Chapter 2

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The day of the mission arrived quickly, two squadrons had been mobilised. We had just landed and contacted our supplier, who was at the other end of the village. Poe and Nien were scouting the area, after a few minutes the signal to join up sounded and the rest of the squadron approached the tent.

We had barely loaded the various crates when several TIE fighters flew overhead. Poe ordered the troops to flee to avoid endangering the civilians, three quarters of them managed to do so and those who didn't make it to their ships were shot down by a small army of stormtroopers. The only survivors of the massacre were Poe, Kazuda and myself.

-We quickly disperse and rejoin our X-Wings, they haven't been discovered yet. ordered the lieutenant.

-May the Force be with you. I wished.

We quickly scattered and ran, I saw a command shuttle in the sky bringing death. It landed not far from my ship, I passed a troop of soldiers carrying a family. I decided to follow them to the village square where all the innocent people had been rounded up and surrounded. A masked man dressed in black stepped out of the shuttle, two stormtroopers threw a woman and child at his feet.

The woman spoke to the iron mask who replied, I did not hear what they said to each other but a few minutes later both collapsed to the ground, dead. I fired at the man who froze my shot with the force, I was quickly surrounded by six masked and armed men that I recognized as the knights of Ren. With a shake of his head the Sith ordered them to capture me, I drew my sword and stood guard.

The fight began, I defended myself as best I could against the various anti-sabre weapons until a blade scratched my arm. Turning my attention away from the internal struggle between me and Kylo Ren, I saw him reach out for my arm out of the corner of my eye and I fell to my knees, suddenly dizzy.

ELARA, you must fight!!! my conscience told me.

I got to my feet with a howl, ignoring my condition, raised my head and glared at all the First Order soldiers. I suddenly realized that there were no villagers left and the stormtroopers had disappeared, I was alone against the best elements of the dark side.

I sent the six warriors that still surrounded me flying before running towards my X-Wing. I managed to reach it under the worried exclamations of my droid. But just as I was about to climb up it exploded, blown apart by a TIE silencer. Propelled a few feet away I found myself gasping for breath, however I quickly regained my wits and dashed towards the wreckage of my ship praying that BB-6 had survived.
Small electronic whimpers came to me and I found him sunk in the sand without a scratch.

-BB-6 I want you to stay here and inform the Resistance of my capture. I explained. Turn on your tracker so it can find you, I'll leave you my beau take care of Poe for me.

I kissed the top of his metal head and started to run towards the desert. The two suns of Jakku irradiated my body with an unbearable heat, but I did not give up and I reached a chain of rocks. I was wandering aimlessly when the ominous sound of a TIE fighter sounded, I hid between the rocks and waited. When it was gone I went on my way, this went on for hours and hours and eventually it got dark as did I. I collapsed in the middle of the night, I could not get out of my car.

I collapsed at the entrance to a cave, crawled in with my last bit of strength and huddled against the walls waiting for the probe droids to arrive and they soon found me. I was almost asleep when six figures came towards me, I drew my lightsaber in a futile manoeuvre of intimidation, illuminating the cave with a golden light and was disarmed in no time.

I was lifted up and handcuffed, two knights took me by the shoulders and forced me forward. They took me back to the village and ruthlessly put me on a shuttle. One of them attached my shackles to a magnet on the bulkhead of the craft and went to sit with the others.

-What are we going to do with a Jedi cockroach? asked one of the knights to his fellow knights.

-The cockroach bugs you, jester. I mumbled.

Laughter erupted at my reply and the one who had just spoken stood up, towering over me. He kicked me before grabbing a tuft of my blue hair and tugging it painfully to tilt my head back, he raised a threatening blade to my face.

-Ap'lek calm down, don't damage the pretty lady or the Supreme Leader will crush your throat. Intervened another.

-That's a shame. he growled as he released me.

I smiled at him with all my teeth as he returned to his seat. I took the opportunity to throw dirt and other debris at them by levitation, amused by their reactions. Suddenly the ship landed and the doors opened on two stormtroopers. They untied me and took me down.
They pushed me several times, causing me to lose my temper. I turned towards them and mowed down their legs at the same time. I couldn't enjoy their beating as I was electrocuted, I grunted in pain and two new soldiers grabbed me and forced me into a corridor.

-Come on, scum.

-Hey, watch it, asshole! I replied, glaring at my interlocutor.

-Commander. Ap'lek announced in greeting.

I looked up at the masked man and showed him all the hatred I had for him. He congratulated his men and ordered them to place me in a torture room under guard, and then left as he had come.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now