Chapter 9

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Poe took me straight to the general, so we went through half the base. On the way I tried to hide the necklace with my jacket.

-It's good to see you again," said General Organa.

-It's good to see you again, General.

-You're going to be furloughed for a while, until you're fully recovered.

-But why? I'm fine!

-Don't question the orders, Ela," Poe reprimanded me in a slightly annoyed tone.

-Okay, but at least tell me I can be useful in the meantime," I said, addressing Leia.

-First of all I want you to go for medical examinations to check that your body is not damaged. Then you'll have to tell me what happened while you were a captive of the First Order.


I turned my head to Poe and saw that he didn't appreciate my behavior, I knew that if I continued what I was going to say he would yell at me again. I pulled myself together and huffed:

-All right general, I'll do it.

A few minutes later, Poe and I retreated and he walked me to the medical centre to make sure I was okay. As we walked, he spoke up.

-What's the matter with you, negotiating orders? It's not like you.

-Rooh, it's okay, leave me alone.

He grabbed me by the arm so I would stop walking and look him in the eye.

-Ela, look at me




Why am I getting so upset? It's not Poe's fault, but I was mad at him. The problem is, even I didn't know the reason. I challenged his grip on my arm and headed for the medical centre, leaving him stunned in the middle of the corridor because it was the first time I'd ever been so angry with him.

Once the tests were over, nothing serious to report. I just had to have the wounds inflicted on me by Duwal's claws stitched up. I went straight to my quarters because Poe and the General were the last people I wanted to see. All I could think about was getting that damn necklace off me. When I got to my room I opened my jacket and took the first sharp object to try to cut it.

-It doesn't cut. I said with a gasp.

I then noticed that it had the First Order symbol on it.

-There's got to be something to do with it.

I tried to stick my knife in it but it wouldn't work. I put my thumb on it to try to find a mechanism but instead of opening it, it sent an electric shock that made me fall and paralyzed me for a few moments.

-Damn necklace! I slowed down

Suddenly, the memory of what General Hux had said to me when I had been tied up came flooding back.

« There's no point in trying to pull it off, it's only responsive to two people on this ship. »

-Aaargghh this is not true. I say still on the ground holding my head

-What's not true? Poe asked me without my hearing him enter the room.

-Nothing at all," I said, getting up and trying to hide the necklace as best I could as I turned around.

-What's that around your neck," Poe asked?

-Nothing," I said, still trying to hide the damn necklace with my hair.

-Elara show me," my lieutenant bit out as she approached.

-NO! Don't come any closer," I shouted threateningly.


-Please, but this time my vision broke and tears welled up in my eyes.

-What's the matter? Please Elara, show me, I might be able to help you.


Poe had continued to move forward despite my prohibition. Then he reached my level. He took my chin between his index finger and thumb so that I could look him in the eye. I could see in his eyes that he was trying to help me, but his gaze quickly settled on the First Order necklace.

-What is this?

-An invention of the First Order to make me weak.

-But why didn't you tell us about this earlier?

I didn't answer, just tried not to break down. 

-Elara," he said as his eyes filled with pity.

I think that's what I was most afraid of, that I wouldn't be able to stand up for myself and that people would look at me with pity like they used to.


-Elara stop acting like a child and answer me.

I felt like I was going to explode.

-I... I stammered.


I looked away again.

-Ela, look at me and explain. I'm here, you have nothing to fear from the First Order.

Noooo, I felt like I was about to fall apart and I shouldn't, not in front of Poe. Especially not after what I had said to him before, impossible.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now