Chapter 4

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I woke up with a start, back in a dark room and tied to the wall with a chain. Across from me stood the Sith, who seemed to be staring at me like a freak. I returned the stare with an evil eye.

-Ah, I recognise that look, it's the one that wants to kill me. he scoffed.

-That's what happens when you face a masked monster. I said ironically.

He seemed to think about my words, then he stood up and removed his mask. I discovered a soft face with a tortured look and a constellation of moles, half-length black hair fell on his shoulders and his black eyes captured my thoughts. I quickly came to my senses after this magnificent...horrible discovery.

-So you are the prisoner that my soldiers cannot break.

-It is quite possible.

-I will arrange it. I will take all I want from you, give up and I promise you will not suffer. Otherwise you won't talk much with my hands around your throat. he whispered.

-You will get nothing from me.

-As you wish.

The Force encircled my neck fiercely, the air began to thin, but I held on, holding the Sith's gaze. He showed no emotion as if his mind was wandering away. I began to see black dots appear in front of me and my body stiffened before I knew it, tears welled up in my eyes and I gave in like a coward.

-Finally some rationality. he congratulated me.

The grip on my throat disappeared and I tried to catch my breath. Kylo Ren came towards me with a satisfied look on his face, his gloved hand stroked my cheek and I recoiled.

-Tell me your name.


-I see, you want to be clever. Well, I know of the pilot who destroyed a Resurgent class star destroyer without the help of his squadron. he laughed.

I looked at him in disbelief, that mission was never reported because the Resistance had managed to keep the ship's movements on enemy radar to allow the Resistance carriers to go undetected.

-You thought this destruction would go unnoticed by me, I had sent a TIE escort as a lookout to warn me of any attack. The stormtroopers then gave me a report, your nickname appears several times and your ability to overcome the challenges you face. You are one of a kind.

The minutes passed and silence fell, suddenly I had a flash. I saw Poe covered in blood lying on the ground, I saw myself running to him and shaking him unmercifully begging him to stay alive. I screamed his name and then nothing, I came to, panting and lost, the man in front of me was now looking at me with pity. He stood up and put his hand on my cheek, brushing away the lonely tear that rolled down it.

-I promise you this won't happen if you stay by my side.

-I'll do everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen, but I will never stand by you.

His empathetic look disappeared and was replaced by a badly contained rage, he moved away from me and drew his sword. He took his anger out on the walls, suddenly he turned his head towards me and I recognized something that broke my heart. I disarmed him and pulled him to me, before he could react I hugged him with all my strength.

-I'm sorry Ben, I'm so sorry. I whispered.

He tensed and then pushed me away, his face expressing surprise and incomprehension.

-I remember you, from that day when you destroyed the temple. I am... 

-SHUT UP, HE DIED THAT DAY! he shouted, sending me tumbling against the wall.

I fell back to the ground stunned, I raised my head and saw him leave furiously with a mask on his face. I did not try to stop him and I remembered the distant memory he had just brought up. My memories were short-lived, the door opened to reveal General Hux holding a black box and he was accompanied by three stormtroopers.  

-I have a gift. he said as he opened the box.

Two of the soldiers grabbed me while the third retrieved the necklace from the box. He forced it on me as I dismounted, and no sooner had he fastened it than an immense void was created in my being. I could no longer feel the life around me, nor the Force coursing through my body.

-What have you done to me!

-We've blocked your link to the Force with this carbonadium collar. Hux laughed in satisfaction. There's no point in trying to pull it off, it's only responsive to two people on this ship.

-YOU ARE A VILE BEING! I roared as I tried to throw myself at him.

Held back by the chain I stopped inches away from him in a fury, he slapped me hard and the stormtroopers lynched me violently before leaving. This went on for days, I took it in stride. Kylo Ren never returned to my cell, leaving me in the hands of his sadistically inclined general.

I felt lonely until the door to my cell opened to reveal two soldiers holding a prisoner, they threw him to the ground and then left as they had come.

I immediately recognised my new cellmate, moved closer to him and noticed that he was unconscious. I lifted him as best I could and laid him on the only bed in the room. I checked for injuries and tried to wake him up, he opened his eyes and saw me.

-Elara!!! Oh my God, we thought you were dead. he exclaimed, taking me in his arms.

-Urcos, slowly you're choking me. I laughed, relieved that he was okay.

-What's that around your neck? Why are you covered in bruises?

-This collar prevents me from using the Force. I explained. The bruises are just the marks of my daily torture.

He was about to reply when the door opened again to reveal a Knight of Ren and two Stormtroopers. The soldiers grabbed my friend and led him out of the cell.

-Rest easy Vulpex, you'll need it for the next interrogation. The knight said mockingly.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now