Felicity on trial

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I guide Celestia up the courthouse steps, feeling the weight of her hand on my arm as the morning light filters through the trees.

Camera crews and reporters swarm around us, their attention drawn more to the new diamond ring on Celestia's finger than the case itself. Their questions focussed on our engagement.

Dressed sharply in a tailored suit, I can't help but steal glances at Celestia. Her pregnancy glow radiates, and her simple yet elegant dress hugs her baby bump perfectly.

As we reach the entrance, Alan, our lawyer, greets us with a reassuring smile.

"Morning, you two". Alan says. "I want you both to know I won't let Felicity get away with her lies today. She's up for cross-examination first, and I will make sure the truth comes out".

I nod, my expression determined, while Celestia smiles at Alan gratefully.

"Thank you, Alan". Celestia says. "We trust you completely".

Inside the courtroom, Celestia and I take our seats, our hands intertwined. On the other side, Felicity sits in a dramatic black dress, her expression a mix of disdain and false innocence. Her lawyer, Vicktoria, sits beside her, her eyes calculating and focused.

The judge enters, and addresses the court, "We will now continue with the cross-examination of Ms. Felicity. Ms. Felicity, please take the stand."

Felicity makes her way to the stand, her expression trying to convey innocence. The bailiff swears her in, and Alan approaches with a calm, composed demeanor.

"Miss Felicity," Alan begins, "you claim that Celestia paid to be inseminated with Tom's sperm, and then that she was supposed to be your surrogate. Is that correct?"

Felicity, her voice trembling slightly, responds, "Yes, that's correct."

Alan continues his questioning. "We heard a doctor's testimony yesterday supporting this claim, but it fell apart under scrutiny. Can you explain that?"

Felicity hesitates, her confidence wavering. Alan presses on.

"Miss Felicity, did you pay the doctor to lie?"

As Felicity struggles to respond, I feel a surge of hope. In the background, I exchange a glance with Celestia, our love and unity shining through the tension in the courtroom.

Felicity finally stammers, "No, I didn't pay him. I don't know why he messed up his testimony."

Alan raises an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Isn't it true that you have been desperately trying to discredit Celestia in order to get custody of the twins, even though they are biologically Tom and Celestia's children?"

Felicity's face reddens, and she looks away. "I just want what's best for the children," she says, her voice barely audible.

The courtroom buzzes with anticipation as Alan continues to expose the inconsistencies in Felicity's claims. I can't help but feel grateful for having Alan on our side, and for the love and support of Celestia during this trying time.

As Felicity continues to falter under Alan's questioning, Vicktoria stands up, her confidence unwavering. "Your Honor, I would like to question my client, Miss Felicity".

The judge nods, allowing Vicktoria to proceed. Vicktoria begins her line of questioning, attempting to paint Felicity as the victim in this situation.

"Miss Felicity". Vicktoria starts. "How did it feel when you found out that someone else was pregnant with Tom's babies?"

Felicity sniffles, playing the part of a heartbroken woman. "It was devastating. I couldn't believe it was happening and that he would do that to me, decide that he preferred to have kids with her".

"And how did it feel when Tom moved Celestia into your shared home and started an affair with her ?" Vicktoria probes further.

"It was degrading". Felicity answers, her voice shaking. "I felt betrayed and worthless".

Vicktoria continues, "You hoped to save your relationship when Celestia signed the surrogate contract, is that correct ?"

Felicity nods, wiping away fake tears. "Yes, I thought it was the only way to keep my family together".

"And is it true that Celestia swore to destroy your life when you refused to pay her more money ?" Vicktoria asks, her voice filled with concern.

Felicity looks directly at Celestia, hatred in her eyes. "Yes, she threatened me. She said she would take everything from me. And she did".

Celestia and I exchange horrified glances, knowing that these accusations are complete fabrications.

As Vicktoria finishes her questioning, I watch Alan rise once more, ready to expose the truth behind Felicity's lies. I feel a mix of anxiety and hope, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Miss Felicity". Alan begins, "isn't it true that you were actually relieved to be free of the hormones and fertility treatments, and that you had expressed happiness at not having to 'get fat' due to pregnancy ?"

I can see Felicity's face paling, clearly caught off guard. She stutters, "I... I was just trying to stay positive through a difficult situation".

Alan doesn't let up. "And isn't it true that you were the one who pushed Tom away, despite his best efforts to mend the relationship for a long time ? That you were more focused on his fame and fortune than on him as a person ?"

Felicity's eyes widen, and her composure crumbles. "No, that's not true". She insists, but her voice lacks conviction.

I feel a surge of hope as Alan systematically dismantles Felicity's false narrative. Beside me, Celestia grips my hand even tighter, her nails digging into my skin. I don't mind the pain; it pales in comparison to the emotional turmoil we've endured.

Alan continues, "Miss Felicity, it seems that your claims are inconsistent and driven by a desire to manipulate the situation to your advantage. Can you honestly say that you have the best interests of the twins at heart ?"

Felicity's facade finally shatters. Tears stream down her face as she whispers, "I just wanted to be their mother, I was supposed to be their mother".

The room falls silent, and I can sense the tide turning in our favor. I exchange a hopeful glance with Celestia, knowing that the truth is finally coming to light. Vicktoria quickly asks for a break, saying her client is clearly feeling unwell. As it is close to lunch time the judge agrees and tell everyone to be back in two hours.

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