Chapter 29

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Viewpoint Korr

-This is Korr, I am in the Chorlian sector on the planet Malachor I managed to escape the first order but my ship is too damaged to join you. Can you send a team to look for me.

Viewpoint Admiral Ackbar

We had just received a distress call from Korr.

-How did they get away at the same time without knowing about it?

-The ships are big enough, Admiral, as long as they were held opposite each other.

-Maybe, but I think it's suspicious. Maybe it's a trap of the first order. Prepare to be attacked on this mission.

-Yes, Admiral!

-What is our counterattack plan? asked one of the soldiers.

-We'll send as many units as we can. Now is the time to strike, we can hurt them. Head for the Malachor system.

Kylo Ren's point of view

I woke up painfully, the back of my head throbbing slightly. I quickly looked around at where I was, a seat from which I could see Kuruk and Cardo flying to an unknown destination.

-Lie still. Told me Aplek put pressure on my chest.

-Where are we going?

-We've picked up a message from the other prisoner. It seems she has escaped as well. We deduced that the Rebellion must have picked it up, so we're going to join them because we think Vulpex will be there too.

-Vulpex? I growled.

-Sorry, Elara," he caught himself. If you want to dress and arm yourself, we've got everything you need. 


Hux Point of View

-Supreme Leader we have a problem, Kylo Ren has escaped.

-Don't worry General, it's all part of the plan. I anticipated it. He answered me confidently.


-Prepare my ship and order the last of Ren's knights to go there.

-Everything will be done according to your wishes.

Elara's Point of View 

Korr's message still echoed in my head, something was wrong. But I couldn't put my finger on it. Suddenly, I was plunged into a fight scene between Ben and three Knights of Ren.
He managed to disable them and started shouting my name, I could see all around him a clash between resistance fighters and First Order soldiers.
Suddenly an evil presence was felt, Ben looked worried and continued to look for me. He came to a hill and searched through the clashes. A misshapen being came up behind him and brought a lightsaber down on him.
He defended himself but I felt him gradually lose his strength, he collapsed to the ground after a powerful blow from his opponent and he could not get up. The other took advantage of this to bring the sword down on Ben with force.

-BEN !!!! I screamed in my cockpit.  

My vision gave me the chills, I couldn't let him die.

-He must not die. Head for the Malchor. I ordered my X-Wing unit.

I went into light speed, hoping I wouldn't be too late.

Viewpoint Korr

The Resistance had just arrived on Malachor, I was taken to a tent where Admiral Ackbar, who was on the main fleet ship, was waiting in a hologram.

-How did you manage to escape?

-I was locked in a single cell, I waited until one of the stormtroopers who was bringing me food didn't pay attention to me so I could grab his gun and kill him. I then managed to reach a hangar and stole a ship. During my escape, they damaged my ship with their TIE fighters, I managed to get to light speed and reach this planet. I lied with fake tears streaming down my face.

-Don't worry my child, it's over. He said, confirming that he had bought my lie.


-Prepare for combat maneuvers and send troops to the field to protect our nursing troops.

I congratulated myself on my comedy and left the tent.

Point of view Hux 

-General, we have just located the resistance fighters. What should we do?

-Launch the offensive, they must not escape. I ordered.

Viewpoint Kylo Ren

-We're landing. Kuruk informed me.

-Good, prepare for battle.

The door to the ship opened and I took out my sword. The battle was in full swing, the bodies of some resistance fighters and stormtroopers littered the ground. The sky was full of resistance and First Order ships.
In the distance I saw, on what looked like a hill, a head of blue hair.

-We have to go there. I informed my allies.

-It's going to be difficult with the fighting.

-We have no choice. That's where she is.

I took off running, avoiding or freezing the shots that were aimed at me. I killed the stormtroopers who tried to stop me with my saber. Suddenly Vicrul appeared in front of me, followed by Trudgen and Ushar.

-This is as far as you go, traitor. Vicrul shouted at me.

-It's because I didn't come alone. I said as Ap'lek, Cardo and Kuruk arrived.

-Stop him from getting through. Vicrul shouted.

-At the risk of disappointing you, brother, this is between you and us. Cardo said, pointing his weapon at them.

I took the opportunity to continue my advance towards the hill. I reached it without too much difficulty, to my greatest surprise it was not Elara that I found there.

-You're quite surprised, my young apprentice. Snoke sneered.

-What are you doing here Master?

-I am here to destroy you. To start over with your dear Jedi and make her a very powerful Sith.

I leapt at him, bringing my sword down on him. He parried my attack with ease with his sword. I kept on attacking him, which seemed to annoy him as he swung at me.

-I won't let you go after her. I growled as I got up.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now