Chapter 3

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I was taken to a room with a torture chair, on which I was brutally tied. A man entered the room and stared at me with an evil look, I took the time to detail him: red hair cut short, hard features, dressed in black from head to toe as if they only knew that colour and an icy blue look.

-General. Saluted the stormtroopers.

-Leave us.

An order, dry and precise. When we were alone, he approached me with an evil smile on his face. He then grabbed my sword and held it under my nose, taunting me.

-This is the first time I've met a Jedi and held a lightsaber in my hands.

-Release me now. I said, using the Force of persuasion.

-Your tricks don't work on me, vermin. he sneers. Now you will give me the exact location of the rebel base.

-Never, I would rather die than betray the cause.

-As you wish, my soldiers will introduce you to the interrogator IT-O.

He left, making way for a ball-shaped droid and a stormtrooper. The ball approached me and pulled out two wands and placed them on my chest. An electric shock hit me full force making me scream, it stopped and let the stormtrooper order me to respond. I answered in the negative and the shocks continued, it seemed like hours before the object of torture left with the stormtrooper.

However, I was not out of surprises, a stormtrooper in silver armour entered my room. He switched on a mechanism that activated my seat, I felt a sharp burn on my back and then a syringe filled with a bluish liquid was inserted into my arm and injected the substance into my veins. My blood began to boil, causing me to spasm badly.

-Tell me what you know, rebel," the soldier ordered.

-At the risk of repeating myself NEVER! I cried.

I endured a thousand more tortures without uttering a single word, the stormtrooper grew weary. He placed me in a Genosian containment field and abandoned me. I was left alone with my pain. My thoughts drifted to my friends, Poe must have been worried sick about the General. I tried to free myself but failed, the door opened on the Knights of Ren and my body broke out in a cold sweat.

-Capturing you was far too easy, Jedi.

-Cardo is right, and we don't like easy hunts. Ap'lek retorted as she moved closer.

-You want something more complicated, release me and I'll make it hard for you.

-You're such a vulpine. sneered another.

-Too bad the crystal won't break too quickly.

With this sentence the nearest one inflicted a deep cut on my leg. They burst out laughing as my blood ran down my body. Ap'lek collected a drop on his gloved finger and showed it to his companions.

-White blood, but who are you, little vulpex?

-I am the Starlight of the Rebel fleet and I will smash your ugly masks to the ground. I growled as my bonds gave way to the Force.

I removed the electronic bracelets from my wrists and ankles and strode purposefully towards the group of men who were dealing with my pain. They tried to overpower me but I held them down with the Force, retrieved one of their blasters and fled into the maze of corridors:

-Vicrul go get the Supreme Leader! Cardo's voice shouted.

I paid no attention and slipped quietly through the corridors to the call of my saber, I found it in the hands of a colonel who was trying to extract the Kyber crystal. I killed him and retrieved my weapon. I managed to avoid the guards and enter a ship's hangar, I killed the three stormtroopers present before seizing a class XI light shuttle. I managed to take off just as the troopers arrived, I quickly flew to the nearest planet after noticing the low fuel level that would not allow me to make a jump into hyperspace. I quickly landed on a plain with a ruined palace, I saw three transport ships and a huge Upsilon shuttle coming in the distance.
I hurried through the vegetation to avoid being spotted. I found a natural labyrinth made of rocks and tangled roots, I took refuge by setting up an ambush. Several stormtroopers tried their luck but I shot them down with my blaster. Suddenly Kylo Ren appeared with his red saber in hand, I fired at him in the hope of repelling him but he parried all my shots and continued to advance in my direction. I stood up and unleashed my sword, I climbed up the rock wall to a platform and waited for him.

He didn't take long, his impressive build gave off a dark, animal aura. We circled each other for a few minutes before the Sith attacked, I briefly parried the blow and attacked in turn. I tried to blind him by sending dust at him, but his mask did not help, the fight dragged on and I started to feel tired. I quickly teleported a few feet away, but as I fled I was paralyzed in my movement. Kylo Ren appeared in front of me with his arm outstretched and his Force deployed.

-You are not easy to capture.

-That's a compliment I take wholeheartedly, now let go of me. I replied, trying to free myself.

He tightened his grip on me, so hard that I screamed in pain and my physical pain caught up with me at full gallop.

-Don't try to resist, you'll hurt yourself. he advised me, coming closer.

I gave him a hateful look before he put me in stasis and I passed out in his arms.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now