I like you

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"I could get used to this". Tom puts a hand on my cheek and strokes my hair behind my ear. "You know how to make a guy feel special".

I smile warmly at him. "I like to make you feel special".

His gaze is so full of passion and desire that my body is immediately set on fire. I still hardly can't believe that I am here with him and what we are about to do.

"Show me how much you appreciate me". I whisper.

We are in the kitchen, alone. We had been a bit hungry after returning home and decided to get a bite to eat, so I made us some snacks. We have just finished up putting things away.

He gently parts my lips and kisses me as only he can. As if I am a precious gift, he lifts me up on the kitchen counter and pulls my legs close around him. But then he stops and puts his forehead against mine.

"No, not here, not like this. I want to take you up to bed and make love to you, okay ? Just let me enjoy every millimeter of you and let me love you".

I can't answer. A lump squeezes up through my throat and I have to fight not to let him discover it. I am a strong woman, not some whiny teen girl, for fucks sake.

"Hurry up". I mumble, wanting to forget that we should not be doing this.

Tom turns off the light everywhere, after which he takes my hand and pulls me away from there. He does not stop, before we reach my bedroom.

"Just stay still and let me do the rest". He takes my face in his hands, and gently he sucks my tongue into his mouth, like he wants to taste it. I am struck by his intense gaze as he withdraws. It is so full of desire that I lose my breath.

He smiles at me and kisses me again, slowly and heartily. He lets his tongue slide down over my throat and puts small moist kisses on my body as he walks around behind me.

As he strokes my hair to the side, I close my eyes and let my head fall back as he gently nips on my neck. His hands slides down my arms. He barely touches my skin, but I feel him so clearly, like he is drawing strings of embers all the way down. I feel his warm breath against my throat. His breathing is slow and deep and for this time I let go and let him lead, sinking into blissful oblivion.

He puts his hands around my hips and presses his abdomen against my soft curves. He is all strong and lean muscles. That delights me. I know he is the subject of many women's imaginations, but right now it is me who turns him on.

  Me that he wants. At least for tonight he is mine.

Slowly, his hands slide up my upper body before he pulls the T-shirt off. He strokes his hands along my shoulders and around my back, turns me around and searches my mouth again. I don't think I will ever be able to get enough of his kiss. Each time, his mouth and knowledgeable tongue takes her breath away.

I open my eyes disappointed as the pressure on my lips disappears.

He stands in front of me, in the process of taking off his shirt. Each button reveals yet another glimpse of his shapely chest and abdomen. With a cheeky smile, he meets my gaze as he slowly slips his shirt off his shoulders. Then he pulls me into him and kisses me, more demanding, more wet.

He releases my lips and looks down at me with this very special look. Again, I am sucked deep into his intense blue eyes, his quirky ability to penetrate my consciousness and leave me hungry for him; it is like magic. I burn and feel an urge to peel the rest of the clothes off him. It is torture to see him undress.

When he finally stands naked in front of me, it is impossible to remain passive. He is an impressive sight for a human and I have to have him now ! In a long step I am by him and throw myself over his mouth. He answers my kiss, but then withdraws, leaving me gasping for breath.

"I adore you, I desire you". He mutters hoarsely. "Let me show you how much". He pulls me over to the bed where he sits down on the edge and lifts me to stand in front of him.

With painful slow thoroughness, he pulls off my leggings and lifts my feet free of the socks. He nips lightly at my belly while grabbing my panties. His lips follow the edge of my panties as he peels them down over my hips. He stops just above my special area and let the panties fall the last bit. With a look full of promises he pulls me down to him.

I sit cross-legged on him, but he turns me around on the bed. He lays down slowly on top of me so I feel how every millimeter of our bodies meet each other, even if he is careful not to put weight on my belly. I feel the warmth of his skin propagate to mine. As he lay completely on top of me, he finally bends his face down and kisses me.

"I'm not done". He whispers strenuously as I open my legs for him and wrap them around his waist.

He gets up on his elbows and moves slowly down my neck until he reaches my breasts. He kisses them both and draws a wet circle around one with his tongue. He blows lightly and the bud responds instantly by strutting in welcome. He blows again before sucking the hard nipple into his mouth.

The change from cold to heat and his caressing tongue makes me gasp and I push my chest up towards him. Why won't he just take me hard and wild ? He gives himself way too much time as he pushes me back into the bed and showers my other breast with the same attention. Finally, he moves down over my body.

I gasp in surprise when he reaches my pelvic area and starts nibbling at my sensitive skin. I push my abdomen up to get more, tensing my body in expectation that his mouth will soon bury itself in my heated center, but he concentrates solely on the area along my triangle.

Finally, I feel the soft tongue make a long lick from the bottom up. I protest as it stops just before the clitoris. He carefully avoids my little hard knot, teasing only the delicate surroundings. I whimper and writhe. My lady parts throb with longing to feel him inside. This is no longer fun.

At last he gives in. His tongue is like a ray of pure pleasure, and I have to hold on to the bedclothes so as not to float off

"I can take it no longer, Tom". I beg, reaching for him.

He is over me right away, kissing me passionately and parting my labia with his erection.

"Lie still". He mumbles.

Gently he penetrates me so I can feel all of him. I push myself impatiently up against him, but he follows my movement and will not meet my needs.

"Shh, you need to relax darling". He grins with small half anguished huffs. "Or this will be over way too soon".

I moan like in pain, but comply with his wish, and when I lay still he starts moving, only a little in and out again, before suddenly penetrating me deeply, all the way to the bottom. I gasp in surprise and cling to him while he slowly moves all the way out and just as slowly penetrates deep into me again.

He lets me follow, and I hungrily accept his deep thrusts. He changes rhythm. Every time I mirror his movements, he finds a new way of taking me. Only when I calm down , accepting him, does he give in and make love to me gently.

I completely disappear from the room and fly off on the all-consuming pleasure he gives me. The orgasm is building itself way too fast inside me. He is so great at reading me that he immediately complies with my needs and gives in to the passion. He propels me forward, taking me deeply and passionately, until we both explode in an ecstatic orgasm.

I bury his face in his neck and he holds me tight while we both return. He kisses me tenderly and slides down next to me. I love just being in his arms, feeling his body against mine and listening to his heart and breathing slowing down.

"This was nice. I could get used to this". I tell him with a cheeky grin.

"It was okay". He smiles teasingly.

"Okay ?" The jealousy cuts into me. No one should feel better than me, at least not right now.

"It was amazing". He laughs, pulling me into him. "Celestia, believe me, everything we do together is fantastic. It was incredible, but the best thing was to see how much you enjoy it: you look sexy when you cum".

I blush and throw a pillow at his head. He wipes off the laugh and becomes serious. "I like you a lot, I really do". He sighs. "And I like being with you ... not only like this, but in general".

"And I you, Tom". I whisper.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now