Chapter 6

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We had been flying for over ten minutes. My gag was beginning to dent the corners of my mouth slightly. Duwal in his great kindness removed it with the delicacy of a lout.

-I'm going to untie you, you'd better not put it on backwards or you'll regret it," he threatened.

-As if I could," I muttered under my breath.

Suddenly an alarm went off.

-Damn it, they're right on our tail," Duwal bellowed.

A star destroyer had appeared behind us and a horde of TIE fighters were coming out.

-You go and make yourself useful, sweetheart, and take command of the guns, and I'll see to it that we get out of this situation.

This was my chance, a chance to escape from this ship, he started to leave, but stopped. He turned around to place his hand around my neck and began to choke me.

-If you don't do what I tell you, you will suffer the consequences," he threatened as if he had read my mind.

We went our separate ways, luckily the escape pods were right next to the cannons. I had my plan, all I had to do was jump into one of the pods, pretend to be debris and get to the nearest planet. I knew that we were in the Takodana system where there was a planet of the same name, where an old friend of mine could shelter me until I could contact the resistance. It was decided that I would climb inside the capsule (as if I were going to listen to Duwal's orders and stand there quietly) and start it up. I dropped the capsule at the moment of impact to make myself look like debris.

Duwal's point of view

*Onboard computer voice*: Attention, an escape pod has been dropped. Warning, an escape pod has been dropped.

-EEEELAAARAAAAAAA I'LL KILL YOU. I screamed in my cockpit as I tried to outrun the damn fighters.

Elara's point of view

-Okay, I just entered the coordinates for Takodana, I should be landing in 10 minutes. I said, talking to myself.

This landing wasn't one of the best of my life but at least I was alive. In my memory the castle should be near the Nymeve lake, now I just have to find it.

After a good hour's walk, I finally found myself in front of my friend's establishment. I decided to enter by the main door, I was wandering around with a bit of a lump in my stomach for fear that she wouldn't remember me or something like that. I was afraid that she wouldn't remember me or something like that, but Maz gave me a very warm welcome when I entered his castle. We hugged and a tear escaped my eye.

-What's the matter, girl? Aren't you happy to see your beloved Maz again?

-Yes, but I was afraid you had forgotten me.

-Let's see, my child, how could I have forgotten you?

Maz gave off such a calm and soothing energy that the suffering of the last few days vanished, as if the wounds had disappeared.

-Maz they cut off my connection to the Force.

I started to explain the situation to him but I could hardly speak and all my thoughts were mixed up in my head.

-Come on, sit down and I'll get you a drink to help you come to your senses.

I was going to sit down at a table and wait for Maz to come back with something to quench my thirst.

-Here, drink it down, it's easier," she said, handing me the glass with a strange coloured liquid in it. It's a little pick-me-up for lost souls like you," she whispered.

I complied, when suddenly an aftertaste came over me that made me gag.

-I'm going to vomit," I said with my hand in front of my mouth.

-But no, concentrate better on your breathing. Look at me and do it at the same time as me.
Breathe in....
Breathe out....

After having done it several times with Maz's help. I was finally able to talk to him about what had happened to me in the last few weeks, as the alcohol took effect.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now