She is back

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"Welcome home". I tell Felicity as she walks into the living room. "I hope you had a good meeting and a lovely night".

"Boring meeting, however I learned some interesting things". She says with a weird smile. "And no horrid night, I hate sleeping at hotels".

I give her a small smile. Mostly I want to ask her to move out now. But I know I need to be careful here. "Sorry about that".

"You should be sorry". She glares at me. "Where are your little whore by the way ?"

"Excuse me ?" I stare at her.

She rolls her eyes. "I am not sure if you believe the World to be blind Tom, or if you just think I am stupid".

"I do not know what you mean". I keep pretending to be innocent.

"Do not play innocent with me. Someone saw you two in the arcade last night". She glares at me. "And snapped pictures".

I sigh and lean back on the couch. "It was just a friendly outing. We where both bored. And you hate the arcade so I thought you wouldn't mind".

"I don't mind you going to the arcade, I don't even mind you taking her there". She sighs. "But I mind that you and her are now all over the net, and what people are thinking".

"What are they saying ?" I ask, not wanting to reveal more than she knows. "What is on those Photos ?"

She gives me an annoyed look. "That you were constantly touching each other, and looking very cozy".

"Honestly you know how they are, you need to retract half of what they say". I tell her. Thank God there are no pictures of us kissing or anything like that. If there had been I would now doubt have her handprint etched on my cheek by now.

"Oh is that so ?" She huffs. "Also when they call you a hero ?"

I frown. "I am not sure what you mean by that exactly"

"Seriously". Felicity half rolls her eyes. "You know what I mean"

I shake my head. Of course I have an idea, but I need to know exactly what she knows, or think she knows. "No I do not, tell me please".

"They say you saved her from two attackers". She cocks her head, looking at me".

"Oh that". I mumble.

Her voice goes up in pitch. "Yes ... That".

"Well saved is smearing it on a little thick". I say with a small sigh. "Also not really attackers, more like rude bastards".

"But still you felt a need to step up and play he hero". She huffs. "Not at all caring how it looks".

I breathe out. "Are you going to tell me that it somehow looks bad that I helped her ? Also she is carrying me kids, how could I not protect her ?"

"Just tell me, is there more to it". Felicity says, sounding like she is asking if I remembered to buy milk. "Do I need to fear something here ?"

I really hate lying. But I know now is not the time to come clean. I need everything planned, I need Celestia out of here first. I do however try not to lie directly. "We have become friends, and quite close. But it will help us work together when the babies are born".

She sits down next to me. I feel her arm go around me. She rests her head on my shoulder. "I hate this".

"I know". I whisper into her ear, trying not to flinch away. "I wish I did not have to do it either".

I am of course talking about pretending to still want to marry her. But she of course does not know that.

She shivers slightly, like she feels sick. "I can't wait to get her out of here. I just want to take care of our children and forget this ever happened".

"We can't really. Forget it all, I mean, Celestia will be there ... She is their mom after all". I point out.

She shakes her head. "I don't want to talk about it anymore. I am tired. As I said, I had a bad night".

"Okay". I pull her closer to me for a moment. "Go take a nap. I will have lunch ready when you wake up".

"Please unpack my bag too". She says getting up. "And please remember my silk shirts need to be taken to the cleaner, no go in the washer".

I nod and stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Sure, I can handle it".

As I watch her walk out I know I need to put my plan into gear. Suddenly the thought of her touching me or kissing me seems not at all nice.


Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now