Chapter 12

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WARNING !!! this chapter contains a rape scene, sensitive soul don't read the Elara POV n°1

Duwâl's point of view

Elara was again in front of me and defenseless. She had managed to escape once, but it would not happen again, she had only delayed what I was planning for her.

-Mmm you are so beautiful when you are helpless, my sweet Elara.

I pressed the buttons to release her from the carbonite. Her body began to glow and the carbonite gradually disintegrated due to the heat emitted by the frame around her. Elara's body fell to the ground and she began to tremble from the effects of the freezing.

-Where am I? Why can't I see anything? she asked blankly.

-You're in my house, my pretty. I said with a sarcastic tone

-WHAT?! Duwâl !

-Eh yes my sweet, the only one and lunic.

-No no no that's not true ! I have to go, I have to go, I have to go far away. She repeated several times while continuing to tremble.

Elara's point of view

-Shhhh Elara don't make any noise, you're spoiling my fun," he purred, putting his paw over my mouth.

-Mmmhmm," I said as I struggled.

-If you don't move, I promise you won't suffer," he whispered in my ear.

The Cathar threw himself on me suddenly. He tore off my clothes and I could tell by the sound that he was taking off his own.

-I missed your body too much not to kill you right away, I'm going to enjoy it. Look how he remembers my touch," he laughed, showing the shivers of fear that were forming.

His hands roamed my body as I suppressed a growl of disgust, he was about to kiss me when I sent my knee into his sack. I tried to crawl away because my vision was still very blurry. But I was pulled back by my ex-partner who tackled me face down.

-Duwâl stop, I beg you.

I didn't have time to continue my sentence when he penetrated me violently, I cried out in pain as he destroyed me by biting me violently on the back. I felt the blood and tears flowing, only my screams answered my cry for help.

Kylo Ren's point of view

We finally landed on this planet. We were heading with the Knights of Ren to the base of the bounty hunter Duwâl the Cathar.

I opened the door of this base with the force and went to the room where Starlight was located. I heard cries of pain and suffering emanating from the room. I opened the room as quickly as possible.

Elara's viewpoint

Suddenly the doors opened to reveal the figure of a man, a destructive aura filled the room as the weight of the Cathar disappeared from my back. The figure walked past me without a glance. Despite my exhaustion and pain, I managed to turn onto my back and saw the spectacle : I could tell that Duwâl was off the ground and gasping for air as my saviour drew his sword, his hand trembling with rage.

-I don't know how you managed to capture her, but you're not getting out of this place alive, DON'T TOUCH WHAT BELONGS TO ME," Kylo Ren yelled as he sliced my attacker in half!

I heard a spongy thud and laid my head back on the ground with a groan. My body ached horribly and my vision still didn't clear. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and screamed in terror as I struggled with what little strength I had left.

-It's over Starlight. Calm down," Kylo Ren said in a calm and reassuring voice.

I couldn't do it, though, and I groaned more and more, not being able to get Duwâl's touch out of my head. I heard running footsteps coming towards us, voices and exclamations echoing around us. My breathing stopped momentarily and I felt a sting in my neck, the drug gradually took effect and I managed to calm down.

I looked around in disorientation, despite the murky appearance of things I could tell that I was in the arms of the Sith in the middle of a discussion with his knights. I squealed in pain as I snuggled further into Kylo Ren's arms while I felt all eyes on me, I tried to move but my body was too heavy. Even my head fell back as I tried to lift it. I began to hear dull buzzing sounds and then I sank into unconsciousness.

When I opened my eyes I was in a vat of a watery substance, a mask was over my face. I panicked and tried to pull it off, but a pair of mechanical arms prevented me. I was pulled to the surface and lay on a resting bed, a medical droid approached me accompanied by two stormtroopers.

-Your vital functions are no longer engaged, you have nothing more to fear," he said.

-Enough chattering, scrap metal. You, the rebel, get up, the Commander, don't wait," one of the soldiers said, tossing me a pile of clothes.

I put on the black suit with difficulty, I didn't even have time to understand what was going on when handcuffs were passed over me and they were already pulling me towards the exit. We quickly made our way through a large crowded alley before entering a large First Order hangar, I was led into a large room where I found the six Knights of Ren facing the Sith.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now