Chapter 1

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Five years later:

Somewhere above Jakku.

-BB-6 what's going on back there! I shouted as I tried to shoot down a TIE Fighter that was sticking to my train.

My droid began to repair the leak it had found and within two minutes my cannon buttons were working, smashing the enemy craft to smithereens.

-Starlight, we're pulling back, a First Order Destroyer has just been located by our radar. Poe informed me.

-Copy that, rendezvous with Alpha in two minutes. BB-6 make us a jump to hyperspace, baby.

Suddenly a silent call sounded in my head, I looked around and saw Poe's X-Wing T-30 being towed by the Destroyer.

-BB-6 abort the jump, we must save Poe and BB-8. Black Squadron extraction maneuver, Lieutenant Dameron has a problem. I said.

-Roger that Starlight, we're going to start the maneuver.

I put my ship into hover mode and reach out towards my lieutenant's ship, I focus on the Force and deploy it to pull my teammate out of the tractor beam. Meanwhile, my squadron distracts the fighters, giving me time to get Poe out of there.

As the beam slowly gave way to my will, a dark force blocked me from freeing Poe's X-Wing. More ferocious than mine, it began to gain the upper hand. There was only one solution, and while I maintained a grip on the ship I ordered my Droid to place my X-Wing in the tractor beam to negate its effects.

I informed the entire squadron and Poe:

-Delta, I will sacrifice my ship to free the lieutenant. I'll need an A-wing RZ-2 Interceptor to pick up BB-6 and me as we fall.

-I've got your back Ela. Urcos exclaimed as he positioned himself just below my ship.

I ran straight into the beam after kicking out my precious droid and myself. The plan worked, I didn't have time to fall as I was caught with BB-6 in the bars and Poe was freed. Moments later we were on the other side of the galaxy safe and sound.

-Well done Starlight! Poe congratulated me, followed by the various squadrons.

I thanked them and returned to General Organa, who welcomed me with open arms and asked me for a mission report. She quickly reprimanded me for my rash action before dismissing me.

I went back to my squadron to get more information about our future mission. Poe told us that we were to return to Jakku to pick up a very important shipment.

-We have two days to prepare, normally it will be a walk in the park, we pick up the crate and leave as quickly as we arrived.

Our meeting over, I returned to my quarters followed by BB-6. Suddenly I felt an overlay, the air in my room seemed colder and duller. I then perceived a treacherous presence, an unknown deep voice sounded in the room:

-It is you.

-Who are you? I exclaimed.

-It's really you. repeated the voice, which sounded more and more familiar to me.

-What are you talking about...wait. I recognize your voice! You are Kylo Ren, Commander of the First Order...

-I know you. The Sith asserted.

A thought crossed my mind, why is the Force connecting us? I spoke again:

-No, you don't know me. I want nothing to do with you! I shouted.

But he seemed to have decided otherwise and continued to speak to me:

-I saw something through the Force. On you.

-What!?! That can't be. I shouted angrily.

-Yes, I saw myself with a girl who looked just like you. We were sitting on the Sith throne, conquering the galaxy. I have searched for you for months without success, but now I have found you. You are destined to be mine. Join me on the dark side. he let out with a hint of frenzy in his voice.

-I would never, ever join a monster like you. Get out of my head! I shouted, holding it in my hands. You can't have me!

-I'll tear you away from your loved ones then. he threatened. Prepare the ship and summon the Knights of Ren.

Our connection ended and I collapsed to the floor, barely having time to see BB-6 and the General rush towards me before I toppled backwards and passed out. I woke up a few hours later in the infirmary, surrounded by Poe, Leia and two nurse droids.

-Elara, what happened?

-The Force, it connected me to Kylo Ren. I explained.

-Oh my God, what did he tell you, child? Leia asked.

-That I was destined to be his, I don't remember much else but he sent the Knights of Ren after me.

Poe tried to comfort me as the general pondered, she spoke again:

-Well, this information is crucial for your next mission. We will think about a possible retreat in case of an attack, now rest assured Elara you must complete this mission at all costs.

We nodded and she slipped away, my lieutenant took me in her arms allowing me to smell her soothing scent of leather and citrus. I clung to him and his head settled into my neck.

-Don't scare me like that again. he mumbled.

-I can't promise you anything, Lieutenant, I'm a real hothead. I sneered.

-Yes, but you're my hothead.

He kissed me tenderly, and I smiled at him before shifting to make room for him. He lay down beside me, I settled comfortably in his arms and fell asleep peacefully as he traced the white marks on my face.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now