Chapter 5

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Hours passed without Urcos being brought back to the cell, and I was pacing when the door opened. Before me stood one of the last known bounty hunters and my ex-companion at the same time, Duwâl the Cathar.

-So it was true, my celestial Elara had been captured. he said as he closed the door.

-What are you doing here, kitten, you miss me too much.

He pressed me against one of the walls and dug his claws into my shoulders as before. His emerald eyes shone with a gleam I had never seen before, a mixture of hatred and joy.

-I broke into that demon ship to take revenge on you and bring your corpse back to my sanctuary.

-I had nothing to do with our break-up, you are the one who destroyed everything by deceiving me with that Kessurian dancer and you dare to want me dead. You are a disgrace to the loyalty of your species," I shouted as I tried to free myself.

He tightened his grip and I grunted in pain, cursing this collar that prevented me from pushing him away.

-I'm already imagining the pain I'm going to put you through for everything you've done to me. He said, digging his claws deeper and deeper into my flesh.


-Oh yeah? And the time you sent your new resistance partner to screw up my plans, you didn't do anything?

It's true that after we split up I did everything I could to bring him down but nothing worked until one day he disappeared from our radar.

-Well, that's it, I'm taking you in.

-Wait, wait, wait, wait. WHAT!!

-Let's get out of here!

-I'm never going back with you!

-The thing is that you don't have a choice my pretty. He says, taking my chin in his paw and bringing his face very close to mine.

-The First Order will never let you go with me like that!

-That's why I'm not going to ask them, honey. As he told me this, he still smirked, disgusting me to no end.

When suddenly, without me understanding what was going on, I found myself gagged and my hands tied behind my back.

-Wh..ach amme you do..ching! I said with a complexity to express myself.

-I'll make sure you can't thwart my plans this time. Go on now, my pretty. He whispered in my ear, which sent unpleasant shivers down my back.

His blaster in my back forced me to comply with his orders even though I was trying to walk as slowly as possible.

-What are you doing here? I told you to move. He said in a very displeased ton.

-Fhhuchh yohu.

-Hurry up, we're almost at the ship.

Something seemed strange to me, there were no stormtroopers in the corridors.

-You're probably wondering why none of those junk soldiers are still here to take me on? It's because I've blocked all access to us, locking every door to the hangar. The Cathar announced with great satisfaction.

A few moments later, we had arrived in the hangar, only a few meters to go to reach the ship. It was without counting on the efficiency of the soldiers of the first order that we found ourselves surrounded, their blasters pointed at us.

-Wchat dich yochhu schh? I said, seeing that his plans were not going the way he wanted.

General Hux entered with his superior walk and evil look.

-Give us back the girl and we will let you go. he declared in the coldest of moods.

-NEVER! Duwal shouted, putting his gun to my head and choking me with his other arm at the same time.

-I will say it only once, GIVE US THE GIRL BACK!

-That's what we'll see! You are in no position to order me to do anything.

Duwal took advantage of this moment of negotiation to throw a tear gas canister at Hux and his soldiers. He then pulled me into his ship, closed the door and started the engines.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now