Chapter 11

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I decided to go to Tatooine, one of the planets furthest from the base. I made my way there without much difficulty and entered a tavern far enough away from any other dwellings and ordered a glass of Corellian rum. The minutes passed slowly, as a crowd of people and shouts were heard near the door of the establishment. Three stormtroopers entered, I hurriedly got up and walked out the back door.

-STOP !!!!

I continued to run without looking back, coming around a corner I was slammed against a wall hard. I felt a hot breath on my neck and running footsteps passing right in front of me.

-That's one problem solved, are you alright miss?

I raised my head and came face to face with a Mandalorian in white and gold armour, he towered over me by a few inches and thus managed to hide me with his body.

-Yes, thank you very much," I replied.

I was about to leave when he grabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall again. He tore off my cloak and I reflexively reached for my collar. He frowned in incomprehension.

-Are you with the First Order," he asked, pointing to the necklace. 

-Let's just say I'm not on the best of terms, now if you'll let go of me I've got a planet to run from.

-Wait a minute, I recognise you, there's a bounty on your head from a Cathar, I believe.

I pushed him with all my strength and started to run again. I arrived at my ship and took off in a hurry. Shots flew past me and I was overtaken by two TIE fighters. I shot down one and accelerated out of the planet's atmosphere. I managed to shoot down the second one after a good ten minutes. Suddenly I was caught in a tractor beam. I looked up and saw a Venator-class Star Destroyer with the Mandalorian symbol on the fuselage.

-Damn it," I exclaimed, banging my head on the controls.

When I reached the ship's hold, I was greeted by seven awkward-looking Mandalorians. I stepped out of my X-wing and drew my blasters.   

-Calm down lady, we mean you no harm, now put down your blasters or I'll have to do it the hard way," said the Mandalorian I'd run into.

Under the duress of his blaster, I dropped my weapons. They rushed to me and took me into a huge, strange-looking room. I was placed in the middle of a platform and they activated the machine. I did not understand what was happening and fell into unconsciousness.

Duwâl point of view  

I had been waiting for the Mandalorian bounty hunters on the barren plains of the planet Danar for a good hour. Their ship finally landed a few meters from mine and they disembarked, two of them pushing a cart with a block of carbonite on it.

-Here is the woman you asked for.

-Let me check and then I'll pay you," I said, moving closer to the carbonite block.

-The customer is king," laughed the Mandalorian as he moved out of my way.

My sweet Elara's features frozen in carbonite, no doubt it was her. I motioned to the two men to load her into my ship while I paid their leader. After payment, he handed me two high quality blasters.

-The girl had them with her.

-Thank you," I said as I climbed back into my ship.

I took off without further ado, heading for my lair in the Expansion region.

Kylo Ren viewpoint

-Sir, the fugitive is on the move," one of Hux's minions said.

-Where is she headed?

-A region called Expansion.

-Activate the hologram I wish to speak with her," I ordered.

-I'm sorry but it's not working," he informed me a few minutes later.

-What do you mean IT'S NOT WORKING," I shouted.

-Yes, it seems that something is blocking the hologram.

I ruminated inwardly as I stared at the red dot that had just stopped on a planet. I motioned to the henchman to enlarge the image and bring up the name of the planet.

-So that's where you're hiding Starlight," I muttered. Set a course for that planet.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now