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I bolt upright, my heart pounding in my chest as Tom relays Vicktoria's warning. The air in the room grows heavy, suffocating me. I can't breathe. I can't think. All I know is that I need to get to Lily.

"Tom, we have to check on her". I cry, desperation clawing at my throat. He nods in agreement, and we race out of the room, Emily on our heels.

The house seems to stretch out before us like a labyrinth, every step we take feeling like an eternity. Panic rises within me, a suffocating wave of dread that threatens to consume me. My heart races, and I can't help but imagine the worst.

As we finally reach the porch, my heart stops. There, leaning over the pram where Lily sleeps, is Felicity. Her hands clutch a pillow, poised to smother my innocent baby. Her words send shivers down my spine. "Sorry your baby died, it happens, probably Tom will never forgive you for leaving her outside".

"Felicity!" I scream her name with every ounce of strength I have. Wondering if She has totally lost her mind. I mean yeah I have no love for her but I truly never expected she would kill a baby out of spite.

She looks up, startled by my voice. I surge forward, fury guiding my hands as I slam my fist into her face. "Stay away from my daughter".

I am not at all a violent person, but I have to admit that it feels good, Damn good. And when she comes at me with a screech worthy of a horror movie witch I hit her again as hard as I can. I can hear Emily dialing the police.

Felicity stumbles back, clutching her bruised cheek. Her eyes flash with hatred, but she doesn't dare approach me again. Tom wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him, which is probably a good idea, because elseway I would have kept hitting her.

"You won't get away with this," I spit at Felicity, my voice trembling with rage and fear for what could have happened.

"Just wait and see". She hisses back, her eyes looking halfway crazy. But I know she is cornered, and there's no way she can hurt my family any longer.

Tom steps around me, grabbing Felicity, clearly wanting to make sure she will not try and run. She tries to hit him, but he pulls her arm onto her back, Holding her in a tight hold.

"Is this how you treat a woman ?" She screeches at him.

"You lost all rights to be treated like a woman when you tried to hurt my little girl". Tom hisses. "You are nothing but scum".

As sirens approach in the distance and Emily goes to let them in, I lift Lily up, holding her close, my heart still hammering in my chest. I won't let anyone take her away from me, not now, not ever.

I hold Felicity tightly, her arm twisted behind her back to prevent her from escaping. A part of me wants to inflict the same pain she intended on my family, but I know that would only bring me down to her level. I have to be better than her, for Celestia and our daughters.

The police arrive, and we quickly explain the situation. Felicity's eyes widen with panic as she realizes she is cornered. "You have to believe me!" she pleads desperately, "That's my baby. Celestia was never pregnant. The proof is out there, on the internet".

Her words are erratic, and she seems to be on the verge of a breakdown. For the first time in a long while, I can't help but feel a pang of pity for her. She's lost touch with reality, her twisted obsession consuming her.

One of the officers steps forward, his voice firm as he addresses Felicity. "Ma'am, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you ?"

Felicity's face crumples, tears streaming down her cheeks as she nods. The officers handcuff her and lead her away from the scene, her desperate cries echoing through the night.

Two of the officers stay behind, asking us to recount every detail of the incident. Celestia holds Lily close, her eyes wide with lingering fear as she speaks.

We tell them everything, from the court case to Vicktoria's warning, and how we found Felicity poised to harm our child. The officers take notes, their faces grave as they listen to our story.

Once we finish, they assure us that Felicity will be dealt with accordingly, and they will keep us informed about any further developments. They leave us alone on the porch, the night air now eerily quiet.

I wrap my arms around Celestia and Lily, feeling the weight of the emotions we have been through. We have faced so much, and yet, at this moment, I know we are stronger than ever.

Emily starts gathering her things, preparing to leave our home. We stand by the door, feeling a sense of relief as we say our goodbyes.

"I'm honestly happy to know Felicity is locked up". Emily admits, her eyes filled with sincerity. "You guys deserve peace and safety".

Celestia and I nod in agreement. "Thank you, Emily". Celestia says, her voice filled with gratitude. "We couldn't have gotten through this without you".

As Emily leaves, Celestia and I are left alone in the dimly lit room. I take a deep breath before speaking. "Celestia, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about Vicktoria's warning earlier. I didn't want you to worry even more, and I never expected Felicity would do anything like that... if I had realized..."

She looks into my eyes, no doubt seeing my remorse and sincerity. "You are forgiven, Tom". She says, her voice firm. "But never ever keep anything this important from me again, or I will kick your ass... hard".

I laugh, the tension between us lifting. "Deal". I say, grinning. "And, I have to admit, I'm so proud of how you defended Lily. It was kind of hot seeing you use your right hook like that... My own wonder woman".

She giggles, feeling a warmth spread through her. "I have never hit anyone before, but I was ready to rip Felicity's head off".

I pull Celestia into my arms, holding her close. We stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, grateful that Felicity is no longer a danger to our family. Our love and determination will keep us strong, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now