The woman he shouldn't be thinking of

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I come out from my room, on my way down to the kitchen, just as Tom comes stomping up the stairs. Even from a distance I can see his teeth are gritted and his jaw tense. "Hi Tom, is something wrong ?"

"No, I just need to be alone". His voice is strained and his whole body tenses further. I have never seen him like this, he seems hurt and frustrated all at once and I wonder what has happened.

I know that I probably should leave him be, but I honestly  do not like seeing him like this. "Did something happen at the theater ?"

"No it is just ...Oh just leave me alone okay ?" He shakes his head lightly, pressing his eyes closed, then starts to walk by me. His whole body is rigid.

"Tom!" I grab his arm, stopping him and looking into his face. His eyes are already starting to water, or so it looks to me, and he looks so sad. "What happened ? You look miserable."

He takes a deep breath, pulling away from me slightly. "Nothing ... just ... leave it".

Okay so I have never been good at leaving things alone, and today is not any better than other days. "You look really upset, something did happen didn't it ?"

"Fuck women, I told you to leave me alone, didn't I ?" His head snaps up, and his eyes are burning with irritation, but also with something else, and I have to admit that right now, he scares me a bit, not that I think he will hurt me.

He takes two long strides, backing me up against the wall, and I wonder what he is about to do. He is way too close and he is towering over me. "I tell you what is wrong shal I ? My dear fiancee refuses to fuck me and even when she lets me have some, it is on her premises every time and it is getting oh so fucking boring".

"Oh sorry Tom, I shouldn't have kept asking you. It is none of my business". I do feel sorry for him, and frankly I think that  Felicity has to be some kind of crazy to refuse this man.

He smiles at me, but it is an almost predatory smile. "But you know what the worst part is darling ? She isn't even the one I would really like to fuck right now".

And before I have a chance to react his lips are crashing down on mine, and I gasp with surprise, leaving an opening for his tongue to invade my mouth. My brain is shutting totally down, unable to comprehend what is happening. My body reacts on instinct and my instinct when being kissed by a man like this, is to kiss him back for all I am worth.

Her hands are entangled in my hair, pulling lightly at it and she is sucking on my tongue, making my head spin. Oh God I want to push her back into her room and do really naughty things to her, not even caring that Felicity is downstairs. Right then my most basic instincts are ruling me.

"Shit, I am so sorry Celestia, I ... I don't know what happened, I shouldn't have done that". I have managed to rip my mouth from hers. I look at her, fighting my urge to take it further, I have already been so very bad.

She just stares at me with big wide eyes, looking equally surprised and turned on by my behavior. Her breathing is coming out in little gasps "It's okay Tom, I wont tell her".

"Thank you, and I am so sorry. I was just frustrated. I hope you trust this isn't my normal behavior". I need to get away right this instant, or I am probably going to do something very stupid.

I am relieved when she smiles at me, at least she isn't mad at me. "No need to keep apologizing Tom, I know you meant no harm".

"Thank you". I say before almost running to my bedroom and slamming the door behind me.

I throw myself on the bed and scream, muffled luckily, down into my pillow. What on earth had I just done ? Fuck I had totally lost control and acted like a total jerk. Shit, Felicity could have come up the stairs and seen us and all hell would have been loose.

But what a kiss, I closed my eyes remembering the feeling of her hands in my hair and the way she sucked on my tongue. Felicity never kisses me like that anymore, like I am her only sustenance, actually I do not quite remember if she ever has.

A part of me regrets stopping, but I am not that kind of man. I am not a cheater, and I am after all engaged. We have talked about a summer wedding. I have made my promises. I can't just break them, again I am not that kind of man. After all it is to be for better and worse, this is just a periode we have to work through.

And it is just lust isn't it ... the combination of that sexy little body and the way she moves it so enticingly and the fact that Felicity has been holding out on me a lot lately.

But it is just a period right ? She has a lot going on at work and all this baby business. She is entitled to have a slow period, of course, it doesn't give me permission to cheat. And if I have to be honest, I do probably have a pretty high sex drive. I can't expect any woman to keep wanting sex every day after being together for years. It has to be normal for the passion to die down. Felicity keeps telling me that.

But something else has just dawned on me, when I blurted it out to Celestia actually; sex has gotten more and more boring. Felicity has made up more and more rules for what I can do and where and when. It is like sex is a scheduled activity.

Not that it isn't still nice. Well sex is kind of like pizza, even when it is bad, it is still kind of good. But there is just no real fun or playfulness left and not much passion.

I have to try and change that back, maybe that can rekindle the flame too, and get my thoughts away from the woman in the room down the hall ... the woman I shouldn't be thinking of in that way.

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