Chapter 25

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-Transport shuttle number 78-92, request to leave the bridge. I spoke into the intercom.

-Request accepted for shuttle 78-92.

-Great! I exclaimed after disconnecting the call.

I flew to an unknown destination in search of my parents, with stress and hope.

Kylo's point of view

I suddenly had a bad feeling, I rushed to my quarters hoping to find Starlight where I had left her. When I arrived I was greeted by silence, anxiously looking for her everywhere in vain.

I sensed her presence at the other end of the ship, I ran through the corridors jostling and avoiding everyone I met. Worry gripped my gut as I reached one of the ship's hangars, I was about to find the control droids in the control room.

-Did you record an unscheduled take-off?

-Yes, a stormtrooper cleared a shuttle for takeoff, serial number 78-92. The droid informed me.

-SHIT !!!! BRING HIM TO ME NOW!!! I yelled as I drew my saber.

I slammed it down on everything I could find, venting the anger I had just felt at the news.

-Locate that shuttle immediately and get the knights on the hunt. I ordered once I was calmer.

Elara's Point of View

The Force had led me to a small moon not far from a planet called Agamar. I flew over it to find the exact spot the Force was pointing to. After a few passes, I landed my craft and rushed to what I thought was an old mining plant.

There was something ominous and gloomy about the place that gave me the creeps. I took my courage in both hands and went inside. Everything was covered with dust, debris and remains of living beings littering the floor. I bent down to examine one of them when I noticed some marks on the floor.

-They wouldn't be...

I didn't have time to finish my sentence when a scream tore the silence of the place. I leapt to my feet and ran in its direction, following the footprints in the dust. I then emerged in a huge room, probably an old reception hall, in which I discovered a cloud of Dinkos covering two forms lying on the floor.

-GET OUT OF THE WAY! I shouted to make them run away.

They all turned towards me and tried to attack me with their fangs out. I kicked them against the wall with the Force. After a few minutes they disappeared and I was left alone with two lifeless bodies.

I moved closer to the two, my stomach churning, hoping with all my heart that I was wrong. I slowly turned the first one over, my greatest fear had come true.

-Dad...I whispered as I discovered his face marked by life in the mines and by the teeth of the Dinkos.

I turned around and found my mother's body in horror, scarred by pain and the gaping hole in her stomach. I screamed with grief as I took them both in my arms, holding them in a final embrace of reunion and grief.

-Who? Why you?

My tears blurred my vision, my sobs echoing throughout the room. Then I felt a presence beside me, I looked up and saw Obi-Wan looking at me with empathy.

-I'm sorry, Elara.

-I should have kept them safe, I should have been there to prevent it. I sobbed.

-You couldn't, it's not your fault young Jedi. Now dry your tears and give them eternal peace. he advised, placing his ghostly hand on my shoulder.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now