Welcome home

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I watch Celestia as she meticulously prepares the diaper bag, making sure we have everything we need for our trip to the hospital. She is humming a soft lullaby, her face glowing with happiness. I can't help but be swept up in her joy.

"I think we are all set". She says, double-checking her mental list before turning to me. "Tom, can you grab Lily's blanket ? I just washed it, and it's on the drying rack".

"Of course".I reply, fetching the soft, pink blanket and gently wrapping it around our sleeping daughter. Lily looks so peaceful, and I can't wait to finally bring her twin sister home.

We carefully secure both baby car seats in the back of the car, making sure they are properly installed. And while I gently place Lily, trying not to wake her as I strap her in, Celestia settles into the passenger seat. I slide behind the wheel, stealing a glance at our beautiful little family.

As we drive, Celestia starts to share her thoughts on how we can rearrange the nursery to accommodate both Mia and Lily when they get a little older. I chime in with my ideas, and we laugh at some of the ridiculous suggestions we come up with.

The conversation takes a more serious turn when Celestia brings up Felicity. "Tom, I can't help but feel a bit sorry for her. She clearly had some kind of breakdown".

I nod, recalling my conversation with Alan. "Alan called earlier. Felicity has been committed to a mental ward. Apparently, she has always had some issues with delusions, but I had no clue when we were together. She never scared that with me".

Celestia's eyes fill with sympathy. "It's not your fault, Tom. None of us knew. I lived with her for months too, and never even considered anything like that. I just hope she gets the help she needs".

We drive in comfortable silence for a moment, our thoughts on Felicity and the challenging situation she finds herself in. Mostly I am happy She is no longer a danger to our family. But as we approach the hospital, our excitement begins to bubble up again.

"Alright, love, we are here". I announce as I park the car. "Let's go get our little girl".

We carefully lift Lily from her car seat, ensuring she is still bundled up in her blanket as I place her in her bassinet. She is a sound sleeper, our little princess. As we enter the hospital, we hold hands, our steps in sync, ready to bring our family together at last.

As we step into the ward, I'm immediately struck by the sight that greets us. The nurses have gone above and beyond, decorating the space with colorful flags and a small banner that reads, 'Welcome Home Mia'. My heart swells with gratitude, and I can't help but feel touched by their kindness.

I glance over at Tom, and I can see that he is just as moved as I am. He quickly wipes away a tear with the back of his hand, trying to maintain his composure.

"Thank you all so much". I say, my voice thick with emotion. "This means the world to us".

Tom nods in agreement, and we hand the nurses a large box of chocolates as a token of our appreciation. "You have taken such wonderful care of both our girls". He adds. "We can't thank you enough".

The nurses beam with pride, clearly pleased with our reaction to their surprise. "It's been a pleasure taking care of Mia and Lily". One of them says. "Weare so happy for you and your family".

We exchange a few more heartfelt words before it's finally time to bring Mia home. I carefully wrap her in a soft, warm blanket, my heart overflowing with love for this tiny, precious being. Tom gently lifts her from the incubator and places her in the waiting bassinet, making sure she is snug and secure.

As we prepare to leave, I turn to the nurse who has been especially attentive to our family. "Thank you, again". I tell her, my voice trembling with gratitude. "You have been such a blessing to us during this time".

She smiles warmly, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "It's been an honor, Celestia. Congratulations to you both, and take care of those beautiful girls".

With final goodbyes and well-wishes exchanged, Tom and I each take a bassinet carrying our daughters out of the ward, our hearts filled with joy and anticipation.

As we approach the car, Tom carefully lifts the bassinet that holds Mia, while I cradle Lily in my arms. We gently place each baby into their respective car seats, making sure they're secure and comfortable. With everything in place, Tom closes the back door and joins me in the front.

As we pull out of the hospital parking lot, we can't help but discuss our upcoming wedding. The excitement of merging our lives together officially has us both beaming.

"I have been thinking about the ceremony". Tom says. "I want it to be perfect for us and the girls".

I smile at his thoughtfulness but can't help feeling a little self-conscious. "Tom, I'm worried I won't be able to lose all the baby weight in time for the wedding... I want to look my best".

He glances over at me, his eyes filled with love and sincerity. "Celestia, you are absolutely stunning just the way you are. Our wedding day will be perfect because we are together, and we have our beautiful daughters by our side".

His words warm my heart, and I can't help but accept his reassurance. We continue to chat about the wedding, the joy of our growing family carrying us through the drive.

Upon arriving home, we carefully lift Lily and Mia from their car seats and carry them inside. Mia wakes up, her tiny eyes taking in her new surroundings. Tom lifts her onto his arm, supporting her head as he carries her around the house, showing her every room.

"Welcome home, Mia". He says softly, his voice filled with love. "This is where you and Lily will grow up, surrounded by love and happiness".

Watching Tom interact with our daughter makes my heart swell with happiness. I can already see the incredible bond forming between them, and I know that our family is complete. Together, we will navigate this new chapter, hand in hand, hearts full of love for each other and our precious daughters.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now