Chapter 14

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Ellipse of the three days.

Kylo Ren point of view

I finally returned from my three-day mission. The first thing I did was to check on my prisoner with one of Ren's knights.

-WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S NOT EATING! I said very annoyed

-I'm sorry Commander, but we've tried everything, she just refuses to eat anything," Aplek informed me.

-I'm going to see her right now!

-Wait Kylo, there's something else you need to know," Vicrul intervened.

-Tell me," I growled.

-She may not have eaten, but she also threw up almost three times a day while you were gone. And she continued her nightly anxiety attacks.

I stormed off, angrily heading for her cell. When the door opened, I was greeted by a stench. I looked around for Starlight when I saw her curled up in a ball in the corner of the cell. She was shaking badly and was dressed only in trousers and a band around her chest. I noticed immediately how thin she was, her ribs were showing and her once plump cheeks had become hollow.

-Why, was the only thing I could say because of the pinch that gripped my rib cage? 

Elara's point of view

I felt her gaze on me, heavy with meaning. I cowered a little more and pressed myself against the wall. He slowly moved closer to me and put his gloved hand on my cheek.



My silence spoke for me, which totally chilled the atmosphere in the room.

-Starlight why are you doing this?

I didn't answer again and I felt his hand grab my chin and lift it, forcing me to face his gaze.

-Tell me why?

I looked away and felt my vision begin to blur with tears. I didn't want to tell him everything I was thinking, I didn't want to break down or I would look weak. He pulled my head towards him again when I finally decided to look him in the eye and say in a cold, dry tone:

-I'm fine, no need to worry. 

For me this story had to disappear, I had to bury it deep inside me and it had to never come back.

-Considering the state in which I find you, I don't think you're "doing very well" as you claim.

-If I'm fine now you can leave.

He came very, very close to my face, so close that I felt his breath on me. 

-We'll see about that, Starlight, we'll see about that. I'll get you to talk," he said before leaving.

Kylo Ren's point of view

I walked out of her cell really upset. I knew she was hiding her feelings from me, but I'll get her to talk. Why did it piss me off so much that she wasn't well and wouldn't tell me why. I had saved her from her abuser anyway. When dinner time came, I wanted to make sure she ate.

She hadn't eaten in three days and her body couldn't hold out much longer like this. I entered the cell with a tray of food in my hands. I closed the door and sat down opposite Starlight who was asleep on the floor.

It's normal at the same time she has no strength to get up and as she must have slept even less than she ate, she must be very weak, I thought.

She woke up slowly, opening her darkened eyes slightly. When she regained consciousness, she gasped and her first instinct was to move backwards and deeper into the corner of the room.

-Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. I said in a reassuring tone.

-Oh yes? And what do you want then? she asked, crossing her arms.

-I just want you to eat.

-I'm not hungry," she said, but at the same time her stomach betrayed her and a gurgling sound echoed throughout the cell.

-Are you sure? I don't think your stomach feels that way.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now