An unexpected visit

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I stand by the incubators, cradling one of our precious twin girls in my arms, gently rocking her back and forth after nursing her. Tom is right beside me, doing the same with our other daughter.

The neonatal ward is a mixture of quiet beeps and hushed voices, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow through the windows.

"Can you believe we are finally going home ?" Tom says, his voice soft with disbelief. "I can't wait to sleep in our own bed again".

I nod, feeling the same mix of excitement and trepidation. "Me too, but I wish Mia and Lily could come with us. Leaving them here feels so wrong".

Tom reaches out to gently touch Mia's tiny hand. "I know, but they are growing stronger and bigger every day. They will be home with us soon, and we will spend most of the day here with them until then".

We share a bittersweet smile before a nurse approaches us. "It's time for you to go, Celestia. Don't worry, we will take great care of them. Make sure you rest a lot and get plenty of fluids".

I reluctantly hand Mia back to the nurse and watch as Tom does the same with Lily. We linger for a moment, saying our goodbyes and promising to be back tomorrow.

As we walk down the corridor, Tom slips his hand into mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm so proud of you, Celestia. And I'm grateful that we won the case. Felicity and Vicktoria won't be able to take our girls away from us".

I squeeze his hand back, grateful for his unwavering support. "I know, thanks to Alan and his brilliant work. But for now, let's focus on getting everything together and preparing for the girls to come home."

Tom looks at me with concern. "Does it hurt ? Do you want me to borrow a wheelchair to take you to the car ?"

I appreciate his thoughtfulness, but I shake my head gently. "No, thank you. I need to start moving and getting my body back to normal. Walking will help. The doctor told me to walk every day".

He nods in understanding, and we continue down the hall, slowly but surely. Tom smiles warmly and pulls me in for a gentle hug. "You are right. We have so much to look forward to, and I can't wait to start this new chapter with you and our beautiful daughters".

As we leave the hospital, hand in hand, I can't help but feel a sense of hope and anticipation.

Driving home, Tom and I chat about the final touches we need to add to the nursery. The anticipation of bringing our girls home soon fills us with excitement.

"You know, we should also start planning our wedding". Tom suggests, his eyes twinkling. "What if we have the twins' christening and our wedding on the same day ? It would be a beautiful celebration of our love and family".

I smile at the idea, feeling my heart swell with happiness. "That sounds perfect, Tom. A day filled with love and joy, surrounded by our closest friends and family".

As we pull up to our house, we notice a group of paparazzi waiting outside. They congratulate us on our court victory and the birth of our twins, asking how the babies are doing.

Tom speaks confidently and gratefully. "Mia and Lily are doing very well, but they need a little more time in the hospital to grow strong. We can't praise the nurses and doctors there enough for their exceptional care".

We make our way through the throng of photographers and reporters, eager to get inside and begin preparations for our new life together. Once we are safely indoors, we can finally relax. It does feel good to be home.

I wake up the next morning, careful not to disturb Celestia, who is still peacefully sleeping. I decide to make breakfast for us so we can share a quiet moment together before heading back to the hospital to spend the day with our girls. As I make my way to the kitchen, the doorphone suddenly rings. I frown, wondering who could be visiting us this early.

Pressing the button, I ask, "Who is it?"

"It's Vicktoria, Felicity's lawyer. I need to talk to both of you". She says, her voice sounds nervous and not as cold and composed as usual.

I'm immediately suspicious, but I decide to let her in, curious to hear what she has to say. As I wait for her to reach our door, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. We have already won the case, so what could she possibly want now?

Vicktoria enters our home, looking somewhat uncomfortable. "I apologize for coming so early, but I didn't want anyone to see me. There are no paparazzi outside yet".

I cross my arms and ask, "What do you want, Vicktoria ?"

She takes a deep breath and says. "I am not really as bad a person as you might feel. I felt I needed to tell you about my meeting with Felicity after the court case. She threw a tantrum, and I'm not sure she will let this go. I fear she could be up to something".

!Vicktoria hesitates for a moment before continuing. "As her lawyer, former lawyer, I'm breaking the rules by telling you what my client said. But I believe it's important for you and Celestia to be aware of the situation and to be prepared for any potential actions Felicity may take. I told her I wanted no further part of her plans".

I tense up, concerned about the threat Felicity poses to our family. Despite my suspicions about Vicktoria, I appreciate her coming to us with this information. "Thank you for telling us. We will be on guard".

As Vicktoria leaves, I can't help but feel a mix of gratitude and unease. We have already faced so many challenges, but it seems there could be more to come.

I head to the kitchen and cook breakfast, trying to shake off the unease from Vicktoria's visit. When it's ready, I go back to the bedroom and gently wake Celestia with a soft kiss on her forehead. I decide not to mention Vicktoria's warning; I don't want to scare her when she's still recovering from the birth.

"Good morning, love. I made us breakfast. Let's eat before we head to the hospital". I say with a warm smile.

We enjoy our meal together, chatting about our plans for the day and the joy of seeing Mia and Lily again. After breakfast, Celestia goes to shower and get ready for the day. While she does that, I clean up the kitchen, my mind racing with thoughts of Felicity and what she might do.

As I wash the dishes, I consider our options. We could increase security around our home, keep a closer eye on Felicity's movements, and perhaps consult with our lawyer, Alan, about any potential legal actions we could take to protect ourselves and our girls.

Despite the uncertainty, I'm determined to do whatever it takes to ensure the safety and happiness of our new family. Celestia, Mia, and Lily are my world, and I will protect them at all costs.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now