A stand and a fall

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As we step out of the car, I take a deep breath, steeling myself for another day at court. I glance over at Tom, who offers a reassuring smile. With each day, I have been getting more accustomed to the reporters and his fans, although it's still overwhelming at times.

I have been happy to realize that also on social media the positive outpour towards us drowns out the few haters. Most of his fans never liked Felicity, and it truly warms my heart to see people say that he has never looked more happy than with me.

My hand instinctively cradles my growing belly, feeling the weight of our twin girls inside me. Lately, I have been feeling somewhat dizzy, but I attribute it to the pregnancy and the stress of the trial. Also the last week has been rather warm, which has not helped.

Alan, our ever-calm and well-prepared lawyer, greets us as we walk toward the courthouse. "Good morning, Tom, Celestia. Today, Felicity's old doctor will testify first, and Tom, you will be back on the stand after. I am not sure if there will be time to call on you today Celestia".

I nod, trying to remain focused on today's events. I can't help but think about how Felicity is twisting the truth, attempting to make me look like the villain. It's hard not to let her lies get to me, but I believe in our love and the truth. I hope People will be able to see this when I take the stand.

As we make our way inside, I notice Vicktoria, Felicity's cold and calculated lawyer, watching us from a distance. I can tell she's determined to boost her career, even if it means tearing us apart.

We take our seats in the courtroom, and I squeeze Tom's hand for support. The third day of the trial is about to begin, and I'm ready for whatever comes our way. I know that with Tom and Alan by my side we are strong. I am trying not to let Tom see that I have a migraine building.

The bailiff calls Felicity's old doctor to the stand, and he solemnly swears to tell the truth. He is a friendly looking middle aged man, and I instantly have a good feeling about him. Alan stands up and walks towards him, exuding confidence.

"Doctor, to the best of your knowledge, has Felicity ever been pregnant or had a miscarriage, as she claims ?" Alan asks, his tone steady and professional.

The doctor looks over at Felicity for a moment before turning back to Alan. "I have never treated Felicity for a pregnancy or a miscarriage. There is no documentation or any indication in her medical records that she has experienced either".

A murmur runs through the courtroom, and I can see Felicity's face tense up. Alan doesn't miss a beat, continuing with his line of questioning. "So, Doctor, based on your professional relationship with Felicity and your knowledge of her medical history, you can confidently say that her claims about a pregnancy and miscarriage are unsubstantiated ?"

The doctor nods. "Yes, that's correct. I have no knowledge or evidence to support her claims of a pregnancy or a miscarriage".

I feel Tom squeeze my hand, and a sense of relief washes over me. This testimony could be a turning point in our favor, casting doubt on Felicity's credibility. I glance over at Vicktoria, who seems to be reevaluating her strategy, her expression betraying her concern.

The doctor remains on the stand, and now it's Vicktoria's turn to question him. Her eyes narrow as she stands up and approaches the witness.

"Doctor...". She begins. "Is it possible that Felicity could have gone to another doctor regarding her alleged pregnancy and miscarriage ?"

The doctor hesitates for a moment before answering. "It's possible that she could have sought treatment from another doctor, yes".

Vicktoria smirks, seemingly satisfied with his response. "So, you cannot make a conclusive statement that Felicity never experienced a pregnancy or miscarriage, can you ?"

The doctor, however, remains composed. "While I cannot completely rule out that she may have seen another doctor, I can testify that the likelihood of Felicity getting pregnant is very slim, given her medical history, which I am well-versed in as her gynecologist. Furthermore, I doubt she would have sought help from another doctor, as she was aware that I had the knowledge and expertise to address her specific medical needs".

Vicktoria's smirk fades, and she takes a step back, clearly caught off guard by the doctor's firm response. The courtroom is silent, the air thick with tension as she struggles to regain her composure and redirect her line of questioning.

I glance at Tom and Alan, feeling a mixture of relief and hope. The doctor's testimony is proving to be a powerful counter to Felicity's claims, casting doubt on her story and strengthening our position. The pursuit of truth and justice continues, and I am grateful for the unwavering support of Tom and Alan.

As the doctor steps down, Tom is called to the stand, and as he takes his seat, Alan approaches him with a sympathetic expression. "Tom, how do you feel knowing that Felicity most likely lied about being pregnant back then ?"

Tom takes a deep breath before answering. "I feel betrayed and cheated. Had she not claimed to be pregnant, I would have ended our relationship back then. But on the other hand, I can't hate her for it, because her lies ultimately led me to Celestia and are the reason I'm about to become a father. So I guess I should actually thank her".

Felicity suddenly jumps up, her face contorted with anger. "I don't want to be thanked for your whore and her bastard kids!" She yells, completely losing her composure.

Vicktoria rushes to her side, desperately trying to calm her down, but the damage has been done. The judge bangs his gavel, calling for order in the courtroom. "Enough !" he bellows. "We will take a two-hour break for lunch. I expect everyone to maintain their composure when we reconvene".

As people start to file out of the courtroom, I feel a mixture of emotions. Felicity's outburst has revealed her true nature, but at the same time, Tom's words have strengthened our bond and resolve. We may still have a long battle ahead of us, but I am confident that the truth will prevail, and our love will see us through.

Tom, Alan, and I leave the courtroom to get lunch, the tension from the morning's events still hanging in the air. As we walk, I suddenly feel a wave of dizziness and discomfort wash over me. My vision blurs, and I reach out to grab Tom's arm, trying to steady myself.

"Tom...". I manage to call out, my voice weak and strained.

Before he can respond, everything goes black, and I lose consciousness.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now