Lily and Mia

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I sit on the edge of the bed, gently rubbing my swollen belly. The warm morning sunlight streams through the curtains, bathing the room in a golden glow. At 33 weeks pregnant, I feel a mix of anticipation and excitement, I do know that twins often come a couple of weeks early, so it is starting to draw close now.

Tom is standing in front of the mirror, meticulously fixing his collar. He glances over at me with a loving smile.

"Are you ready for the checkup, my love ?" He asks.

"I am, but I think our girls are more excited than I am. They have been kicking up a storm all morning". I reply, grinning.

Tom walks over and places his large hand on my belly, feeling the tiny movements of our daughters. His eyes sparkle with excitement and love.

"I can't wait to meet them, Celestia. Do you think they will have your beautiful smile or my dashing good looks ?" He chuckles teasingly, the wording is one used in an article yesterday about the trial .

"Oh, I'm sure they will have the best of both of us, my love. And they'll have your undeniable charm, no doubt". I say playfully.

He leans down and tenderly kisses me on the forehead before helping me to my feet. As we walk hand in hand towards the door, Tom teases me a bit more.

"So, are we set on the names, then ? Lily and Mia ?" He asks.

"Yes, I think those names are perfect for our little miracles". I reply, smiling.

As we leave the bedroom, the anticipation of seeing our twin girls during the pregnancy checkup fills us with joy.

As Tom and I step out of our home, we are greeted by the familiar sight of a few paparazzi waiting for us. Their cameras click and flash as they eagerly approach, asking where we are headed as they know we are not due in court before tomorrow.

Tom, always the gentleman, takes the lead and proudly responds. "We are off to a pregnancy checkup for our twin girls". His face beams with pride and joy.

The paparazzi, taken aback by the openness, respond with genuine well-wishes and congratulations. We can't help but smile at their enthusiasm.

With Tom's arm protectively wrapped around me, we make our way to the car. Once we are both safely inside, he starts the engine, and we drive to the clinic. The streets are quiet and peaceful, allowing us to enjoy this special moment together.

As we talk about our excitement and what the future holds, the love and happiness we share fill the car, creating an intimate bubble around us. Despite the fame and attention, it's moments like these that truly matter, as we look forward to welcoming our twin girls into the world.

We arrive at the clinic, and as we walk through the door, the familiar face of the receptionist greets us. She's almost like an old friend by now, having been a part of our journey throughout the pregnancy.

"Tom, Celestia. Congratulations on your engagement, and of course, on your twin girls almost being ready to come join you". She exclaims, her eyes twinkling with happiness for us.

"Thank you so much". We both reply, our smiles widening.

After checking in, we find our seats in the waiting area. I spot a pregnancy magazine on the table next to me and pick it up, flipping through the pages. As I come across an illustration of what babies look like at 33 weeks, I excitedly show it to Tom.

"Look, Tom! This is how our little girls look right now". I say, pointing at the detailed image.

He leans in closer, studying the illustration with awe and amazement. "Wow, they are so close to being ready to join us". He murmurs, his voice filled with wonder and love.

We sit there together, hand in hand, lost in the moment as we imagine our twin girls and eagerly await the chance to see them again during the checkup.

As we sit in the waiting area, lost in our thoughts, the nurse calls our names. "Tom and Celestia, the doctor is ready for you now".

We stand up and follow her down the hallway to the doctor's office. The anticipation builds as we enter the room, and I can feel butterflies in my stomach.

With Tom by my side, I climb onto the examination table, and the doctor walks in with a warm smile. "Hello, Celestia and Tom. Let's see how your twin girls are doing today".

As the ultrasound technician applies the cool gel to my belly and gently moves the transducer over my skin, we watch the screen attentively. The doctor excitedly shares the measurements, "Both girls are around 1.8 kg and 40 cm in size. They are a great size for twins. One has her head down, while the other doesn't yet, but they both look lively and absolutely perfect".

Our hearts swell with happiness, and we can't take our eyes off the screen. The doctor then switches to a 3D view, allowing us a more detailed glimpse of our daughters. Their tiny features are so well-defined, and we are awestruck by the sight.

Then, we hear the most magical sound: the beating of their hearts. The steady rhythm fills the room, and tears of joy fill our eyes as we listen to the beautiful symphony of life.

Tom gently squeezes my hand, his eyes glistening with tears. "They are perfect, Celestia. Our little miracles".

"We are so lucky". I whisper back, feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude.

As we leave the doctor's office with the precious images and memories of our twin girls, we know that our lives are about to change forever, and we couldn't be more excited to embrace this new chapter together.

As we leave the clinic and make our way back to the car, Tom holds the ultrasound pictures of our twin girls close to his heart. The pride and joy radiating from his face are unmistakable.

As we settle into our car and drive home, we can't help but feel grateful for the love and support we have received.

Getting out of the car we find the same group of paparazzi waiting for us, their cameras at the ready.

Tom wastes no time in sharing our happiness with them. He walks over, holding the ultrasound images up for them to see. "Here are our beautiful twin girls". He announces, his voice brimming with pride.

The paparazzi are pleasantly surprised by Tom's openness and eagerly snap photos of the precious images. Their excitement is contagious, and they shower us with congratulations and well-wishes once again.

With our hearts full of love for our twin girls and each other, we eagerly await the moment when we can finally hold them in our arms and introduce them to the world.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now