Chapter 24

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He tightened his grip on me and I grunted in pain. He moved angrily towards me, grabbed my cheeks hard and looked into my eyes.

-All I do for you and you think I see you as a toy.

-Let go of me. I growled, breaking his hold on me.

-You're not a fucking toy! he exclaimed, hitting the wall inches from my head.

I angrily pushed him towards the exit, but he resisted, standing his ground.

-GET THE FUCK OUT! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE! I yelled at him, trying to contain the explosion that was growing inside me.

He looked at me for a few seconds, dumbfounded, before clenching his jaw as if to hold back.

-Well, if that's what you want. he muttered.

He turned his back on me, and headed for the door. Once he was gone, I turned off the light in the room and got into bed. I began to cry silently, undoubtedly hurt by the Sith's words, and fell asleep moments later from exhaustion.

Kylo Ren's point of view

I spent several hours in my training room, trying to chase away the remorse of having hurt my Starlight. I stopped and went to my quarters hoping that sleep would bring me some relief, in vain it had decided to overwhelm me with an overwhelming emptiness.

I went to Starlight's cell and found her curled up in her bed. I gently picked her up in my arms without waking her and walked through the corridors with my sleeping beauty. I deposited her in my bed once I reached my quarters.

-Sorry Starlight. I apologized and kissed her cheek.

I went to my bathroom, took a fluorescent ink I had found earlier and wrote my apology on the mirror. I then returned to my sleeping Jedi and watched her sleep until sleep overtook me.

Elara's point of view

After a few hours, I woke up in the middle of the night with a great thirst. I got up and went to the bathroom to drink, I discovered a message on the mirror drawn with a fluorescent substance:

Forgive me, Starlight

I ignored it, but when I went back to bed I found the Sith lying at the foot of the bed in the dim light of the lamps. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully but uncomfortably, so I levitated him and gently settled him on the bed.

-You're really crazy, you poor thing. I whispered as I lay down beside him.

I stroked his hair, tucking it behind his ears so I could see his face better. He let out a slight sigh and then didn't move, so I fell asleep beside him.

"You're just a good-for-nothing!

-Please stop...

-I should never have spent my money to buy you!


-You're not only useless, you can't stand pain. The only thing you deserve is to suffer, so you shouldn't have used your tricks to fool us.


-What do you say when you are a bad slave?

-Sorry master "

Kylo Ren's point of view

I woke up slowly when I felt a presence stirring beside me. It was Starlight, she was spasming and saying "sorry master" over and over. I tried to wake her up without being too abrupt so that she would not suffer her nightmare again.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now