A date ... kind of

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Next day
I am once again left alone in the house with Celestia as Felicity had an unexpected, but very important meeting rather far away.

Sitting in my Office I try to decide how to handle this, and suddenly I get an idea. Maybe I should take Celestia on a date. Something fun and innocent, so in case we are spotted it is easy to say it is just a friendly day out.

It will also give me a chance to see how we are together in another setting, so far it has mostly been here at home or the hospital. Maybe going out I will realize we do not work well together at all ... no matter what I think it will help me make up my mind.

Getting up I go to knock on her door. "Yeah ?"

I open the door, she is on the bed reading and I smile at her. "Hi Celestia, I was wondering if you had any plans today ?"

She shakes her head. "Not really, reading and Felicity wants me to iron the clothes when it's dry ... why ?"

"Well, I have no plans either and I feel like getting out a bit ... I know this place down by the seaside, Arcade kinda retro ... I wondered if you might like to come ... play some games, have a slice of pizza ?"

"The arcade ?" She looks at me.

Suddenly I feel unsure if it is dumb. Felicity has never wanted to come. "We can do something more .. mature, if you prefer".

"Nah, the arcade sounds perfect, I love playing". She sits up smiling. "Can I get like ... 15 min to change out of my PJ ?"

"Sure, of course". I tell her. "I will be waiting downstairs".

I hurry out and downstairs, getting my own things ready. For some reason my heart is hammering, like I am a teen on my way on his first date.

Twelve minutes later Celestia comes down the stairs, and I walk over to her. She looks phenomenal and I know every geek in that place is gonna be envious of me being there with her. "You look marvelous darling".

"Thank you Tom, but I am totally casual here". She says looking down. It is clear to see that she is not used to people complimenting her. I will make it my mission to compliment her as often as possible.

I reach out to ghost my thumb over her lip. "Well I think you look beautiful whatever you wear, but I have to admit you are most sexy to me like this, casual and relaxed".

"Again Tom, please stop saying things that make me want to kiss you". She grumbles and snuggles her face into my chest as I hug her. "Oh and stop smelling this delicious too".

I can't help chuckling. "But Darling it so happens that I kind of want you to want to kiss me ... and just wait til after a couple of table tennis matches, I will probably reek of sweat and that problem will be solved".

"Oh knowing you, your sweat probably smells like roses and hot chocolate". She says, making a face at me.

"Come on we better get going before you make me forget everything about going". I say chuckling, taking her hand in mine, and pulling her with me.

At the beachside arcade:
We walk into the huge arcade hand in hand. I look around. I am so happy she agreed to this. It shows me I was right about her. It's not just about gaining things for her. "So what do you want to do first ?"

"Hmm skee-ball ... we need to play skee-ball". She says pointing to the skee-ball machines and my mood goes up another couple of notches.

I take her hand pulling her with me. "Let's get some coins and something to drink and then I am going to show you who's the skee-ball king".

"Oh you are so going down mr. skee-ball king". She tells me with a cute little smirk, pulling me with her up to the counter.

I pull out my wallet and ask for 50 dollars worth of coins and two iced teas. "Well let's see about that little lady. But promise not to cry too badly when you loose".

We walk over to the lanes and I pick the one on the end. "See this is my favorite lane, the end one, so you are pretty fucked".

"Well not now, maybe later". She says winking at me, making me almost drop my ice tea. My heart is racing like crazy. The mere thought of that sends my hormones into overdrive.

She chuckles, choosing the lane right next to mine, placing her drink on the edge between the lanes. I bite my lip. "See that is an unfair game strategy".

Her cheeks flush slightly, and she giggles softly. "Oh so it did work to distract you from the game then ?"

"What do you think, your cheeky little tease". I tell her. Focusing on putting a coin in my machine and calming my body before I embarrass myself.

She focuses on her lane too, but watching her out of the corner of my eye I notice how her shoulders move. Showing that she is breathing a bit fast. "So should we get this game going so you can lose king skee-ball".

I can't believe I said that to him. Usually I would stick to thinking things like that. I am not sure why I feel a need to tease him like that.

Feeling his eyes on me has my pulse racing. Seems I managed to distract myself more than him. At least my first two balls are all off, because I am so worried.

"Not as good as we claimed". Tom teases, but then he looks at me and instantly stops. "Celestia, is something wrong  ?"

"No, not at all, just unlucky". I try smiling, to tell him that nothing is wrong. The truth is that nothing is really wrong, I just send my thoughts on a naughty journey.

He laughs softly. My guess is that your plan backfired.

I stick out my tongue at him. "Come on, let's finish that game. I still have to prove who is the real king".

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now