The garden

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I stand in the middle of the park, surrounded by a group of enthusiastic volunteers who have come to help me create a community garden. I can feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and the gentle breeze blowing through my hair. It's a beautiful day, and I feel grateful to be able to spend it doing something meaningful.

After meeting the little flower girl, who turns out to be named Flora, I have been working on doing this. Giving her a real garden in memory of her father. A garden that others can enjoy too.

As I look around, I see Tom, working hard alongside the other volunteers. He catches my eye and flashes me a bright smile, and I feel my heart swell with love.

"Are you happy with it all so far ?" Tom asks as he comes over to me.

"Yeah". I smile happily up at him. It is really nice to have a break from all the worries about Felicity and the impending case. "I think Flora is going to love it".

He smiles warmly. "I think the whole community is going to love it. It is an amazing thing you have started here. i am proud of you".

Together, we dig and plant, sweat pouring down our faces as we work under the hot sun. I can feel the babies inside me kicking, and I place a hand on my swollen belly, feeling a sense of contentment that I am doing something good for our community and for our children's future.

The volunteers work tirelessly, and soon we have created a beautiful garden, filled with brightly colored flowers and thriving vegetables. I feel a sense of satisfaction that I haven't felt in a long time, knowing that we have made a positive impact on our community.

And here comes Flora with her mom. I can hear the little girl say. Why are we going to the park mom ? What is the surprise ?"

Her mother laughs and answers excitedly. "You will see darling ! Just wait until you see what your new friends have done". She takes Flora by the hand and leads her towards us.

"Celestia". Flora sees me and runs into my arms, hugging me tight before running back to hug her mother again. Her eyes sparkle with joy as she looks around the garden and then meets Tom's gaze.

Tom gives Flora a big smile. "We made you a special garden, in memory of your father. It is a garden the whole community can enjoy. Over here is a patch where you can plant your sprouts. It was all Celestia's idea".

She gasps, wide eyed. "My daddy would have loved it. Can we go there every day ?"

He nods enthusiastically. "Yes, you can come every time you and your mother have the time, and anytime you want to visit. It will always be kept open, for you and everyone else".

"You should give the garden a name". I tell Flora. "After all it Was you who inspiret the garden".

The little girl thinks for a moment. Then she says. "It should be called Daddy's magical garden".

"That is a great name". Tom says. "I will make sure a sign is put up with the name, so everybody can see it".

Flora hugs both of us tightly, and I kiss the top of her head gently. "Thank you".

I watch happily as Flora drags her mon around the garden, pointing to everything and no doubt explaining what the plants and flowers are.

As the day draws to a close and the sun begins to set, we all sit together on the grass, sharing stories and laughter as we enjoy the fruits of our labor.

"Thank you". Tom says softly.

I smile at him. "For what, you were the one who helped me here".

"I actually really needed this". He makes a motion towards the garden. "To forget about the whole mess for a bit, and to do some manual labour. It Was a nice day".

"I totally agree". I lean back against Tom, feeling his strong arms wrap around me, and I know that I am exactly where I am meant to be.

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