At the hospital

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Panic grips my chest as I sit in the ambulance, holding Celestia's hand. She lies unconscious, her face pale and fragile. The steady rhythm of the sirens blares in the background, only adding to the chaos of my racing thoughts.

I look down at her, the love of my life, as her chest rises and falls with each shallow breath. Her belly, swollen with our twin girls, reminds me of the life we have built together and the dreams we share. "Celestia, I'm here". I whisper, my voice cracking. "Everything will be okay. I promise".

The paramedic, a young man with short brown hair, works quickly and efficiently, monitoring her vitals. His face is calm, but I can see the concern in his eyes. I can't bear the silence, so I ask, "Is she going to be okay ?"

He glances at me for a moment before responding, "Her blood pressure is quite low, which is concerning. We are doing everything we can, but we need to get her to the hospital as soon as possible".

My heart races, and I squeeze Celestia's hand tighter. Low blood pressure, what does that mean for her and our babies ? Felicity's lies and manipulations seem so insignificant now, with Celestia's life hanging in the balance. How could I have let things get this far ?

I lean in close to Celestia, my voice trembling. "Stay with me, Celestia. We need you. Your girls need you". I kiss her forehead, willing her to find the strength to fight. "I won't let anything happen to you".

The ambulance speeds through the city streets, and I hold onto Celestia for dear life, praying that this isn't the end of our story. We can't let Felicity win. Our love is stronger than her lies. We will overcome this.

As the hospital comes into view, I steel myself for the battle ahead. I will do whatever it takes to protect Celestia and our family. It's a promise I make to myself, to her, and to our unborn daughters. I just hope it's not too late.

As the ambulance comes to a screeching halt in front of the hospital, the paramedics waste no time. They rush Celestia inside, her fragile form swaying on the gurney. I follow closely behind, my heart pounding in my chest. I need to be by her side.

But as we make our way through the bustling emergency room, a doctor stops me in my tracks. He's an older man, with graying hair and an air of authority. "Sir, I need to ask you some questions about your fiance's pregnancy".

I glance over at Celestia, who is being wheeled away by the paramedics, and then back at the doctor. "I want to be with her". I protest, my voice pleading.

"I understand". He says empathetically. "But I need this information to ensure we provide the best possible care for her and your babies".

I nod, recognizing the gravity of the situation, and try to focus. "The pregnancy has gone well, overall". I begin, my voice steadier now. "She has had some morning sickness and occasional dizziness, but nothing too serious. Her doctor said it was normal for a twin pregnancy".

The doctor scribbles down notes on a clipboard, his brow furrowed. "And how has her stress level been ?"

I hesitate, the weight of the past few weeks crashing down on me. "She has been under a lot of stress because of our ongoing court case". I admit. "It's taken a toll on both of us".

The doctor nods, looking concerned. "Thank you for providing this information. We will make sure she gets the care she needs". He turns to leave, but I reach out, grabbing his arm.

"Please". I implore, my eyes welling up with tears. "Do everything you can to save her and our girls".

He looks at me with a mixture of determination and compassion. "I promise we will. If we can stabilize her blood pressure She should be okay".

With that, he disappears into the depths of the hospital, and I'm left standing there, feeling more helpless than ever. All I can do now is wait, hope, and pray that Celestia and our daughters pull through. And somehow, we'll find a way to leave the nightmare of Felicity's lies behind us.

As I sit in the sterile waiting room, feeling more lonely than ever, my thoughts consumed by worry for Celestia and our girls, I am startled by a familiar voice. "Tom ?"

I look up to see Alan, our lawyer, along with Ben and his wife Sophie. Their faces are etched with concern, but their presence brings a small measure of comfort. Ben and Sophie take seats on either side of me, offering silent support.

"How is she ?" Alan asks, his voice steady and calm as always.

"We don't know yet". I reply, my voice cracking. "They are doing everything they can of course. Her blood pressure was very low, so they need to stabilisere it".

Alan nods, his face solemn. "I wanted to let you know that the trial has been postponed for now. The judge agreed that Celestia's health is the priority".

I let out a shaky breath, grateful for the temporary reprieve. At least we won't have to face Felicity and her lies while we are fighting for Celestia and our girls.

"Thank you, Alan". I say, my voice barely audible.

Sophie reaches over and gently squeezes my hand. "We are here for you, Tom. Whatever you need".

Ben puts an arm around my shoulder, trying to offer some semblance of strength. "We will get through this, man. Celestia's a fighter".

As the minutes feel like they stretch into forever, we wait together, a small island of support amidst the chaos of the hospital. My thoughts drift between hope and despair, but my friends and our lawyer remain steadfast by my side.

And in the depths of my heart, I cling to the belief that love will conquer all... for Celestia, for our daughters, and for our future.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now