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"So what should we do now that we are all alone for once ?" Felicity says, letting her fingers ghost over up my neck and into my hair.

I almost jump off the couch where I was sitting, reading a new script. "Uhm, I have to read this".

Celestia is at the movies with her friend Danny.

"Come on Tom, you used to always beg for sex". She puts. "Now you haven't touched me for weeks".

I breathe in. This is not really the time, but I can't do this. "Felicity, we need to talk".

"Oh yes we do Tom". She says, pointing to the couch. "Sit".

I sit and look at her. "Listen Felicity ...".

"No Tom, you need to listen". She demands. "I have a good idea what it is you want to say, but before you do something you will no doubt regret, you need to hear this".

"What is it ?" I can't imagine what it is she has to say.

She looks at me with what I would describe as contempt. "I am not dumb Tom, I know you have been getting your freak on with that little whore ...". She holds up her hand as I am about to say something. "Do not try and deny it ... you stink of her and the whole house reels of sex every time I have been out. But sweetie, she is using you".

"She is using me ?" I repeat, then I breathe in and continue. "Hmm I thought it was you wanting to marry me for my name, not Celestia".

"You are an idiot if you think so". She snorts. Then continues: "I mean come on, how many times did you fuck her last week? And when you were supposed to be working late or going to the gym?"

"Ok ok, enough already ... you don't get to call me names and especially not her". I put down my script and stand up from the couch. "Yes, I ... have been with Celestia, and I am sorry because this was not the right way. But you do not love me, you just want to be married to me for the attention and to flaunt my name, Celestia ...".

"Love you ?" She laughs. "Oh Tom, you are so naive".

"And you're wrong". I answer.

We stare at each other in silence until finally I break it by asking; "How long have you known about us ?"

"About what ? About our affair ? Since day one". She answers coldly. "Since the first time you fucked her".

"Then why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you stop it?" My voice breaks slightly as I ask.

She smiles sadly. "Because I knew you wouldn't leave".

I turn away from her, trying hard not to cry. I am not sure why this upset me like this. Maybe the fact that she knew and just went on with her life, cause it proves once and for all that she does not care about me the least.

"Are you happy now ?" I shout. "Is this what you wanted? Is it better than being alone ? Are you glad we had an affair, cause there is nothing between you and me anymore." I know it is not really rational, but I am angry, hurt and confused.

"No, I am not happy. I am rather disappointed". She straightens her back. "You are going to break it off with her and She will have to move out of the house".

"Why do you care anyway ?" I ask. "You do not want me".

She turns around. Her face is still expressionless, but I can see anger burning in her eyes. "I have worked hard to achieve this life. I want to be your wife, I want to see my plans fulfilled".

"Are you insane ?" I stare at her. "Felicity, our relationship is dead, it has been for a long time. I am in love with Celestia and I want a family with her".

"Don't give me any crap about loving someone else. She only said she loved you because I threatened to leave and go to the press ...". She shakes her head.

Her words hit home, and suddenly everything makes sense again. It's not just the affair, it never was. The problem is that she doesn't love me, like really doesn't and never has. All this drama is just to keep the show running, but it won't work forever.

"Felicity, we are over". I tell her. "You will have to move out, I can help you get ...".

"Tom She is using you for fucks sake". She yells. "She planned this, She is nothing but a manipulative little fat whore ... She ...".

  I know I shouldn't, but I'm too angry to care anymore. I grab her by the throat and push her against the wall. She grabs my wrists trying to pry them away.

"Stop it!" She screams. "Please stop it!"

I release her, breathing hard, staring into her eyes. My heart pounds like mad. What's happening between us is wrong, very fucking wrong, but there is something deep inside me telling me I must fight back, even though I am not even sure what I am fighting.

"What is wrong with you ?" She asks, running her neck.

I look away. "Nothing, I am just tired of lying and pretending". I say softly. "And you need to stop calling Celestia these horrid things".

She looks at me and sighs. "Fine, let me make things easier for both of us. You have to break it off with her, and you have to move her out, otherwise I will go public with all of this. Including how Celestia paid to get inseminated with your sperm. Do you understand ?"

My jaw drops open as I stare at her dumbfounded, unable to speak.

"It is either me or her, and I think that in the end you will prefer me". She says calmly.

"But ... I mean ... How did you find out ..... No, no I can't believe this ...". I shake my head.

"You should be thankful I am letting you off so easily. If I were you, I would take up the offer before it gets taken away from you. Otherwise you will lose everything you have built here. Your reputation, your career, maybe even your freedom". She adds threateningly. "And she definitely will".

I shake my head, my heart beating all wonky. "I do not believe this ... how can you do this ? How can you make up such an evil story ?"

"I have proof Tom". She pulls a letter from her pocket and hands it to me. "Here, enjoy the read".

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now