The flower girl

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"Oh my god, it's her". The teenage girl whispering to her friend doesn't do a very good job. Unless she meant for me to hear it.

I bow my head, looking at the sandwich in front of me.

"Ignore them sweetie". Danny says, placing his hand on top of mine, then saying a bit louder. "They are just jealous".

The girls hurry off, when they realize we heard them.

"I hate this". I mumble. "Everywhere I go People are looking at me and whispering, when not outright pointing".

"As I said, they are jealous, sweetie". He tells me. "Anyone who saw those pictures knows that hot ass man is crazy for you".

I can't help but smile. Up until that day I would have denied it, but now I know that he actually likes me, prefers me. "He is going to leave her, he just needs everything in place".

"You two are gonna be obnoxiously happy and have a whole litter of mine Tom's". He grins. "See I told you darling, right from the start I told you".

"It still seems like a crazy dream". I shake my head. "He is going to send me to stay with his mother while he gets Felicity out".

Danny smiles. "He is such a mama's boy, in a good way. He adores his mother and she seems like such a doll".

"Do you think that is why he allowed Felicity to control him for so long ?" I wonder out loud. "Like it felt a bit like being mothered".

"That could be it". He shrugs. "But from what you tell, she turned from dear mama to mama dearest".

I can't help but giggle.

"How about we get out of here ?" He asks, as he starts to stand up.

I quickly stuff the last bite of sandwich into my mouth, before standing as well.

As we paid when we ordered, we can just leave the cafe and walk along the street.

The sun is shining down on us, which makes me feel better. The clouds we have had for a few days are gone, replaced by a clear blue sky.

"I am so glad we could do this today". I tell him. "I was feeling really low yesterday".

"Let me guess you made the mistake of reading to many comments online ?" He raises a brow.

I sigh. "I may have".

Danny smiles and puts an arm around me. "Well, you are feeling much better now".

I don't say anything, just look over at him.

  "Yes you are. Come up girlie, ignore them. You have so much to be happy about". His eyes are almost sparkling, as he looks back at me. "It has honestly been a while since I have seen you looking this happy ... when you talk about him, I mean".

I take his hand, holding it between both of mine. "Thank you". I whisper, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "You can always make me see the bright side".

We walk along, enjoying our time together. We walk through the park and pass a playground, where the kids are playing.

"Let's sit". I suggest. In a couple of years one of those moms could be me.

Suddenly a little girl comes running over. She climbs onto the bench next to us, without asking permission. Her hair is longer than most, and she has freckles across her cheeks.

"Mister, Mister, I want to show you something". She whispers excitedly.

"What is it, honey ?" Danny asks, leaning forward to hear her better.

She points to something behind us, then reaches out to touch it.

I follow her finger and there is indeed a small green plant growing near the fence. It is about knee high, and has tiny leaves.

The girl turns to look at me. "It's my first sprout !"

I smile at her. "First sprout? How do you know it is the first ?"

The little girl shakes her head. "No, I only planted it two weeks ago. This is my first sprout, but I have more seeds. I want to plant them on all the empty spots".

"It's a very nice sprout". Danny tells her. "And it is a great idea to plant pretty things where there isn't already some growing".

The girl beams proudly.

"I hope she isn't bothering you". A sweet looking younger woman says as she comes over.

The girl pouts. "I was not bothering, I was showing my sprout".

"She is no bother at all". I tell her mother. "She was very well behaved and showed us the sprout".

"I am happy to hear that". The mother say, smiling.

The little girl runs off again, this time towards the swings, waving at us. "Bye".

I turn back to the lady who is standing next to me. "She is such a cute little sprout herself".

Her smile goes wider. "Thank you".

"She said that she is going to plant flowers in all the empty spots around the playground, and I thought that was so lovely". I tell her.

"She plants them for her father". She says softly, looking after the girl. "He loved flowers. He passed away last year, and we had to move from the house and garden to an apartment".

"Oh, I am so sorry for your loss". I murmur. Poor woman, and that poor little girl.

"Thank you. Today she will be planting his favorite kind, because it was his birthday. He would have been forty-five". She sighs.

Danny takes her hand, smiling at her. "That is such an amazing way to memorize him. Happy Birthday with him".

The lady smiles. "Thank you. I appreciate it".

As she leaves to go to her daughter I look at Danny. "I wish she could get a real garden to plant her flowers".

"Me too". He says. "Come, lets get you home".

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