Plans and kinky threesomes

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I do believe that I have gotten a great idea. It is one that will take care of all of our problems with one stroke. But to make it work I need Felicity to be in on it, and if she says yes I need to talk to Celestia.

"Come sit down darling, and I will explain my idea to you. Please listen all the way and have an open mind, okay ?" We have just arrived home and I am looking at my fiance. I know I have to use all my charms to get Felicity in on the idea.

She sits down on the couch, crossing her legs and her arms, not looking open minded at all, as she is glaring at me. "Go on Tom, tell me this brilliant idea".

"Well, I talked to Celestia, the young woman in question, she is very confused about what to do. She Said part of her would like to keep the baby, because it is very plausible her only chance to be a mother. That is why I wouldn't pressure her". I tell her.

Felicity rolls her eyes, looking very annoyed with me. "Bla bla bla, spare me her sob story Tom, it would be highly embarrassing if she had the baby and a publicity nightmare, maybe you should call Luke ?"

"Please listen. She doesn't feel she has the right life for a baby right now. She has no job and stays with a friend. I know you don't like to hear it, but we are not exactly getting anywhere with this pregnancy thing. This might be our only chance at a baby too". I say softly.

I wait for her to say something. Knowing that she won't be exactly happy about this. "What are you saying Tom ? That you want her to have the baby, because you don't believe I will ever get pregnant ? That we will never have a child together ?"

"Darling, it might never happen, we have to realize that. But look at it this way, you don't have to get fat, you don't get sacking breasts or stretch marks". I say. Normally I wouldn't use those words, but that is how she would put it, and I know that these things are what she fears. That using this against her will make her more positive towards his idea.

And she does look thoughtful for a moment. "But Tom, it wouldn't be my baby. It would be hers... and yours. What would people think ? What would they say ?"

"Listen baby, we could offer her a job helping out here in the house. You are always complaining about hating to clean and such. We can make sure the baby is taken well care of and that she gets the right prenatal care". I am scratching my neck nervously.

Felicity almost jumps up off the couch, looking livid. "You want her here in the house ? What the hell are you playing at Tom ? Do you think I want some young little thing flaunting around in my home ? Making eyes at my fiance ?"

"First of all darling, she is pregnant, and secondly, you haven't seen her. She is what you would call kinda chubby and quite ordinary, plain. Believe me you have no reason to feel jealous". I wink at her, knowing I am smearing it on thick here.

She seems to relax a bit, asking me almost teasingly. "So it is not because you find her attractive and have a fantasy about some kinky threesome ?"

"Of course not, I have more than enough to do keeping up with you". I say, snaking my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. I definitely isn't admitting that the idea had made my jeans a bit too tight.

Felicity is kissing slowly up my neck, her hands unbuttoning my shirt. "And then what ? I mean when the baby comes, would she still be here ?"

"Well I thought we might be able to talk her into letting us adopt the baby. To make her see that it would be the best". I say lifting her up and she folds her long legs around me.

I carry her up to the bedroom, knowing that she would complain after, if I fuck her anywhere else in the house. She seems to think it is unsanitary. I had learned that the hard way.

I am starting to feel certain my plan will work.

It is the next day and I am on my way to Tom's house. He called me last night, asking if I would like to come by for lunch, as he had something he would like to discuss with me.

I can't help wondering what he wants to talk to me about, maybe he has been thinking some more about the situation and has decided that he wants me to get an abortion. He can't force me, of course, but I am not sure I can stand strong if he pressured me.

I walk up to the door of the big town house, when I find the eight address, and ring the doorbell. It doesn't take long before the door is opened. "Hello again Celestia, please come in".

"Hi Tom, thank you". He looks absolutely delicious wearing jeans, a white T-shirt and glasses, with his hair slightly ruffled, and I put it down to my brain being numb with shock, that I can act so normal in his presence.

He closes the door behind us, and offers to take my  coat, like a true gentleman. "I thought we should start with lunch, I hope you are hungry ?"

"Famished actually". I say, patting my stomach with a cheeky smile, that makes him smile back and I can't help but think that he really does have the most beautiful smile.

He offers me his arm and I accept it, feeling slightly breathless. "Well this way my lady, and I will make sure you are well fed and taken care of".

When he has led me into the dining room and over to the table, he pulls out the chair for me and I sit down. "Thank you Tom, you really are a gentleman like the rumors say".

"You're welcome. Well I try to be friendly. Now please eat something". He smiles and sits down across from me.

I really am hungry, as I had thrown up all my breakfast, so I dig in. To be honest I have always loved food, maybe that is why I have never been a size zero. To be honest I do not really care, I feel comfortable in my body.

"Did you make this ? Or did your fiance ... Felicity isn't it ? Why isn't she here by the way ?" I say after having eaten my food.

  Tom chuckles. "Well wasn't that a lot of questions. But yes, her name is Felicity, she had a prior engagement, but she said she would try to make it home to meet you. I made the food, she isn't much of a cook to be honest".

"Oh it was really good". I say smiling, apparently he can cook too, on top of all the things I already know he is a master of.

He smiles at me, as he cleans out the table. "Well thank you, come let's sit down in the living-room and talk about this".

"Okay then, what is it that you want to talk about ? The baby I assume but ...". I sit down on the couch, looking at him curiously.

He runs a hand through his hair. "Well I have been thinking about it. How you said you didn't feel you could keep the baby when you didn't have a job or a home. So I am going to offer you both. We could use someone helping around the house and you can stay here in the spare room".

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now