New York, New York

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I glance nervously out the window, wringing my hands as I try to shake off the anxiety that's been building up. The thought of paparazzi finding us today is too much to bear.

Tom notices my distress and walks over, placing his hands gently on my shoulders. "Relax, babe". He reassures me. "New Yorkers are generally more laid-back around celebrities. Besides, this is our special day. Don't let the paparazzi ruin it for us".

I try to smile, but I'm still not entirely convinced. "But what about your Felicity and the court case? I'm scared, Tom. I don't want to answer questions about it".

He pulls me into a warm embrace, his body radiating comfort. "I promise you, if anyone is rude enough to ask I will handle it. But for now, let's focus on enjoying our day in this incredible city".

I nod, taking a deep breath to calm myself. Tom kisses my forehead, and we share a tender moment before getting ready to leave.

As Tom and I slide into the city car, the excitement in the air is palpable. The hustle and bustle of New York City surrounds us as we make our way through the vibrant streets. Tom holds my hand, offering a warm, reassuring squeeze. I can't help but feel a sense of relief as I realize there are no paparazzi in sight.

Before long, we arrive at a private dock where a luxurious boat awaits us. We are greeted by a friendly crew member who escorts us on board. The boat's deck is set up for a romantic brunch, complete with a table adorned with fresh flowers and a mouth-watering spread of food.

The boat departs, and we set off to sail around the Statue of Liberty. The sun shines brightly, casting a golden glow on the water as the iconic symbol of freedom slowly comes into view. Tom and I marvel at the sight, our hands intertwined, as we share this unforgettable experience.

We sit down to enjoy our brunch, savoring every delicious bite. The gentle breeze and soothing sound of the water make the moment feel almost surreal. I glance at Tom and see his eyes filled with love and happiness.

As we sail around the statue, it feels as if time stands still. For a moment, the worries of the world fade away, and it's just the two of us, basking in the beauty of the present.

The boat glides effortlessly towards Ellis Island, and as we approach the dock, a cheerful guide with a welcoming smile greets us. Tom and I disembark, excited for our private tour of this historical site.

"Welcome to Ellis Island !" The guide exclaims, his enthusiasm contagious. "My name's Elliot, and I'll be showing you around today".

As Elliot leads us through the island, he shares fascinating stories and historical tidbits that capture our attention. We learn about the millions of immigrants who passed through these halls in search of a better life, and the rich tapestry of cultures that make up the fabric of America.

We explore the beautifully restored Great Hall, where immigrants were processed and their paperwork was examined. Elliot points out the intricate details on the ceiling, the restored wooden benches, and the exhibits of personal artifacts, each telling a unique story.

As we walk down the long corridors, I can't help but imagine the countless people who once stood here, filled with hope and anticipation. Tom squeezes my hand, and I can sense he is feeling the same mix of awe and reverence.

Elliot is a captivating storyteller, skillfully weaving history with personal anecdotes that bring the past to life. As we take in the breathtaking views of the city skyline and the Statue of Liberty from Ellis Island, the significance of this place resonates deeply within us.

Our tour comes to an end, and we thank Elliot for the unforgettable experience. As Tom and I step back onto the boat, we carry with us not only the memories of this day but also a deeper appreciation for the stories and struggles that have shaped the city we now explore.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now