Meeting his family

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"Are you sure about this ?" I nervously ask Tom again, straightening the pretty bouquet of flowers in the middle of the table.
He smiles softly at me. "Yes I am, I want my mother and sister to know you. And it might be nice for you to have met my mom before going to stay with her".
"Right". I mumble. "But shouldn't Felicity be here ? Won't she get angry being left out ?"
He shakes his head. "Honestly Felicity never cared much for my family. My mom, at first thought that Felicity might have a good effect on me, being all focused and very mature, but she has changed her opinion. It is better this way".
Leaning in he kisses me softly, his hand automatically coming to rest on my growing stomach.
We are interrupted by the doorbell and Tom pulls back with a warm smile. "Ready ?"
"Nope". I say shaking my head and he chuckles sweetly, giving me a last soft kiss.

As Tom goes to open the door I stay in the background. I do feel a bit shy and awkward. What will his family think of me ? And what are their view on this whole mess ?
He hugs his mother first and kisses her on the cheek, it is clear to see they are close. Then he moves on to his sister.
"Mom this is the amazing Celestia, the mother of your grandchildren. Darling this is my mother". His mother is a friendly looking middle-aged woman with short gray hair.
"A pleasure meeting you Mrs Hiddleston". I say smiling shyly, extending my hand. "Tom has told me so much about you".
His mother smiles warmly and grabs my hand, more just holding it in both of hers than actually shaking it. "The pleasure is all mine and please call me Rose, dearest".
"Thank you ... Rose". I say. "I am so happy you could come today".
"And this is my baby sister Emily. Em says nicely and civilized hi to Celestia". Tom presents his sister. She looks alot like him, just more feminine and with long hair a tad lighter than Tom's.
Emily makes a face at her brother and pulls me into a warm hug. "I am always civilized, and I am so happy to meet the woman who makes my brother actually smile ... not like that bi...".
"Emily, language". Her mom reminds her.
Tom's sister groans and winks at me. "Talking of the ... Ray of sunshine. Where is Felicity ?"
"She had to work". Tom says.
"Great". Emily grins. "Makes lunch go down so much easier".
Rose clears her throat. "Em, please".
"Well, as I said it is a pleasure meeting you Celeste". Emily tells me.
"So happy to meet you too". I say. I really do like Emily right away and I am sure we will get along great.
"I hope it is okay with you that we are eating in the kitchen. It is just pasta bolognese, I didn't want to go crazy and ... Well it is what I do best". Tom says almost apologetically.
His mother puts her hand on his arm. "It is more than okay sweetie. We came to see you two, the rest is much less important".
We all walk out to the kitchen and Tom asks us to sit down. He puts the food on the table and opened a bottle of good red wine, getting me a bottle of my favorite lemonade. "Here you go, just dig in".
"So how is the pregnancy so far ?" His mother asks. "You definitely have that pregnancy glow".
"Oh, it hasn't been bad actually. A bit of morning sickness, but I am feeling better now and the doctor said it was normal for the start of the second trimester, especially with twins". I tell them happily.
"I can imagine. How wonderful it isn't too much. You know I had no problems with either of mine". Rose says.
"Didn't you ?" I ask surprised.
"No, not really. If you can believe that. But I never carried twins". She smiles warmly at me. "I can't wait to meet them".
"They are due around Christmas time, so they will be here for the holiday we hope". I tell her.
"That's great news. And I don't think I could imagine anything more special than twins". Rose smiles happily. "I had seriously started doubting I would ever be a grandmother".
Emily rolls her eyes. "Mom, stop it".
"Sorry, but I need someone to spoil". Rose laughs. "You two have gotten too old for that".
"Get a cat". Emily huffs, making everyone laugh.
As I watch them talk about our babies, I feel myself relax and calm down. Maybe this won't be so hard after all.
Then Wmily asks about the pregnancy and our relationship. Tom tells her and explains it wasn't planned but our affection just started growing as we lived together. He lives out the naughty things we have been doing of course.
His sister claps her hands with delight. "Oh that is so romantic. That has to be like total kismet, God's plan, karma or whatever, you were meant to be together".
"See that might have been what I should have realized back then, because it has taken me quite some time to admit that things have changed and I was trying to bring back something that was long dead". Tom says, catching my hand, entwining his fingers with hers. "But now I see it all clearly. And Celestia put down her foot and demanded that I made up my mind".
His mother smiles at me and says softly. "A smart girl, and Tom I think it was a good thing to think it through. But at least this time you know for sure that it isn't your fame she wants".
"Unlike someone mom doesn't want me to mention". Emily says, making her mother groan.
"Yeah, but it took me a while to realize that". Tom sighs."I should have broken it off back when I first planned to, I should not have stayed because of her pregnancy".
"And maybe if you hadn't done it, you wouldn't have met Celestia". Rose says wisely. "If not for your past, you might never have known her and there wouldn't be two beautiful babies on the way".
Tom nods. "I guess you are right, though I wish I had figured it out sooner. It would have made it all easier".
Rose smiles fondly at him. "There is no way you could have known, Tom. And you are very lucky, to have found such a wonderful woman. I can see why Celestia was so adamant about you making up your mind, so you Can have a real family. You are both so good together, it is amazing to see". She says with a smile.
"Thank you". I can't help but tell her as I reach for her hand over the table, giving it a small squeeze. I don't Think I have ever felt this accepted in my life, this much as part of a family.
"You are very welcome to stay with me as long as you need while Tom sorts everything out". She says warmly. "It is no problem at all. I have a big old house where I am all alone in, it will be nice having someone around".
I have to swallow, feeling touched by her kindness. "I will look forward to it".
Tom is beaming at me, there is no doubt that he is happy to see me getting along with his family.
The rest of the dinner we talk about our plans for the nursery and Rose says that she would love to make them each a blanket with their name embroidered, which I absolutely love. I have seen the one she made for Tom when he was a baby, he still treasures it and even worn and faded I have admired it several times.
After we say goodbye to Rose and Emily, Tom pulls me into his arms. "That went amazing, don't you agree ?"
"It really did". I smile up at him. "Your sister is great and your mom is just ... the best".
"You are the best". He says happily, before leaning down to kiss me.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now