Making her an offer

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One week later


My heart races with a mixture of anxiety and anger as I step into the conference room, my lawyer, Alan, by my side. The last time I saw Felicity was when we parted ways; her absence was a relief. Celestia and I have settled into the house, but I can't shake the feeling of dread that hangs over us.

Felicity sits next to her lawyer, a cunning smile playing on her lips. Her cold, calculating eyes are icy as they meet mine, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Hello, Tom". Felicity says, each word dripping with venom. "I hear that you and your lawyer have an offer to make me".

I swallow hard, feeling like a cornered animal. The weight of the situation is suffocating, but I will do anything to protect Celestia and our unborn twins.

Felicity's lawyer slides a stack of papers across the table towards us. "Before you say anything, you should know that we have a contract here that Celestia signed, stating that she was agreeing to be your surrogate and that the children belong to Felicity. We also have a statement from the doctor who inseminated Celestia, confirming that she paid him to do so".

It feels like a sucker punch to the gut. I knew Felicity was capable of heinous acts, but I never thought she would go this far. I picture Celestia at home, her maternal glow, and I resolve to do anything in my power to keep her from being dragged through a trial.

"We're willing to pay you off". I say, my voice breaking with desperation. "Just name your price, and I will write you a check. And of course, you will sign a document relinquishing any claim to the kids, forever".

Felicity laughs bitterly, her eyes narrowing. "Money won't solve this problem, Tom. I want those children, and I will do whatever it takes to get them".

Alan, my lawyer, steps in. "There's no legal basis for you to keep those children, Felicity. They aren't biologically yours. You manipulated Celestia into signing. We have a robust case, and we will fight you every step of the way".

Felicity sneers, her confidence unshaken. "We will see about that. I have the contract, the doctor's confession, public sympathy, and the resources to hire the best lawyers in town. You don't stand a chance, and going to court will destroy your career".

"Felicity come on". I say, knowing I sound desperate. But I know She is lying, and I know she doesn't love the twins. "We both know that this is only about you wanting to hurt me, and Celestia. Why not just take the money ? Move on and find someone else. There are a lot of kids that needs adobting if you truly want kids".

"I think this meeting is over". Felicity's lawyer announces, an air of finality in his voice. "We will see you in court".

A nauseating feeling churns in my stomach as I watch Felicity's lawyer gather the papers. They both rise and leave the room, leaving a chilling silence in their wake. I realize this is just the beginning of a long, bitter battle ... one I had hoped to avoid. But for Celestia and our children, I will do whatever it takes to keep our family together.

"Let's go talk our plans through in my office". Alan says, giving me a tired smile.

The tension is palpable as I sit in Alan's office ten minutes later, the dimly lit room feeling more like a confessional than a place of legal counsel. My hands are clammy, my thoughts clouded with fear and uncertainty. The prospect of a lengthy legal battle terrifies me, and I can't help but worry about the consequences for Celestia and our unborn children.

Alan leans back in his leather chair, his face etched with concern. He studies me intently, as if he can sense the turmoil brewing inside me.

"Tom". He says softly, "I understand your fear. The thought of this case dragging on for months, even years, is daunting. Not to mention the media. But I need you to remember that we are in this together, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure the best outcome for you, Celestia, and the twins".

I nod, trying to draw strength from his words, but the fear gnawing at me refuses to subside. "What if it takes too long, Alan ? What if the stress of this case impacts Celestia's health or the well-being of our children ? I can't bear the thought of that happening".

Alan takes a deep breath, his eyes steady on mine. "We will do everything in our power to expedite the process, Tom. We will gather evidence, witness testimonies, and present a strong case that challenges Felicity's claims. We will also work to expose her manipulative tactics and the illegitimacy of the contract".

"But if it does go on for a while". I interject, my voice trembling. I know cases can take months, even years before they actually go to court. "How can I protect Celestia and our children from the emotional and physical toll of this battle ?"

Alan places his hands on the desk, leaning forward with determination. "We will surround Celestia with a strong support system. Encourage her to see a therapist, ensure she has friends and family close by, and minimize her exposure to media coverage. We will do everything we can to create a safe, nurturing environment for her and the twins".

His words offer a glimmer of hope, a lifeline I cling to in this storm of uncertainty. With a deep breath, I muster the courage to face the fight ahead. I am happy to have such an amazing lawyer who seems to care deeply about our case.

"Thank you, Alan. I know this won't be easy, but I trust you. Let's do everything we can to protect my family and bring this nightmare to an end". I tell him with a nod.

Alan nods, a fire igniting in his eyes. "We will give it our all, Tom. Felicity won't succeed in tearing your family apart. I promise you that".

I sit in the luxurious office of my lawyer, Victoria, a smug smile on my lips. The warmth of the fireplace crackles beside us, but the flames reflect the cold, calculating thoughts that occupy my mind. My sole focus is to bring Tom and Celestia to their knees, using the unborn twins as pawns in my twisted game.

Victoria, my lawyer, studies me carefully, her eyes narrowing as she tries to gauge my intentions. "Felicity, are you certain this is the path you want to take ? The legal battle ahead will be long and arduous, and it's crucial that you are prepared for the consequences, not to mention the media attention".

A wicked grin spreads across my face. "Oh, I'm more than prepared, Victoria. You see, I don't truly care about the twins. They are merely a means to an end, a way to inflict maximum pain on Tom and that pathetic Celestia".

"I do wish you had not told me that". Victoria's expression remains stoic as She says it, but I can sense her unease. "Well, if that's the case, we need to strategize carefully. We will need to discredit Tom and Celestia at every turn, painting them as unfit parents in the eyes of the court and the public. Explain how often Tom is away for work. We will also need to use that contract and doctor's statement to our advantage, emphasizing that Celestia willingly signed it".

I nod, knowing that my eyes are gleaming with malice. "Yes, let's exploit their weaknesses and make them suffer. I want Tom to regret ever leaving me, and I want Celestia to wish she never crossed paths with him".

Victoria hesitates for a moment, then continues. "If we manage to win custody of the twins, you need to be prepared for the responsibility that comes with raising them. Are you willing to commit to that, given that your primary goal is revenge ?"

I wave my hand dismissively. "I have more than enough money to hire nannies and caretakers. The twins will be well taken care of, but they will serve as a constant reminder to Tom and Celestia of their failure and the power I hold over them".

With a sigh, Victoria gathers her files and prepares to leave. "Very well, Felicity. I will do my best to represent your interests and see this through. But remember, the road ahead is treacherous, and there's no guarantee that your plan will unfold as you hope".

As she exits the room, I lean back in my chair, the flickering flames casting sinister shadows across my face. I revel in the chaos I'm about to unleash, eager to watch Tom and Celestia's world crumble around them.

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