Chapter 13

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They had all dropped their masks and were bare-chested, and my heart raced. I watched the fight unfold before my eyes, captivated by every movement that moved their bulging muscles. However, my gaze remained locked on Kylo Ren, his jaw clenched with effort and the sweat dripping down his forehead giving him a je ne sais quoi that set me on fire as his gaze fell on me.

-I've had enough for today," he said, putting his weapon away, followed by his companions.

The knights withdrew with the stormtroopers, leaving me alone with him once again. He stalked towards me and stopped only inches from my body, he lifted my chin with his index finger as I shook harder and harder still feeling Duwal's touch.

-Look at me.

I gasped and obeyed the second his eyes probed me for something. He didn't seem to have found it because he gave me an angry look.

-What happened to you will teach you a lesson Starlight, it will teach you that nothing good will happen to you if you run away.

-Let go of me," I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks.

-Soldiers, lock her in her cell," the Sith ordered, throwing me to the ground.

The two stormtroopers lifted me up and took me to a different cell from the previous one, this one was glassed in so I could be seen by everyone. I sat down on the bench that seemed to serve as a bed and plunged into my thoughts. The night fell far too slowly for my liking, I lay in bed with a sinking feeling in my stomach and fell asleep with a bad feeling.

Kylo Ren's point of view

I had been in bed for a good hour now and I couldn't get to sleep. Why had I been so cruel to her? A scream tore through the silence of the base, I dressed in third gear and ran to see what was going on.

A crowd had formed outside the cell, I pushed my way through the crowd and found my knights trying to calm the rebel.

-What happened?

-I don't know, we were standing guard with Vicrul when she started screaming and clawing at herself," Trudgen explained.

-All of you, get out of here," I ordered, turning to the crowd of stormtroopers and lieutenants.

Once they had withdrawn, I dismissed the knights as well, then approached my still screaming captive. I took her in my arms and held her hands to prevent her from hurting herself more than she already was.

-Let me go, Duwal. I BEG YOU. LET GO OF ME.

She repeated the phrase over and over, squirming to escape a touch that would never again traumatize her in reality. Tears escaped from her closed eyes, she was sweating profusely and this sweat was mixed with the blood escaping from her wounds.

I was desperate to find a way to stop her, the only way I could find was to put her in stasis. She stopped screaming but her body was shaking, I laid her on the cell bed and tucked her in, trying to reassure her by stroking her face, following her beautiful white marks.

-It's all right Starlight, I've taken care of the problem you have nothing to worry about. I'll be the same in your dreams and eradicate that cheeky cat from your mind in no time," I whispered, stroking her hair.

Elara's point of view

I woke up painfully trying to remember where I was and what had happened. I looked around and saw the entire glass cell, then following the cell with my eyes I saw Kylo Ren sitting in a chair, asleep.

Suddenly everything came back to my mind: Kylo who must have put me to sleep, flashes of Ren's knights trying to hold me, but most of all my assault by Duwâl.

The images and sensations came back to my mind. Faced with this realization, I felt violently nauseous, I got up with a start and barely had time to get off the bed before I spilled the contents of my guts on the floor. This woke up Kylo Ren, who immediately ran to me and held my hair back.

-What happened? Are you okay," the Sith asked worriedly?

-Nothing, everything's fine," I replied, catching my breath.

-I'll take you to the shower and you can change your clothes.

-I'll do that.

We then left for the showers. Kylo didn't even bother to put the cuffs on me, I was so exhausted I wouldn't have done anything anyway. We finally got to the showers. I hadn't been able to take one for a while. A stormtrooper brought me a new suit as the one I was wearing was in a sorry state.

I left for the cabins. Then I started to undress when I noticed blood stains on the suit, and then I saw that my fingernails were also full of blood. I rushed to a mirror and saw that my neck was covered with self-inflicted gashes. It made even more sense in my head because I couldn't remember why the knights of Ren were trying to keep me down. After observing all the wounds I had or could have had, I went to take a shower. The warm water ran down my hair, my face, my back, my legs and down to my feet.

It was such a perfect, soothing sensation that I closed my eyes and let the sound of the water lull me to sleep. But a stormtrooper woke me up from my dream and told me that I had to hurry up and that I had been alone for too long. I soaped myself up and rinsed off quickly. I put on the new suit and headed for the door. When I came out Kylo Ren was waiting for me behind the door and spoke to me:

-Are you feeling better?

-Yes, thank you a little," I replied shyly.

A question had been on my mind for a few minutes but I didn't know how to ask him.

-Do you have something to ask me," he asked as if he had read my mind?

-Yes, I do. Have you been watching over me all night?

He seemed surprised by my question but answered calmly:

-Yes, I didn't want you to destroy yourself. So I forced your mind to fall asleep with the Force so that at least you would stop screaming.


-We'll move you to a different cell, back to a normal cell.

-All right, then.

So I went back to my old cell. It was the same as the other one but at least no one could see me.

-I have to go on a mission for three days so you won't see me for a few days.

-Going on a mission is a funny way of saying killing resistance fighters and innocents," I mumbled.

-What did you say?

-No, no, nothing at all," I said with my best smile.

I went back to my cell and tried to find something to occupy my consciousness, even if it was complicated with all the sensations that came rushing back as soon as I distracted myself for a second.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now