Baby shopping

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10 days later
"Are you sure this is okay ?" I look at Felicity as I stop the car in front of the giant baby store. "I mean shouldn't Tia be here ? It's her kids too, don't she need to have a say ?"

Felicity rolls her eyes at me, making me bide back an uncharacteristic snide remark. "Well it is our house and I want the nursery to look good. And well hopefully she will be gone after the kids are born".

"Don't start with me, okay, I don't want to have that discussion again". She huffs at me.

I sigh. Honestly I feel myself slip further away from Felicity, after her remark to her friends and my night with Celestia. I never did confront Felicity about her hurtful remarks though. I have too much of a bad conscience to call her out on it.

  Celestia and I had talked about it as we lay in bed. What we did is not to be repeated. It had been about me being hurt and finding her attractive and her being confused with all the hormones and such. We are both adults, we will be able to handle it. But as the days pass by I am not so sure I will be able to.

"Fine". I grumble, getting out of the car. "Let's go".

She looks at me like I'm crazy for a second before laughing. "You're hilarious Tom, I swear".

I lock the car, not caring to ask what She meant and follow Felicity into the store. I feel a bit bad doing this without Celestia, but I just didn't want to fight with Felicity again and I am happy to see her take an interest.

I have to admit that I feel lost here. I have near to no idea what they need beside beds of course. What is must have and what is only nice to have. I look around, wondering what the difference is between this one and that one. "Uhh Felicity, do you have any idea what we need ?"

"Sure, Tom. We need two beds, a changing station, two little dressers, two cabinets and a rocking chair for sitting in when feeding them. I think we should go with a pink princess theme". She says, smiling happily. If there is something Felicity enjoys it is planning things and shopping.

I smile at her. "Sounds great to me".

We walk down to the area with the beds and I look around. "Why do they have to have like a hundred different ones ? Why not just a pink, a blue, a white and a wooden one ?" I say with a deep sigh.

"Tom, sometimes you are such a dork". She says giggling at me. "There are different designers and shapes. Some can grow with the kids, some you can take off the side and so on".

"Well, what about this one then ? It looks fine". I say and point to the nearest one. All these options kind of gives me a headache, and I can't really figure out what is the best.

I roll my eyes, but then I decide to bite down the snarky remark. I have felt Tom kind of slipping from my grasp and I know I need to do some damage control or I might end up losing him completely. "Sweetie, that is a playpen and a cheap one at that".

"Oh". He says, looking like he isn't sure what I just said.

I walk over to some of the expensive brand name beds, the kid I want. "I just want the very best for our little princesses''.

He comes over to put his arms around me. "I am so happy to hear you say that. Sorry it has all been so stressed and weird lately. Maybe this is what we need to get back on track".

I lean back into him, my voice purring. "Yeah, you have been quite impossible, my love. But I am sure if you just do your best, that we can find each other again".

I smile to myself, happy that he seems to be finally seeing it from my point of view.

I don't really know why I keep trying. I guess I keep hoping that we can get back to how it was in the beginning. It is just that I hate confrontations. I can't really get an overview over what a break up would bring with it, attention, interviews, questions, blame that I am leaving because she can't have kids. Just thinking about it gives me a bloody headache.

We walk around the store for a Long time and I let Felicity pick out what she thinks we need. I am thinking that she knows more about design and style, and she ought to know which things are the right. Honestly, beside her shooting down everything I suggest, it is quite nice. She lets me hold her hand and we are actually talking for once, without fighting or blaming each other.

But still I can't help thinking about Celestia. How it would have felt to be doing this with her, walking around holding her hand. I imagine what she would choose and I am quite sure she would have chosen based on some other criterias than Felicity.

I often find myself thinking about Celestia, thinking back to that night. It had been so hot and utterly amazing. She is such a warm and passionate woman, which only makes Felicity look more cold in comparison. But well she had made it clear that we are only going to be friends and I have made a commitment to Felicity. I am not one to go back on my promises.

So here I am, getting dragged around by Felicity as always. Dreaming of something else, but too scared to uproot my life and grasp for it.

When we have decided to get the most expensive bed, the dressers and a changing station. The rest will come later, as Felicity wants them from another store. I am paying and we head outside. I can't wait to see Celestia if I am honest.

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