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I stroll through the community garden, breathing in the fresh air and the scent of the blooming flowers. It's hard to believe that a whole year has passed since the birth of my beautiful twins, Mia and Lily. Today, we have decided to celebrate their first birthday with a party in the park.

As I approach the playground, I can't help but smile when I see Flora playing with the twins. It warms my heart to see them so happy and carefree, surrounded by the love and support of our family and friends.

Tom comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Can you believe they are already a year old ?" he asks, his breath warm on my neck.

"No, it feels like just yesterday we brought them home". I reply, my eyes still fixed on our precious girls.

Tom chuckles, "I'm sure Mia will be walking any day now. She is so determined, She keeps standing up on her own".

I nod in agreement. "She definitely takes after her father".

We share a laugh before we are interrupted by Alan, coming over. "Congratulations, you two !" he beams. "I can't believe how much Mia and Lily have grown".

"Thank you, Alan," I say, grateful for his support and friendship. "Time really flies".

We spread out a soft, cozy blanket under the shade of a large tree, and I sit down with Lily in my lap while Tom settles with Mia in his. The twins are surrounded by colorful presents, their eager eyes wide with anticipation.

As we start opening the gifts, Lily babbles away, proudly showcasing her growing vocabulary. "Hi, dog, Mia!" she exclaims, pointing at various objects and her sister. I can't help but giggle at her enthusiasm and marvel at how quickly she is learning.

Mia, on the other hand, is more focused on the wrapping paper, crinkling it between her tiny fingers as Tom helps her reveal the treasures hidden inside.

One by one, we open the presents, each bringing a new wave of excitement from the girls. Soft toys, picture books, and adorable outfits elicit squeals of delight from both Lily and Mia.

Finally, we reach the last present. With my help, Lily tears the paper away, revealing a beautifully crafted wooden toy set. Her eyes light up with excitement, and she lifts the toy high in the air, exclaiming, "Daddy!"

Tom's eyes widen as he realizes this is the first time she has actually said that. Tears well up in his eyes, and he looks at me, his voice wavering with emotion. "Did you hear that, Celestia? She said 'Daddy'!"

I nod, my own eyes glistening with tears of joy. "I heard, Tom. It's a beautiful moment."

He reaches over to touch Lily's cheek gently, his voice catching as he says. "I love you so much, Lily. You and Mia are the best things that have ever happened to me".

Lily babbles back, her eyes fixed on Tom, and we all share a tender moment, wrapped in the love we have for each other and our precious girls. This birthday celebration is one we will treasure forever, marking not only Mia and Lily's growth but also the deepening bonds of our family. And I am happy that Danny is snapping away with his camera.

As Emily heads off to fetch the cake, I stand up to stretch my legs and prepare to help her carry it back. Just as I'm about to walk away, I hear Tom call out excitedly, "Celestia, look!"

I turn around just in time to see Mia taking a few wobbly steps before plopping down onto her behind and reaching out for me. My heart swells with pride and joy at her accomplishment.

Rushing over to her, I scoop her up in my arms and praise her. "Mia, you did so well. That was amazing". Her eyes sparkle with happiness, and she babbles, clearly pleased with herself.

As I hold her close, Danny, a close friend of ours, approaches with a grin. "I got it all on camera, Celestia. You will be able to relive this moment forever".

"Thank you, Danny". I reply, grateful that he managed to capture such a special milestone.

Just then, Emily returns with the cake, and I help her set it on a nearby table. The cake is beautifully decorated, featuring the twins' names and a number "1" made of frosting.

We gather everyone around and light the candle, then sing "Happy Birthday" to Mia and Lily. Their faces light up with wonder as we sing, and when the song is finished, Tom and I help them blow out the candle together.

As we slice the cake and serve it to our guests, I can't help but feel an immense sense of gratitude. Our little family has grown and thrived, despite the challenges we've faced. Today's celebrations, the love surrounding us, and Mia's first steps are a testament to that.

Tom pulls me close, interrupting my thoughts. "Hey, let's make a toast," he suggests, raising his glass.

"Of course," I reply, and we gather everyone's attention.

"To our beautiful girls, Mia and Lily". Tom begins. "Happy first birthday. And to our incredible family and friends... Thank you for supporting us through thick and thin. We love you all".

The crowd cheers, and we clink our glasses together, a symbol of our unity and strength.

As I watch the sun setting over the park, our loved ones gathered around, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. Despite the challenges we have faced, our love for each other and our girls has only grown stronger. I know that whatever the future holds, we will face it together, as a family. And that is the most precious gift of all.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now