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My pacing becomes more frantic as time ticks on, seeking to drag out in forever, but most likely it has only been about an hour. My every step echoing through the waiting room. Just when I feel like I can't stand the waiting any longer, a doctor finally enters, her face serious but with a hint of relief.

"We have finally managed to stabilize her blood pressure". She says, her voice calm and authoritative. "Celestia and the babies are okay. You can come see her now. She should wake up soon".

My heart leaps with gratitude, and I can't help but thank the doctor profusely. "Thank you, thank you so much".

She nods, understanding the depth of my relief, and walks towards the door.

I look at the others and Ben waves me on. "Go on, hurry down to see her. We will be right here waiting".

I hurry after the doctor and she leads me down the hallway to a private room. As I enter, the sight of Celestia lying in the bed, so pale and connected to machines, sends a shiver down my spine. But the steady rhythm of her breathing reassures me, and I take a seat by her side.

I reach out, gently taking her hand in mine, as if my touch could somehow anchor her to this world. I watch her chest rise and fall, and I whisper. "We are going to be okay, Celestia. Our girls are safe, and you are going to be okay".

In that moment, it is like the weight of the world lifts from my shoulders. The trial, Felicity's lies, and our fears for the future all fade away, replaced by the simple joy of knowing that Celestia and our daughters are alive and well.

As I wait for her to wake, I imagine the life we will continue to build together... a life filled with love and laughter, a life free from the shadows of our past. And I vow, once again, to do everything in my power to protect and cherish the family we have created.

The world around me slowly comes into focus, a hazy blur of colors and shapes gradually sharpening. I blink a few times, trying to make sense of my surroundings. A steady beeping sound fills the room, and I realize I'm lying in a hospital bed.

As I turn my head, I see Tom sitting by my side, his hand gently clasping mine. His face is a mixture of relief and concern, and my heart swells with love for him.

"Tom". I whisper, my voice weak but filled with warmth.

He looks at me, his eyes lighting up with joy. "Celestia, you are awake! How are you feeling ?"

I take a moment to assess my condition, feeling a dull ache throughout my body. "Tired and sore, but I think I'm okay. What happened ?"

Tom's expression turns serious as he explains what happened. "You fainted outside the courthouse, and your blood pressure was really low. They had to rush you here".

A fleeting memory of dizziness and darkness passes through my mind, and I recall the sensation of falling. "I have been feeling dizzy all day". I admit. "But I didn't want to worry you. I'm so sorry I scared you, Tom".

He shakes his head, his grip on my hand tightening. "Don't apologize, Celestia. Your health and the babies are all that matter. We just need to focus on getting you better".

I nod, grateful for his unwavering support. "You are right. We will get through this together".

Moments later, the door to my room opens, and Alan, Ben, and Sophie walk in, their faces lighting up when they see me awake. "Celestia, it's so good to see you". Sophie exclaims, her voice filled with relief.

I smile, genuinely happy to see them all. "Thank you for being here, guys. It means a lot to me".

Alan holds up a small paper bag with a grin. "I brought you some salty fries. I heard they can help raise blood pressure, and I figured you might be hungry".

My stomach rumbles in agreement, and I eagerly accept the fries. "You are a lifesaver, Alan. Thank you".

As I munch on the salty, delicious fries, we chat about lighter topics... anything to distract from the stress of the trial and the fear of my recent health scare. The conversation flows easily, our laughter and shared stories providing a much-needed reprieve from the weight of the world outside these hospital walls.

I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a strong support system in Tom, Alan, Ben, and Sophie. It's a reminder that, no matter what challenges we face, we don't have to face them alone. Together, we will stand strong against whatever lies ahead, our love and friendship a powerful force that can't be broken.

As the visit comes to an end and my eyes begin to grow heavy, the doctor decides that it's best for me to stay the night at the hospital for observation. Tom, ever the devoted partner, insists on staying by my side. The nurses bring him a a bed of his own, pushing it as close to mine as possible, and he settles into it, his hand never leaving mine.

We talk softly into the night, sharing our hopes and dreams for the future, and eventually, we drift off to sleep... a cocoon of love and comfort amidst the sterile hospital surroundings.

The sun filters through the window the next morning, casting a warm glow across the room. I feel surprisingly rested, and the doctor confirms that my blood pressure has improved significantly. She gives us the all-clear to go home, and relief washes over both Tom and me. I just have to make sure to eat and drink, and not stress.

As we gather our belongings, Tom's sister Emily arrives to pick us up. Her warm smile and reassuring presence brighten the room, and she envelops me in a gentle hug. "I'm so glad you're okay, Celestia". he murmurs. "You scared us all".

"Thank you, Emily". I reply, touched by her concern.

We make our way to her car, and as we drive home, I can't help but feel a renewed sense of hope. We have the best friends and family.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now