Family ties

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The car stops in front of our home, and relief washes over me. Emily turns off the ignition, grinning as she announces, "All right, you two, we are home. By the way mom is here, so... probably expect everything to have been turned inside out".

"Mom loves to clean and cook". Tom says with a happy grin.

He helps me unbuckle my seatbelt, a task that is getting increasingly difficult due to my belly and we make our way to the front door.

  As it swings open, Rose greets us with a smile. "Welcome home, Celestia". She says, embracing me. "I hope it is okay, bit I have cleaned the house and made lunch for you. We do not want you to stress".

"Thank you". I reply, grateful for her support.

Inside, everything is spotless, and the scent of something delicious wafts from the kitchen. We sit down in the dining room, and Emily brings over steaming plates of food. The conversation is easy and light, filled with laughter.

Suddenly, Tom's phone buzzes. He checks the screen, and his expression turns serious. "It's our lawyer, Alan". He says and steps away to take the call.

I can't help but worry as I watch Tom's face, searching for any hints about the reason for the call. Emily places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Celestia, it's probably nothing. Maybe even good news".

Rose nods in agreement. "Emily's right. Let's not jump to conclusions. Just enjoy the meal, dear".

Despite their reassurances, the uneasiness lingers until Tom returns to the table, his face more relaxed. "Alan wants me to go in tomorrow to finish my testimony". He says. "But Celestia, you don't have to come in until next week to yours, the judge has decided on that".

I sigh with relief, thankful for the extra time to rest and recover.

As we continue eating, the conversation takes a nostalgic turn. Rose smiles, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "You know, Celestia, Tom was quite the handful when he was a kid".

Emily chimes in, "Oh, you have no idea! I could write a book about his shenanigans".

My curiosity piqued, I ask, "Really ? Like what ?"

Rose chuckles, "Well, there was the time he decided to give our neighbor's cat a haircut. Poor thing looked like a lion for weeks".

Tom groans, but there's a hint of a smile on his face. "I thought I was doing the cat a favor; it was a hot summer".

Emily grins, "And then there was the time he built a makeshift zipline from our treehouse to the ground. He was convinced he was going to be the next Tarzan".

Rose nods, laughing. "He ended up crashing into the fence, but luckily he was fine. Just a few scrapes and bruises".

I can't help but laugh, imagining a young Tom getting into all sorts of mischief. His playful spirit has always been one of the things I love most about him.

As the stories continue, Tom's face grows red with embarrassment, but he takes it all in stride. I feel a sense of closeness with his family, and I'm grateful for the bond we're building.

Tom catches my eye and winks. "Now you know all my childhood secrets, Celestia. I guess there's no turning back".

I smile at him, feeling more connected than ever. "I wouldn't have it any other way"

As Celestia and Emily retire to the couch to chat, Mom and I begin clearing the table and doing the dishes. Working side by side at the sink, we fall into a comfortable rhythm, the sound of water and clinking dishes filling the room.

After a few moments, Mom speaks up, her voice filled with warmth. "Tom, I just want you to know how happy I am to see you finally thriving and how proud I am of you".

I can't help but smile, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Mom. It means a lot to me".

"And Celestia". She continues, "She's such a wonderful woman. I couldn't have picked a better partner for you".

I glance over at Celestia, who's laughing at something Emily said, and my heart swells with love. "She is amazing, Mom. I'm so lucky to have her in my life".

Mom nods, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. "You two are perfect for each other, and I know you will make a great father to those twins. And if you ever hurt her, by God I swear I will kick you skinny ass".

I can't help but laugh, but at the same time her words fill me with a sense of pride and determination. I want to be the best partner and father I can be, for Celestia and our growing family.

As we finish the dishes, I can't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. Surrounded by the love of my family. This is all I ever wanted.

After a wonderful afternoon, it's time for Mom and Emily to leave. We gather by the door, exchanging hugs and heartfelt goodbyes.

"Remember, you can always call if you need anything". Mom says, giving Celestia one last hug. "And when the time comes, I will be more than happy to babysit those little ones".

"Thank you, Rose". Celestia replies, her eyes shining with gratitude. "We appreciate it so much".

I hug my mom. "Yeah thanks mom".

As we wave goodbye, the door closes, and we are left in the quiet of our home. Celestia retrieves the baby books she received from her friend Danny at the baby shower and settles down at the table to start filling them out.

I join her, eager to be a part of this process. As she writes down their names and the information we already know, I carefully glue in the ultrasound pictures, making sure they're perfectly aligned. Our excitement grows with each detail we add, and I can't help but imagine all the incredible memories we will create with our twins.

Working side by side, we lose track of time, immersed in the joy of preparing for our family's future. And as we close the baby books, satisfied with our progress, I suggest we spend the rest of the day on the couch doing like a couple of lazy potatoes and watching something fun. Celestia needs to relax after all.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now