Chapter 17

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Poe's point of view

For months I have searched the galaxy in vain for Elara. I still remember the apologetic look on her face when she ran away for no reason, leaving her droid and her family behind.

-Lieutenant, an informant wishes to speak with you. My XO informed me.

-Send him in.

A bivalve entered the room, and I motioned for him to sit down. He placed a hologram on the table, which displayed a First Order base.

-This base is located on Myrkr. According to our sources, that's where the person you're looking for is right now.

I looked to Leia for approval.

-You may go Lieutenant, take your best people and bring her back safely.

-I won't let you down, General Organa.

I then hurriedly left to gather my team to attack that base and bring Elara back.

-Black Squadron, everyone to their posts! I ordered, shouting into the X-wing hangar.

-Ready, Lieutenant. They all answered me at the same time.

We took off without further delay. After leaving the atmosphere of our base. I entered Myrkr's coordinates to make a jump into hyperspace.

-Entering light speed in 3..2..1..Go.

Once we arrived we found this forest planet on the edge. Our scanners indicated that there was life on this planet.

-Ok guys, we're going to observe this base from a distance to make sure that Elara is well and truly trapped there, we're going to pick her up and we're going to make off with her.

Two days later
Kylo Ren point of view

Two days had passed, Starlight had successfully expelled all the poison from her body and was now locked in her cell. I set up in my garden not far from my quarters and summoned her. She arrived accompanied by Aplek. He questioned me with his eyes and I answered him with a shake of my head.

Yes, it was finally time to open her eyes. Her beautiful eyes were as golden as her sword. She sat down opposite me, a serious look on her face making me feel uncomfortable.

-Did you send for me?

-Yes, I have something to show you Starlight.

Elara's point of view

I looked at him puzzled. He stood up and moved to my back, resting his hands on the back of my chair.

-Do you remember our good master, Luke Skywalker?

-I do. I replied, feeling his breath lightly on my neck.

-Do you know where he is?

I looked at him angrily as images of the past came back to haunt me. I stood up and placed my finger on his chest.

-You killed him. I growled, pressing my words against his chest. You killed him that day with all our friends, our fellow men, our brothers.

-You're wrong Starlight, he's not dead. He ran away after trying to kill me on that famous day. He left you in my clutches and I slaughtered you, you escaped by a happy accident. The benevolent Luke Skywalker is a coward.

-DON'T BESMIRCH HIS NAME!!! I shouted as I tried to subdue him with the vines that hung from the walls.

He disintegrated them with a single movement of his hand, the plants stopped in their tracks and were covered in ice before exploding into a thousand crystalline pieces.

-Don't look at me like that, my new master trained me well after taking me in. Now look at me, my carefree and ignorant sun. This is a communication captured by the First Order the day after my massacre.

A hologram appeared, I immediately recognized the caller and was speechless.

-Leia, my dear sister. I have terrible news for you, Ben has turned to the dark side. He has murdered all my students and there was nothing I could do to stop him, I'm sorry. I'm going to step aside for a while to think of a solution...

The message ends like this, my thoughts racing in my head. I can't believe it, not until I get the second version of events.

-Where is he now?

-Hiding like a rat. Now that you know the truth, Starlight, join me and I'll teach you the dark side of the Force. Join me and we will rule the galaxy, you will never be my prisoner again you will be my Empress. He offered, holding out his gloved hand.

His hand called to mine, I shyly reached out and saw a spark of joy in his eyes. I came to my senses a few inches from his fingers and gave him a deep and sincere apologetic look.

-I can't, I don't want to dominate the galaxy even if it means giving up my powers or dying. I will never change my mind, I want peace, not war. Please understand that.

His hand closed with a sharp snap and he grabbed me violently by the shoulders, ranting. His look had changed completely, the hint of joy had given way to immense anger.

-I chose you, the Force destined you for me. Why don't you choose me? he growled, trying to probe me.

-I told you, I don't want to rule the galaxy, I just want peace.

I am experiencing pain, betrayal, doubt, anger and fear. Fear of my choice, fear of being alone and of seeing me disappear. Then I was certain that I would succeed in bringing him back to the light side.

-You leave me no choice then...

He paused in his sentence and looked up at the sky with concern.

Kylo Ren's point of view

I felt a hostile presence hovering over us. Suddenly alarms began to sound. There seemed to be more of them than us. I grabbed Starlight by the arm and pulled her after me to get her away as quickly as possible. The first shot rang out and landed not far from the ship's hangar, I quickened my pace, hoping they hadn't spotted us yet.

-Hurry up Starlight! I exclaimed in panic.

I only heard my captive's scream and suddenly found myself on the ground with her on top of me. Out of breath and panicked, she was scanning every inch of my face for any injury and I did the same, luckily she was only scratched on the cheek. Once she was sure I was not hurt, she stood up and held out her hand to me. I grabbed it without hesitation and stood up, pulling her to me in a hug of relief and kissing the top of her head.

-Thank you. I murmured, taking her hand. I whispered, taking her hand more gently.

We're making it to the base safely. I reluctantly handed Starlight over to two stormtroopers to take her back to her cell while I quickly joined my fellow soldiers in the equipment room.

-Situation report.

-There are 7 rebel X-wing ships. Vicrul informed me.

-Shit, they've come for her! I shouted.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now