The important things

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I catch Celestia just as she begins to fall, gently lowering her down so her head rests in my lap. Panic rises in my chest as I try to get her to respond, but she's completely unresponsive.

"Alan, call an ambulance !" I shout, my voice filled with concern.

"I'm already on it, Tom". He replies as he quickly dials the emergency number. I am grateful for his ability to always stay calm and collected.

As Alan speaks with the dispatcher, explaining what happened, I keep talking to Celestia, hoping to bring her back to consciousness. "Celestia, can you hear me ? Please, wake up".

Alan ends the call and comes over to check Celestia's vitals. He places two fingers on her wrist, feeling for a pulse. "Tom, just breathe. She has a strong pulse and is breathing fine. The ambulance is on its way".

Hearing his reassurance, I try to calm down, but the worry for Celestia and our unborn twins remains. I stroke her hair gently, waiting for the ambulance to arrive, praying that she and our babies will be okay.

As I sit there with Celestia's head in my lap, I am grateful to see some of my fans forming a protective barrier around us, keeping the curious onlookers at bay. I notice that the reporters, who would usually be clamoring for a scoop, appear unusually quiet, and none of them seem eager to take pictures. It's as if they understand the gravity of the situation and are giving us a moment of privacy.

I continue talking to Celestia, trying to keep her engaged as much as possible. "Stay with me, Celestia. The ambulance is almost here". I say, my voice strained but hopeful.

The sound of sirens grows louder in the distance, signaling that help is on the way. I hold onto Celestia's hand, taking comfort in the steady rhythm of her pulse, praying that she and our unborn twins will be safe and sound.

The ambulance finally arrives, and the paramedics quickly unload a gurney and make their way to us. As they expertly and gently load Celestia onto the gurney, I explain the situation to them.

"She suddenly felt dizzy and lost consciousness". I say, struggling to keep my voice steady. "She's 33 weeks pregnant with twins, but we had a scan just yesterday, and everything was fine".

The paramedics nod in understanding, their faces reflecting both concern and professionalism. They secure Celestia onto the gurney and start wheeling her towards the ambulance. I follow closely behind, my heart racing with worry for Celestia and our unborn children.

"I will handle things here". Alan calls after us. "Just focus on Celestia. I will call you when I have spoken to the judge".

I just nod, having not given a single thought to the case.

As we climb into the ambulance, I take Celestia's hand once more, silently promising her that I will be there every step of the way. The ambulance doors close, and we speed off towards the hospital, each passing moment filled with a mixture of fear and hope.


After seeing Tom and Celestia off in the ambulance I take a moment to thank Tom's fans. A couple of younger girls are very worried and crying, so I try to reassure them that she was breathing fine and that fainting is not that uncommon during pregnancies.

I also compliment the reporters there for staying back, and giving the needed space. Promising to give them an update as soon as I get one.

Finally I manage to grab a sandwich and a coffee at a nearby coffee house to satisfy my growling stomach.

As I enter the courtroom after the break, my thoughts are consumed by worry for Celestia. Despite my concern, I also have faith that she will be okay. As I take my seat, I feel the absence of Tom and Celestia, the room feels emptier without their presence.

When the judge enters, he immediately notices their absence as well. "Counselor, have your clients not returned from the break?"

I barely have a chance to reply, "No, Your Honor, sadly they haven't ...".

Suddenly Felicity interjects. "Your honor, this is contempt for the court and rude to you and everyone else in the room, they should ...". She exclaims, her face twisted with anger.

The judge raises a hand to silence her. "I will be the judge of that, Miss Felicity," he says sternly. Turning back to me, he asks. "Counselor, can you explain why your clients are not here ?"

I take a deep breath and recount the events that occurred during the break. "Your Honor, Celestia suddenly felt ill and lost consciousness outside the courthouse during the lunch break. She's currently 33 weeks pregnant with twins as we all know, and Tom accompanied her to the hospital. In light of these unforeseen circumstances, I respectfully request that we reschedule the remainder of this hearing for another day".

The judge considers my request for a moment, his expression thoughtful. While we wait for his decision, I can only hope that he will grant us the time we need to ensure Celestia's well-being and allow us to regroup before continuing the trial.

Then he bangs the gavel. "The hearing is postponed for two days. If your clients are not capable of coming in then please let me know as fast as possible".

"I will do that, your honor". I tell him. "Thank you".

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