Meetings and lies

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"What exactly is it that you want me to do ? I mean the job you were talking about". To be honest I am a little thrown off here, I hadn't expected that.

Tom smiles warmly at me, his expression telling me that he is very relieved that I am at least ready to listen to his idea. "You said your main concern with having a baby was not having a job and your own place to live right ?"

I nod, my situation is definitely not the best for bringende a little one into the world.

He continues. "Well, Felicity could use some help around the house. It's nothing hard of course, just simple housework. Maybe cooking when I am away for work and such. She doesn't really care for such things".

"I hope it is okay to ask, but why are you offering me this Tom ? I mean, you don't have to". I look at him, trying to read him. I kind off have a hard time feeling sure about his motivation for this.

His tongue darts out wetting his lips, as his eyes are gazing into mine. "Well to be honest, just as this might be your only chance at being a mother, it might be my only chance of being a father. And that is something I would actually like to become, so that is my reason".

"Oh". I hadn't thought about it like that. It can't be easy for them, especially not Felicity, as she apparently is the one who has problems getting pregnant. I can't help but feel for her.

He sits down on the edge of the table, right in front of me. "The pay wouldn't be very big, but enough to live for and save something up. You would get a big bedroom here in the house with your own shower, free food and necessities and everything for the baby".

"And when the baby comes then what ?" It all sounds great. Definitely much better than sleeping on a couch, but can I do it ? There had to be a catch here, a downside.

His beautiful blue eyes catch mine. "Well it depends on what you want. If you want to keep the baby, we have to work out a way of co-parenting and if you don't wanna keep it, we could adopt it. It would be up to you. I am not gonna push you in either direction".

That does sound good, but will it work in real life ? How will Felicity feel about having me in the house as a constant reminder that I am carrying Tom's baby ? And how will I feel about living in the same house as this gorgeous and sexy man ?

"Could I get a little time to think about it ? Make sure I make the right choice for me ... and the baby". I bite my lip, looking at him.

He smiles and nods. "Of course, you need to do the right thing for you, that is first priority. But I really hope that you will do this. To be totally honest, I want this baby".

There is a couple of minutes of silence as I take in what he has just said. He seems to really want the baby. Well he even just said that he does. I don't feel it would be fair taking that possibility away from him.

"A cup of tea ?" I ask, and when she nods, a distracted look on her face, I get up and walk out into the kitchen putting on the kettle. I want to give her some time alone to think.

I still believe that it is a great idea I have gotten here. I will get to be a father and Felicity can get off those damn hormones and maybe ease up on all the baby talk and stress. Our relationship can then go back to normal. And for a moment I can't help thinking if normal is a good thing. But I push it away.

But I have to admit to myself that it won't be easy having this sexy little thing running around in the house. Luckily for me Felicity wouldn't know to be jealous. In her world of perfection Celestia will be considered chubby and plain and she does not know that I see the world quite differently.

Right then I hear the front door open. That means Felicity is home, and I hurry out to greet her. I am hoping she is going to be in a good mood and put on her best behavior or she might scare Celestia into saying no.

"Hi darling, did you have a good day ?" I take her coat from her and kiss her lightly.

She rolls her eyes and sighs, kicking off her high heels. "No, I had boring meetings with boring people about boring things all day".

"Sorry to hear, but listen sweetie, Celestia is in the living-room. I am just making some tea, so go say hello, and please be nice to her darling, okay ?". I say in a low voice for their guest not to hear it.

I walk towards the living-room, knowing I really do have to put on my best face here. Tom has gotten the stupid idea into his head that he wants that baby, and I know that my future as Mrs Hiddleston isn't as secure right now as I would like it to be.

"Hi there, you must be is so nice to finally meet you". I say walking into the living-room, eyeing the young woman on the couch. Well Tom had been right at least, there is no reason to be nervous about having her around. She isn't the kind of woman I have to fear would seduce my fiance.

The other woman stands up, she is petite and curvy, with a pretty but in my eyes rather plain face. She does have a nice smile and I just know Tom would have been eyeing those voluptuous breasts. I have seen him do it several times when we go out. But that is just how men are, show Them boobs and they will stare.

"Oh hi, you must be Felicity. So nice to meet you too and I am so sorry about all this". Celestia says, shaking my hand.

I put on my best fake smile, thinking that of course she isn't sorry, she has to be loving this. She is probably some desperate fan of Tom's, and super happy about this. "Well don't be sweetie, it is not like it is your fault".

Tom comes into the room carrying three cups of tea, and I once again curse myself for pretending to like the stuff when we first started dating, just so he would think we had everything in common. I hate tea.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now