "Okay" Derek said.

"Don't you wanna know why it took so long to return it" Scott asked. "How much do you make at the animal clinic" Derek asked. "Minimum wage" Scott said.

"That's why" Derek said. "Everyone can be tempted Scott even a true alpha" Derek added.

"You're not angry" Scott asked. "It's not even mine it belongs to Peter" Derek said. "Where's your money" Scott asked. "You're standing on it" Derek said.

Scott looked down before looking back up. "There's another vault" Scott said and Derek had to hold in a laugh.

"No, I own the building and I have my own bank accounts" Derek told Scott.

"All the money from the vault was Peter's I think we'd actually be better off if the rest never came back" Derek said.

Derek stood up closing the bag and saw Scott's expression. "I know Lydia was here last night Deaton's still working on figuring out what Kate did to you if anyone can find an answer it's him" Scott said.

"Besides you and I both know Luna would never let you die she'd sacrifice herself again if it came to that and I'm not sure if Lydia or even Peter can handle that again" Scott added.


Later on, that night Luna just finished up getting ready for her and Peter's date tonight.

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(I don't own picture)

Peter walked in the bedroom and smiled at her which Luna noticed. "What" Luna said.

"You're just beautiful sometimes it's hard to believe that you're my girlfriend" Peter said making Luna blush.

"Stop" Luna said and Peter smiled. "Are you ready to go" Peter asked. "Let's go" Luna said and took Peter's arm and they headed off.


Luna and Peter were eating in silence when Peter finally decided to break the silence. "I got you something" Peter said. "You got me something" Luna asked.

"Yeah, I'll put it on for you" Peter said and went behind her. Luna looked down and saw Peter put a necklace on her before he went back to his seat.

"You got me a necklace" Luna asked. "Yeah, I was just walking around when classes don't this jewelry store and I saw this, and it made me think of you" Peter said.

"Why would a necklace make you think of me" Luna asked.

"Because it's beautiful like you but that's not all look inside" Peter said and Luna did.

"It's a picture of us when we first started dating" Peter said causing Luna to smile before she closed it.

"This way that even if I may not always be around, I'm still with you" Peter said. "Peter what's going on" Luna asked. "Nothing" Peter said. "You're just acting I don't know different" Luna said.

"Nothing is going on okay I just wanted to do something for my girlfriend" Peter said and held Luna's hand.

"Promise" Luna asked. "I promise" Peter said. "Okay" Luna said, and they continued to eat.


After their date Peter and Luna went home and Luna ended up falling asleep on Peter's chest while they watched a movie together.

Peter looked over and saw Luna was asleep. He carefully got up picked her up and laid her down on the bed before lying next to her.

Luna moved closer to Peter laying her head on his chest once again causing Peter to kiss her forehead before putting his arm around her.

Peter looked at her like it might be the last time he would ever be this close to her ever again.

He kissed her one last time on the head before going to sleep for the night.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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