Chapter 26

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-Thanks for the entertainment Kylo. Kuruk laughed.

Vicrul pushed him and they both started to fight.

-Trudgen I'll leave you in charge, I have important business to attend to.

-Well, Commander.

I left the room satisfied with the humiliation I had just caused Vicrul. I went to my quarters impatiently, when I got there Elara was fast asleep. I decided to take a shower before joining her.

Elara's viewpoint

I was awakened by the sound of water, the bathroom was on and I could see a shadowy figure in the shower. I tried to fall back asleep, but to no avail, I got up still drowsy and walked over to the huge window of the room.
I looked out over the galaxy as far as the eye could see, suddenly I felt his presence and shivered as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist. I looked at him for a few moments as he smiled and leaned in to kiss my neck, then returned to my contemplation trying to suppress the butterflies in my stomach. Then he rested his chin on my shoulder.

-Just imagine... he whispered in my ear with a longing and intense tone. I walked right through it to find you and admired every inch of it before I found you.

I stuck my back to his body and let my head rest on his shoulder, sliding my hands over his in a heavy caress.

(WARNING 🍋🍋🍋 !!!! The following scene contains explicit sexual characters, if you don't want to read it continue to the next chapter)

Suddenly, I felt a faint Force vibration coming from my intimacy, it became stronger and stronger. My breath became shorter, and moans escaped in spite of myself.

-I've always wanted to try this technique, does it feel good Starlight? he asked as he increased the flow of Force directly into my private area with a wave of his hand.

-Ben~. I begged.

-The galaxy is beautiful, but there is another view I would like to see tonight. He chuckled at my impatience.

He turned me towards him and placed his lips on mine with ardour, ceasing his little torture at the same time. He lifted me from his arms in one swift movement, so abruptly that we both nearly fell.

-You're crazy, Ben. I laughed, grabbing his hair.

-Yes, I'm crazy, but only about you. You are my everything, my sunshine, my Starlight.

I set him on fire to shut him up, he led us to the bed and swung me over. I burst out laughing like a child as he came at me on all fours, a toothy grin on his face. I jumped on him and flipped him on his side, causing him to be surprised. I then found myself on top of him.

-This time I was the one leading the dance.

-We'll see about that.

Kylo's point of view

I let her take control for a few moments. She started by unzipping my jacket, kissing my chest and moving to my nipples, always making sure I didn't try to go over them again. She bit down on one and a rumbling sound came from my chest. She then moved down to my trousers and undid my belt. She slid my trousers down and began to massage the bulge that had formed in my underwear. A few heavy moans came from my mouth and then I felt her hand start to insert itself inside. She made long strokes up and down my penis and then accelerated her movement. It made my insides bubble. I didn't want it anymore.

-Elara faster...

-Hmmm, I don't know if I want it.


She sped up a little and then began to slow down.

-I told you I was leading the way. she said, proud that she had deceived me.

This enraged me, and I easily took over from her and reversed the roles.

-And I told you that this is what we would see.

She was slightly amused that I couldn't stand to be underneath her. -You're much overdressed. I said as I tore off her clothes.
I removed her bra and repeated the same scenario she had just done to me. I started by kissing her breasts. I then moved down to her intimacy while kissing her beautiful body. I then kissed her intimacy through the fabric. I saw that she liked it so I decided to remove her last lingerie. I inserted my index and middle fingers inside her vagina and used my thumb to play with her clitoris. The more I continued, the more her thighs closed to accentuate my movement. I withdrew my fingers just as she was about to climax. She grabbed my hand with her trembling ones.

-No, please continue~

-So how does it feel to not be in control?

I grabbed her hands and placed them above her head, she was now unable to move, blocked by my hands and body.

-I own you and you can't move, so now I'm in charge.

I caressed her inner thighs with my free hand without going to her clitoris. She grunted in displeasure.

-It's okay Ben I've learned my lesson.

I dropped my shorts and began to push into her. I gave violent thrusts with my back causing her to produce lustful moans. I increased the pace, attacking her neck with delicacy, kissing her and leaving visible marks.

-With these marks, everyone will know you are mine. I declared with pride.

I let go of my grip on her hands and she pressed them directly into my back. She began to scratch me. Surprised, I gave a strong kick and a most exciting moan came from her rib cage.
I could feel her vagina pulsing around my penis. It was too good. I was close to losing all control.
To revive my movement, she kissed me fiercely and bit my lower lip. The slight pain made me come to my senses.

I stood up abruptly and turned her over with a gesture. She was now on her stomach. I straightened her buttocks. From the smile on her face, she knew very well what position I was putting her in Doggy style. She wrapped her fingers around the sheets. I pulled in with a jerk and filled her completely with my member. She dropped her head forward as I continued to dominate her. I ran my hand under her belly and moved to her clitoris. There I massaged it in a circle. Elara's moans intensified. She began to move her hips from left to right, making me lose my mind even more.

-Ben again! she moaned between two thrusts. I'm almost there!

I sped up for a few seconds then slowed down.

-I want to see you when you come. I said as I pulled out.

I put her back on her back again and read on her face how much she wanted to go all the way. I placed myself between her thighs and penetrated her again. She spread her thighs a little wider. I took her hips and used them to push my whole member into her.

While pleasuring her, I watched her face. I had never been so excited. I was speeding up. The first signs of orgasm were felt and became more and more numerous. Her flesh began to tighten around me. Once, twice. Then I felt her explode. I joined her in the pleasure a few seconds later.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now