A judge and the paparazzi

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"Morning Tom". Alan says as he meets me outside the court. As always he look cool, calm and on top of things, the opposite of how I feel. "Are you ready ?"

"Morning. As ready as I ever get, I guess. Which does not say much really". I say with a sigh. "I hope you are ready, I mean you are the one doing most of the arguing".

He gives me a reassuring smile and a pad on the arm. "It will be okay Tom. Let's hope the judge can squeeze us in very soon. I hear he is strict, but fair".

We are coming here to talk to the judge, hoping to have the initial hearing pushed up, due to Celestia's pregnancy and the stress on her. We would all like the case settled before the twins are born. Actually we hope the judge will dismiss the case entirely after the initial hearing.

We enter the courthouse and are immediately surrounded by the bustling crowd, which does nothing to calm my nerves. The sound of lawyers chatting and papers rustling fill the air. I take a deep breath and remind myself to stay calm.

We walk down a hallway, turning right at the end and then halfway down, where we reach the judge's chambers and knock on the door.

"Come in". A voice calls from inside.

Alan opens the door and we enter, taking seats in front of the judge's desk. The judge, a stern-looking man with a bald head and piercing eyes, looks up at us and clears his throat.

Alan introduces us with a friendly smile.

"What can I do for you today, Mr. Hudson ?" He asks, addressing Alan, knowing that he will be the one relativt our request.

"We are here to request a change in the hearing schedule, Your Honor," Alan says, his voice steady and firm. "To push up the date of the initial hearing".

"And what is the reason for this request ?" The judge inquires, he is eyeing me and I fear that he is already judging me on my fame.

"Mr. Hiddleston and his girlfriend are expecting twins, Your Honor". Alan explains professionally. "We would like to have the case settled before the babies are born, so they do not have to go through this stress and having newborns at the same time. As you can imagine that is stressful enough on it's own".

The judge raises an eyebrow. "I see. But other people have their reasons to want to come first in line, so why should I give special treatment to this case ? We do not cater to celebrities and their wims".

I take a deep breath and decide to use my talent for talking and my charms. "Your Honor, I understand that you have a lot of cases to manage and you cannot simply change your schedule for every litigant. However, this is not just any case. These are innocent children we are talking about. They have not yet been born, but they are already at risk because of this lawsuit. At risk of being ripped from their mother. We ask that you please consider the urgency of the situation and allow us to proceed as soon as possible. Not because of who I am, but for the babies and for a pregnant woman who needs to relax and enjoy her pregnancy, not to be stressed and worried".

The judge looks at me for a moment, like he is determining if I am truthful, before nodding. "I understand your point, Mr. Hiddleston. I will see what I can do to accommodate your request. The clerk will be in touch with you as soon as we know".

"Thank you so much, you honor". I say, giving him my best warm, but professional smile. "It means the world to us".

Alan and I stand up, thanking the judge for his time before leaving his chambers. As we walk out of the courthouse, I breathe a sigh of relief. We have taken the first step in protecting our family, and I feel that I have used my talent for good.

"I am positive". Alan says. "He did not straight out reject us, so I think we stand a fair chance".

"I hope it was okay for me to just speak up like that". I say. I had not wanted to risk coming off as entitled.

He smiles warmly and nod. "I actually think your little speech might be what convinced him. If you ever consider a new career you should think about going into law ... I have a feeling you would make a great lawyer".

I grin. "Thanks, but I do think I will leave that to you".

I take a deep breath and adjust the oversized sunglasses on my face, it is so not like me and I feel like a parody of a movie star trying to hide. But trying to hide is what I do.

Danny's hand is on my arm, and I can feel him tense up beside me. We are standing outside a trendy restaurant, which we only chose because they have security and won't let just anyone inside. Sadly I can see that the paparazzi have already spotted us.

I feel like I am being hunted, and it has been like that since the whole thing went public. Part of me just wants to hide away inside of the house, but on the other hand I am too stubborn to let them break me, which is why I agreed to go to lunch with Danny.

The flashing cameras blind me as the reporters start shouting questions my way. They are all asking about the pregnancy, my babies, Tom, and Felicity. It's all I have been hearing about lately. I feel like my entire life is suddenly a reality show, and I can't escape it.

I mean I am willing to go through a lot and I know attention is part of being with Tom, but this is just a little too much.

Danny pulls me closer to him, and I know he doing his best to shield me from the onslaught of questions. I interlace my fingers with his and tighten my grip. He has been my second anchor, Tom of course is the first, throughout this entire ordeal. I don't think I could have gotten through this without him.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the onslaught of questions. "Celestia, how are you feeling? Are you excited about the twins?" One reporter shouts.

I force a smile, thinking that when they are for once being nice I should be a bit accommodating. "Yes, of course. I am excited about the twins," I say softly. It's the same answer I have given a dozen times. "And I am feeling okay, but a bit tired, so if you would excuse me...".

"Can you comment on the court case against Felicity? She is claiming that you were their surrogate, but that you seduced Tom and are stealing her babies". A different reporter yells.

I feel my grip on Danny's hand tighten. My stomach turns into knots as I hear the question. It's the same question that has kept me up at night, the questions I hate. How can they possibly believe that ? It's all lies. Every single word of it.

"I'm not here to talk about that". I say firmly. "Our lawyer says that we should not answer questions about the case".

"But it's important. People want to know. They deserve to know the truth". Yet another reporter pushes.

I take a step back, pulling away from Danny's grasp. "The truth is, it's none of your business". I raise my voice, trying to assert some control over the situation. "I will follow my lawyer's advice".

The paparazzi keep shouting questions, but I ignore them. I can feel my heart race, and I know I need to get out of this situation. I grab Danny's hand and nod in the direction of the car.

"Let's go". He says, helping me by walking slightly in front of me, making the paparazzi move out of the way.

As we make our escape, I can still hear the calls and questions from the reporters. It makes me feel sick. This isn't the life I wanted. All I wanted was to have a happy family with Tom. But now, we are in the middle of this terrible scandal and an impending trial, and I have to wonder if it's all worth it.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now