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I take a deep breath, eager to step outside and enjoy the fresh air. "Tom, I promise, I'm feeling fine. A walk will do us both good".

He looks at me, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure, Celestia? With everything that's happened, I just don't want to take any risks".

"I just measured my blood pressure, and it's in the normal range, so no need to worry". I assure him. "Besides, the doctor said I need to be a bit active every day".

Tom hesitates for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's go for a walk. But if you feel even the slightest discomfort, we are heading back home. Deal ?"

I smile and nod. "Deal".

We put on our coats and shoes, and Tom holds the door open for me as we step out into the crisp air. The sun is shining, and the world seems peaceful for a moment... a stark contrast to the chaos we have been facing in court. There are no paparazzi waiting outside today.

As we walk, I can't help but feel a twinge of pain in my lower back. I try to hide my discomfort, not wanting to worry Tom. He has been through so much already, and I don't want to add to his stress. It is totally normal, just my pelvis loosening, preparing for birth.

"How are you holding up, babe ?" He asks, his eyes filled with love and concern.

"I'm okay". I reply, forcing a smile. "Just trying to focus on the good things, like our girls and our life together".

Tom squeezes my hand gently. "We will get through this, Celestia. I know we will. Everything has been going our way".

I love to just walk hand in hand under the warm sun. Feeling like a totally normal couple.

We continue our walk, passing by a small café with outdoor seating. The aroma of fresh pastries and brewing tea wafts through the air, enticing us to stop.

"How about we get a cup of iced tea and take a break ?" I suggest, already feeling my mouth water at the thought.

Tom smiles. "Sounds good to me".

I know he is happy to take a break as he continues to worry that I will push myself too hard.

We each order a cup of iced tea, and I can't resist getting a blueberry muffin as well. Armed with our treats, we make our way to a nearby bench overlooking a small lake. The serene scene of ducks with their ducklings swimming and playing in the water fills me with warmth.

We sit down, and Tom hands me my iced tea. I take a sip, feeling refreshed by its coolness. I unwrap the blueberry muffin, breaking off a piece and offering it to Tom.

"Here, try some". I say, holding the muffin piece close to his lips.

Tom takes a bite, his eyes lighting up with delight. "Mmm, that's amazing".

I smile and take a bite for myself, savoring the sweet, moist texture. We continue sharing the muffin, taking turns feeding each other, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together.

As we watch the ducks and their ducklings, I can't help but feel grateful for this moment of peace amidst the turmoil. Sitting here with Tom, sharing a blueberry muffin and sipping iced tea.

As we finish the last of our iced tea, Tom clears his throat and looks at me. "Celestia, do you feel ready to testify in court in two days ? If you are not feeling up to it, we can always ask Alan to try and move the date again".

I take a deep breath, considering his question. The thought of facing Vicktoria and the court is daunting, but I know I can't avoid it forever. "I'm ready". I say with determination. "I just want to get it over with".

Tom nods, his expression serious. "Just remember, don't stress. All you have to do is tell the truth".

I look into his eyes, feeling a newfound resolve. "I won't let Vicktoria intimidate me. I will tell the truth because I know I did nothing wrong".

He smiles at me, offering his support and encouragement. "I believe in you, Celestia, you know I do".

With the last small bite of the muffin in hand, I crumble it into tiny pieces and toss them towards the ducklings. We watch as they dive into the water, eagerly snapping up the crumbs. It's a small reminder that life goes on, even in the midst of challenges.

Tom takes our cups to the waste bin, disposing of them. Then he returns to take my hand and we begin our walk home.

I still have a bit of murmuring in my lower back, so I decide that I should probably spend the rest of the day relaxing. I know Tom will be happy to make us dinner if I ask him to.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now