The verdict

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I stand by Celestia's side, watching her nurse our precious Lily. I can't help but notice her wince, and I ask, "Does it hurt ? Should I call a nurse ?"

She looks at me with a tired smile and explains, "It's not the c-section that hurts, not much at least, but my nipple, it needs to get used to the... sucktion. Plus, breastfeeding makes my uterus contract, and that hurts almost worse than the actual contractions did".

I find it fascinating, having never known these things, but of course, I hate that she is in pain. Celestia can apparently see this and reassures me."Don't worry, Tom. It's perfectly normal."

As I watch her, I can't help but feel incredibly grateful for the love and family we have created. I gently stroke Lily's soft, downy hair and marvel at the miracle of life.

Celestia, sensing my thoughts, smiles and says, "It's amazing, isn't it ? How something so natural as breastfeeding can be so complex and, at times, painful".

I nod, my own smile broadening. "It really is. But seeing you and Lily like this, I know it's worth it".

She sighs contentedly, adjusting Lily in her arms. "Absolutely. I will do anything for our girls, and I know you will too. I wish I Could nurse Mia too".

"The nurses say that soon she can come out shortly to nurse, but they are feeding her the milk you pumped out". I tell her. "She will still get all the goodness from you".

We share a warm look, I can't wait till we can go home and be a real family.

As I stand by Celestia's side, watching her nurse our precious Lily, there is a knock on the door. "Come in," she calls out, her voice soft yet strong.

Alan steps into the room, his face lighting up with a warm smile. He begins to speak but then notices Celestia nursing Lily, and he stops abruptly, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realize... I Didn't want to intrude on... such a personal moment".

Both Celestia and I laugh softly, feeling the genuine warmth and understanding emanating from Alan. Celestia reassures him, "It's perfectly okay, Alan. We are all friends here, and I don't mind you being here at all".

His blush subsides as he holds out a stunning bouquet of lilies, their white petals open and fragrant. "Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughters, Mia and Lily". He says, his eyes brimming with sincerity and happiness for us.

"Thank you, Alan". Celestia replies, her eyes shining with gratitude as she lets me take the bouquet. I hold it over near her face and she breathes in the delicate scent of the lilies, and a gentle smile tugs at her lips.

Then I find a vase for the flowers, the nurse having shown me where they keep them. Filling it with water and placing it on the bedside table.

Alan clears his throat, his expression shifting to one of excitement. "I have some wonderful news for you both. The jury has given their verdict..." He makes a teatrical break.

"Are you gonna make us guess ?" I ask him, feeling a nervous energy bubble inside me. "Spit it out".

"We won the case. Every claim by Felicity was rejected, and she has to pay for the trial". He grins happily. "Sorry for the theatrics... I couldn't help it".

The relief and elation that wash over us are almost tangible, filling the room with a sense of victory and peace. I step forward and shake Alan's hand firmly, my voice laden with heartfelt gratitude. "Alan, we can't express how much your dedication and hard work have meant to us. You have been instrumental in helping us protect our family".

Tears well up in Celestia's eyes, and she nods in agreement, her voice wavering with emotion. "Thank you, truly. Your support has been invaluable in this trying time".

Alan smiles warmly, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. "It's been an honor to help you both. I'm so happy for your family, and I wish you all the best in the future. If you want to repay me and invitation to the wedding would be nice".

"An invitation ? Hell you can be my maid of honor if you want to". Celestia laughs, making Lily let go of the nipple in surprise.

"Well... what colors are the dresses, because I do not look good in bright colors". Alan says chuckling.

Celestia is cooing at Lily, trying to get her to latch on again.

"You did good". Alan says. "It's the prettiest baby I ever saw, which means she looks like her mother".

I can't help but laugh, trying to keep it down, not to scare Lily again.

As we all share happy smiles, I can't help but feel that our family has finally reached a place of safety and happiness. Now, with the weight of worry lifted from our shoulders, we can focus on our beautiful daughters and the bright future ahead of us.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now