Opening statements

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12 days later
I take a deep breath as Tom's hand squeezes mine reassuringly. The London city courthouse looms before us like an imposing fortress, and I can feel the weight of what's about to happen. Our lawyer, Alan, meets us at the entrance, his calm demeanor providing some comfort.

"Good morning, Celestia, Tom. Let's go over our game plan one last time before we head in". Alan says, his voice steady.

As Alan speaks, I can't help but notice the throng of reporters gathered outside the courthouse, their cameras flashing and microphones thrust forward like weapons. Tom's fans are also here, waving signs of support and shouting words of encouragement. I feel a mixture of gratitude and unease at their presence.

While I get that Tom is famous, and fans and paparazzi are part of his life, I do hope it will all die down a bit once the trial is over.

We make our way through the chaos, and I try my best to ignore the reporters' invasive questions. They are hungry for any tidbit of information they can get their hands on. Tom remains the epitome of grace, nodding politely while never breaking stride.

Inside the courthouse, the air is thick with anticipation. My heart races as we approach the courtroom, the door a physical barrier between us and the truth. I know we're in the right, but the thought of facing Felicity and her ruthless lawyer, Vicktoria, sends a shiver down my spine.

As we take our seats, Tom leans in close and whispers into my ear. "Just remember, we're in this together. No matter what happens, we have each other and our soon-to-be family". I nod, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

The judge enters the room, bringing with him an air of solemnity. The trial is about to begin, and it's time for us to fight for our truth.

Alan is called to do his opening statement first. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today we are here to present the truth about the events that led to the formation of an extraordinary bond between my clients, Tom and Celestia. We will prove that Celestia's pregnancy, far from being a calculated plan, was in fact an incredible miracle, and that the love between Tom and Celestia is genuine and deeply rooted".

My heart is pounding as he continues, it is weird to hear him tell our story. "Celestia, having bravely battled cervical cancer, was told that her chances of becoming pregnant were slim to none. In a series of unfortunate events, a mix-up at the doctor's office led to her accidental insemination. The fact that she became pregnant at all was nothing short of a miracle. Tom, who has always longed to be a father, saw this as his one and only chance to fulfill that dream".

Felicity is muttering something, but a glare from the judge silenced her.

"As the pregnancy progressed, Celestia was invited by Tom and Felicity to stay with them, in order to provide support during this difficult time. However, it soon became apparent that the bond between Tom and Celestia went far beyond that of mere acquaintances. Unbeknownst to them, their feelings for each other began to grow, and it became increasingly clear that they were meant to be together". Alan pauses for effect, smiling at me.

"We will present evidence to show that Felicity's intentions in her relationship with Tom were far from pure. She sought to use his fame and success to further her own ambitions, with no regard for Tom's happiness or well-being. It is our contention that the false claims made by Felicity and her lawyer are a desperate attempt to salvage her own reputation at the expense of two innocent people". He is putting so much empathy into his words that I see several members of the jury nod.

Alan makes a motion towards us. "Tom and Celestia want nothing more than to live their lives as a family with their unborn twins. They have been through enough pain and heartache already, and they simply wish to move forward, free from the malicious accusations that have been leveled against them. We ask that you keep an open mind as you consider the evidence before you, and we are confident that you will see the truth as we present it".

"Thank you". Alan gives a small bow of his head, before returning to his seat.

Vicktoria strides confidently to the front of the courtroom, her eyes glinting with determination. I can't help but feel a wave of anxiety wash over me as she begins her opening argument.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury". She starts, her voice dripping with conviction. "We are here today to expose the manipulative and deceitful behavior of Celestia, who has gone to extreme lengths to insert herself into Tom's life and destroy his relationship with Felicity".

My heart pounds in my chest as she continues, accusing me of stalking Tom and paying the doctor to inseminate me. The audacity of her claims leaves me speechless. I glance at the jury, trying to gauge their reaction, but their expressions are unreadable.

Vicktoria goes on, alleging that I coerced Tom into taking me into their home, threatening to have an abortion if he didn't comply. The courtroom seems to hold its breath at the severity of the accusation. I can feel the weight of their judgment, and it's suffocating.

She then claims that I had a change of heart and offered to be a surrogate for Felicity, even going so far as to sign a contract. According to her twisted narrative, I later attempted to blackmail Felicity for more money, and when she refused, I decided to take everything from her.

As Vicktoria speaks, I can see Felicity in the corner of my eye, her face a picture of feigned innocence. I clench my fists, trying to keep my emotions in check, but it's a struggle.

Vicktoria concludes her opening by painting Felicity as a victim, fighting for her love with Tom. She even goes as far as to say that Tom was sexually deviant and that I was willing to do anything to satisfy his desires... a cruel, baseless accusation meant to tarnish his reputation.

The courtroom is abuzz with whispered reactions to Vicktoria's shocking claims. I look over at Tom, who meets my eyes with a reassuring glance. He squeezes my hand, reminding me that we are in this together, and that the truth will prevail.

After the opening statements the judge calls for a one hour break for lunch. Saying the first witness will be called when the court adjournes.

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