Chapter 10

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-Leave me alone, I beg you. You can talk to the general, but you can't help me, that's all you need to know right now.

-Elara, there is always a way," he said in a vain attempt to comfort me.

He moved closer to me and put his arms around my hips. He laid his head on my shoulder and lightly kissed the skin of my neck.

-I know you're a strong woman, my love, I think you've proven that enough in the past. I just want you to know that if you have a problem, you can come to me and talk about it. I would never judge you.

I turned and buried my face in his neck. I stayed like that for a few minutes before reluctantly picking myself up.

-You can go now," I said, pushing him towards the exit.

He didn't resist and I kicked him out of my quarters. Once the door was closed I slid to the floor. Suddenly a beeping sound came from the collar and a hologram of the Sith appeared before me.

-What the...

-My dear Starlight, there's no point in going on about the necklace," said Kylo Ren.


-Now tell me where you are and I promise to be merciful to your friend.

-NEVER, I screamed!

-Cardo take the prisoner," ordered the Sith.

A person was thrown at his feet and I heard him groan. He grabbed a tuft of hair and lifted the prisoner's head.

-URCOS!!! Release him immediately," I growled.

-Tell me where you are and I will spare him.

-Don't do that," Urcos snarled.

-So you've chosen," said Kylo Ren, igniting his sword.

He brought it down on Urcos and my scream tore through the silence. His body fell heavily to the ground as tears streamed down my cheeks.

-You can't hide for long Starlight. I will hunt you down through the stars if I have to. Be good and wait for me.

I froze, shaken by my tears. The connection broke down and I was left alone with my guilt. The minutes passed quickly, my brain kicked into gear and every piece of information swirled in my head. I bit my thumb, a sign of great anxiety.

-If there's a spotlight it means there's a tracker, I have to leave right away, I realized as I stood up quickly.

I quickly put on my cape, equipped myself with two blasters and headed for the hangar. I called to BB-6 to start my X-wing as quickly as possible.

-blip bloup bloup (a droid sound realyyyy).

-Do as I say BB-6, there's no time.

I arrived at the hangar and started to run towards my ship when I heard someone in the distance shout my name.

-ELARAAAA!!! Where are you going," Poe shouted at me?

-I'm sorry, but I can't tell you, it would put you in too much danger. I said as I continued to walk.

-Elara! Poe called out to me one last time.

-I'm sorry my love, we'll meet again soon I promise.

I climbed into my X-wing and took off for a destination as yet undetermined.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now