Breaking hearts

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I am pacing the living room, not sure what to do with myself. I want to cry, I want to scream and I want to hit things ... hard. But none of it would help me the least right now.

The letter Felicity had was, supposedly, from the doctor who had inseminated Celestia. Stating that she had seen us visit the clinic and bribed him with sex to know why we were there. Then she had payed him to inseminate her instead of Felicity.

Do I believe it ? Nah, not really. Firstly it seems so far away from something Celestia would do, that I can't believe it. And it would also be a very dumb thing for the doctor to do ... the risk is too big and he would have known he would lose his job and license and risk a lawsuit.

The only reason we had not sued was to avoid the media frenzy it would have created.

But it doesn't matter much if it is the truth or not, if this came out ... If Felicity takes Celestia to court as She has threatened to, then it would be a huge shit fest, and Celestia would be hurt ... really hurt.

Felicity has demanded that I break it off with Celestia and move her to the apartment that Was meant for her. And I can't tell Celestia why, if I do the deal is off, and Felicity will take it to court and the media, and she will claim I knew too ... she hinted she can easily ruin my career completely.

I just don't understand how someone can think about hurting another person like this ! It's disgusting, horrible, sickening ... How can you even consider doing such a thing ? What kind of twisted mind does it require to come up with something like this!?

And yet, here I stand, unable to fight it, knowing that this whole situation is going to end badly one way or the other. Either way Celestia gets hurt, which will make me feel guilty forever, but one way She gets ruined too, and so do I. Felicity wins and I'm screwed.

The doorbell opens, then closes. I sigh deeply, wipe some tears off my face before getting up. There stands Celestia, looking gorgeous as ever.

"Hi Tom". She says softly while standing on the threshold to the kitchen. My heart skips a beat when she looks directly into my eyes and gives me a soft smile.

"We ... we need to talk". I mumble.

She looks slightly confused. "Okay, sure".

I lead her into the living room and over to the couch, sitting down next to her. We are silent for a few minutes until finally she speaks up. "What is it Tom ?"

"Us ... this ...". I swallow. "We can't do this".

"So ... You're breaking up with me ?" Her voice breaks at the last word.

My hands tremble, and I look away from her. "It's complicated ...". I start, trying to explain without actually saying anything, without revealing what I am not allowed to.

Celestia looks at me with sad eyes. "What happened? Did I do something wrong ?". She asks quietly.

Tears fill my eyes again and I try to hold them back, but fail miserably. I turn towards her and wrap my arms around her shoulders. "No, you didn't. I did something wrong, I broke my promise to Felicity, I cheated. I let myself be ensnared by your sensual beauty and lost my way ... I am sorry for that".

"You make what we have sound so ... dirty". She pulls away, swallowing hard.

"It was dirty and wrong". I force out the words, pretending to play a part. "Which is why you will be moving out. You do not have to worry, I will provide a nice apartment for you".

The hurt in her eyes almost have me giving in and confessing everything.

"I thought we were happy together". She whispers sadly. "And I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much Tom, more than anyone else could possibly know".

That hits home hard and tears threaten to spill out once again.

"It was just ... sex". I look away, unable to handle seeing the pain I am causing.

"I ...". She gets up. "I need a moment".

I can hear that She runs upstairs to her room and I slump down on the couch, feeling like the most vile creature on the planet.

A slow clap makes me look, and I see Felicity step out from the shadows. "Well done Tom, you deserve an Oscar".

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now